Research Design Research Setting Research Subject



A. Research Design

This research was a classroom action research. As stated by Burn 2010, action research is to be self-reflective in critical and systematic approach to look at how teaching works and to see parts of teaching that could have been better improved. The teaching parts could be the teacher, the students and the teaching and learning technique. The role of teacher is both as a researcher and participant. This research was focused on improving students’ speaking skills of grade VIII of SMP N 2 Sewon through communicative language teaching activities. This highlighted teaching and learning technique to be improved. The researcher directly participated to solve problems in speaking skills. The researcher also had collaboration with the teacher as the part of democratic validity.

B. Research Setting

This research was conducted in SMP Negeri 2 Sewon, Bantul, Yogyakarta. The school is located in Jalan Parangtritis KM 6 Bangunharjo, Sewon, Bantul. This school is located in sub-urban area near the main road that is Jalan Parangtritis. There are a headmaster and 47 teachers. They have facilities to support teaching and learning processes. Those facilities are 24 classrooms, a library, a science laboratory, two computer laboratories, a mosque, a health room, 14 restrooms, two canteens, a social laboratory, a consulting room, a teacher room, a headmaster room. Every classroom is equipped by projector to support teaching and learning processes. This research was conducted in the second semester of Academic year 20152016. This was done from the end of March to the mid of May 2016. The research covered Preliminary Observations to the 26 implementations of improving students’ speaking skills of grade VIII students of SMP N 2 Sewon through communicative language teaching activities.

C. Research Subject

The subjects of the research were VIII D students of SMP Negeri 2 Sewon, Bantul, Yogyakarta consisting of 26 students, 13 males and 13 females in the Academic Year 20152016.

D. Research Instruments