Data Collection Techniques Data Analysis Techniques

28 students with the actions. During the actions, the researcher also did observations through writing field notes to write difficulties that might occur. The observation checklist was used to check the activities done. 4 Reflection In this step, the researcher did the reflection after accomplishing each cycle which was done in four meetings. The researcher conducted interviews with the English teacher and some representative students as the reflection in the end of each cycle. The results of interviews and field notes done during the implementations were used to decide the next actions.

F. Data Collection Techniques

This research was basically qualitative research to get qualitative data but this was supported by quantitative data as well. Qualitative data were some observations in the forms of field notes, and interviews to be presented in interview transcripts. Quantitative data were gained from assessing students’ speaking performance using speaking assessment rubric.

G. Data Analysis Techniques

There were qualitative and quantitative data in this research. The researcher used qualitative data analysis through the steps as proposed by Miles and Huberman 1994: 10-12. Figure 2: Steps of Qualitative Analysis by Miles and Huberman 29 The first step was data collection. Data were collected from the results of the research through the use of field notes, observation checklists, and interview transcripts. The next step was data reduction. The researcher selected, limited, and simplified data through summarising and or paraphrasing with the field notes and interview transcripts. The third step was data display. The data selected were then displayed and organised. The data were in the forms of texts and tables of field notes and interview transcripts. The last step was conclusion drawing and verification. The conclusions were obtained from the field notes, interview transcripts of students’ performances. To do verification, the researcher looked back at the data such as field notes, interview transcripts as necessary. To fulfil democratic validity and to avoid subjectivity, the researcher and English teacher delivered comments and opinions about the results and the implementations in this research. For the quantitative data, the researcher analysed the data by comparing the means of scores from pre and post tests. The speaking scores were analysed by calculating the means of each skill in each tests using Microsoft Excel. They were presented in the forms of tables and mean scores and then were compared and described to see the improvements between the pre and post speaking tests of students’ improvements.

H. Research Validity and Reliability