The Roles of Teacher School-Based Curriculum for Teaching Speaking in Junior High School

13 something, giving instructions, guiding the study of something. It can be concluded that the teacher ought to be the guide, facilitator and instructor to help students learn language. Teacher needs also to consider the age of students. As proposed by Harmer 2007: 81 that age is the consideration how to treat students, and different ages of students have their own needs, competence and cognitive skills. Lightbrown and Spada 2006: 67-764 in Harmer 2007: 81 considers that adolescence and older children make more progress than young learners. Teaching older children is expected to be easier and it would help teacher to teach grade VIII students.

f. The Characteristics of Junior High School Students

Junior High School students are categorized as adolescent learners. Most of them understand what to do in learning. But we cannot deny that there are still challenges to teach adolescent learners. Harmer 2007: 83 also states that adolescent is bound to a search of identity and in the needs of self-esteem. They tend to prioritize approval from their peers and give less attention to the teacher. That is why the students pay less attention to the class while the teacher is explaining. Putcha and Schratz 1993: 4 in Harmer 2007: 84 explains more that the problems in adolescent are because the failure of the teacher to link between what teachers want to and must teach and what learners’ world of thought and experience. Students then are expected to react to texts and situations based on their own thought and experience. It means also that the teacher should try to provide them with meaningful tasks and activities that are closely related to their experience and thought and they are able to do.

g. The Roles of Teacher

Teacher has prominent roles in conducting learning process in the classroom. Teacher is seen as the role model for the students to get 14 resource of learning. Moreover in CLT, teacher needs to pay attention of their roles in teaching. Harmer 2007:108 states that teacher is as a facilitator. He 2007:108-110 also adds that there are more classifications of the roles of teacher in the classroom. They are as follow. 1 Controller Teacher acts to control and lead the classroom. As controller, teacher usually tells students what to do, read aloud and the like. Teacher is also as transmitter to transfer knowledge. 2 Prompter Teacher as prompter tries to encourage students to continue what they want to say by giving clues and also persuades them to use English rather that mother tongue language in a group discussion. 3 Participant In some opportunities, teacher needs to join to the students’ activities to encourage them from inside the activities rather than just from the outside as prompter. Participating is seen more fun for the students to have teacher inside their activities. Teacher needs also to be careful not to be too dominant in participating. 4 Resource Students sometimes want to ask for information or to know something. This is the chance for teacher as resource. Teacher needs also to stimulate them to be autonomous in learning by asking them to check to dictionary or other resources like internet. No teacher knows everything. Teacher needs to say for the answer of questions where teacher does not know yet the exact answer. 5 Tutor Tutor is the combination of prompter and recourse. Teacher can ask and point some students to participate in their projects or activities. That is the role of tutor to directly make them take turn. 15

h. School-Based Curriculum for Teaching Speaking in Junior High School

Teaching at Junior High School is based on the curriculum. There are two running curricula in Indonesian education nowadays. They are School-Based Curriculum KTSP and Scientific-Based Curriculum also known as Kurikulum 2013. Based on the School-Based Curriculum KTSP, the objective of learning English in Junior High School is to be able to communicate using English in daily life context. That is also supported by one of the goals of Badan Nasional Standar Pendidikan BNSP that is to develop the competence of written and spoken communication in functional level. The curriculum of school-based is developed through combining the standard of competence and basic competence by the government meeting the needs of learning with the needs. After that, the teacher develops those points based on the students’ background, school prospective, social and cultural background and so on. On the other hand, the school has authority to develop and regulate the curriculum based on the needs and mission of the school. The table below shows the example of the standard of competence and basic competence of English for grade VIII Junior High School. Table 1: The Example of the Standard of Competence and Basic Competence of English for Grade VIII Junior High School of the Second Semseter 10. Expressing meaning in simple short functional text and monolog in the forms of recount and narrative texts to interact in surroundings. 10.1. Expressing meaning in simple short functional texts using various spoken forms accurately, fluently, and acceptably to interact in surroundings. 16 10.2. Expressing meaning in simple short monolog using various spoken forms accurately, fluently, and acceptably to interact in surroundings in the forms of recount and narrative texts

3. Communicative Language Teaching