Perception Translation Exercises Passive Voice


4. For Future Researchers

This study is expected to bring benefits to future researchers who want to conduct a research related to grammar. It can be a reference or source for future researchers.

F. Definition of Terms

In order to clarify the concept of the discussion presented in this research, the researcher provides the definition of terms used in this research.

1. Perception

“Perception means the ability of the mind to refer sensory information to an external object as its cause” McKean, 2003: 1107. Perception in this thesis is the students’ opinions of something. Perception here refers to tenth grade students’ point of views about the use of translation exercises in learning passive voice. Thus, it is an argument, an idea, or what a student is thinking about the use of translation exercises to learn passive voice based on their own experiences.

2. Translation Exercises

Sinclair 2001: 535 describes exercise as an activity or a work that somebody does to help learn a particular skill. Translation exercises in this study are used to help students learn passive voice. That means the items are provided in Indonesian language that involves passive voice and then students should translate into English. The exercises are arranged from the materials which have been given by the teacher. Thus, it is a kind of exercise that is given by a teacher to teach grammar and to measure whether students can grab the point and understand. The PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 9 exercises can be a sentence or sentences such as interrogative sentences, or declarative sentences and those can be also a text form, such as descriptive text or narrative text. In this thesis, students will give their opinions on the use of translation exercises to learn passive voice.

3. Passive Voice

“Passive voice is a verb form or voice which is used to indicate that the grammatical subject is the object of the action or the effect of the verb” Soukhanov, 1996: 1324. In this study passive voice means a sentence which the subject accepts the action and the subject is appeared in a by the . . . phrase or the subject can be omitted Hansard, 2004. The pattern is be + V3 or subject should be followed by auxiliary or modal followed by be and then followed by past participle. In this research, the students or participants have difficulties in learning passive voice. Therefore, passive voice is given in exercises form. The exercises are in Indonesian language and should be translated by students into English.

4. Tenth Grade Students of Senior High School