The Students’ Suggestions on the Use of Translation Exercises The Students’ Suggestions on How Good Translation Exercises Were Supposed to Be


D. The Students’ Suggestions on the Use of Translation Exercises to Learn Passive Voice

1. The Students’ Suggestions on the Use of Translation Exercises

All students gave good suggestions on the use of translation exercises. They stated that translation exercises were helpful to learn passive voice so it could also be useful to help them learn grammar. Many students suggested that translation exercises were appropriate to learn not only passive voice but also other materials of grammar. The students agreed that translation exercises might be used in their learning grammar. There were twenty six students who recommended practicing translation exercises continually so they would be helpful in mastering passive voice or other grammar materials in order to improve their English ability. However, other various exercises of translation were expected to develop translation exercises in order to avoid the students’ boredom in learning. The form of the exercises should be developed and modified so it would be more interesting for the students to use translation exercises. The form could be filling in the blanks, or questions in oral. Besides, two students said that explanation of the material was still needed before they used the translation exercises. Although translation exercises were really helpful, the teacher should give explanation to assist them in their learning process because the teacher was a facilitator for the students. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 47

2. The Students’ Suggestions on How Good Translation Exercises Were Supposed to Be

Most students said that translation exercises which were given to them had been good enough to help them learn passive voice. Nevertheless, the students suggested that translation exercises were supposed to be exercises which were easy and helpful in assisting the students to learn so that the students could understand the material better. Translation exercises should facilitate students in their learning and not make them confused in understanding the material. There were three students who did not give their suggestions on how good translation exercises are because they said that translations exercises which had been given to them were very good and helpful. Some students proposed to practice frequently about translation exercises in order to make students familiar with those exercises. After they were familiar in using translation exercises, it would be easier to apply translation exercises so they could understand and master the material well. To improve translation exercises, the students expressed their ideas. Many students gave suggestions to develop the various types of translation exercises, such as filling the blanks or using games. Translation exercises should be modified as creative as possible so it would be more interesting for the students in learning passive voice or even other grammar materials. Translation exercises had been appropriate enough as a way to learn passive voice but it would better to develop the type of the exercises. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 48 Besides, some students stated that it would be better to provide glossary in the worksheets so they could know the new words and the exercises could be completed easily because there had been notes about difficult words. The students did not need to open their dictionaries because there was a note about new words in the worksheets. Thus, it would facilitate them and save their time. There were three students who gave suggestion that the vocabularies which were used should be more difficult so they could improve their vocabulary mastery. However, they stated that translation exercises should be given in their grammar learning because if translation exercises were always used, it would improve the grammar mastery and English ability of the students. The more the students practiced the translation exercises, the more they could master the materials.

3. The Students’ Suggestions to Overcome the Problems in Using Translation Exercises