Data Gathering Technique Data Analysis Technique

31 divided into two aspects and there were four questions in part A. On the other hand, part B questioned about the students’ perception on the influence of the use of translation exercises in learning passive voice. There were also two aspects in part B. Each aspect had four questions. Thus, the interview consisted of sixteen questions. The interview was conducted by asking the students in face to face talks in Indonesian language. It was aimed to gain deeper information about students’ perception on the use of translation exercises to learn passive voice personally. The researcher chose ten students as the samples. Based on the discussion with the teacher, ten students had represented as the samples for the interview. The students were interviewed one by one in order to obtain more factual data. The interview was conducted after distributing questionnaire was done.

D. Data Gathering Technique

To collect the data about students’ perception and suggestions on the use of translation exercises to learn passive voice, the questionnaire was used. Before, the researcher distributed the questionnaire, the teacher applied translation exercises for five meetings. The first meeting was on February 24, 2011. Next, the second meeting was on March 3, 2011. The third meeting was on March 24, 2011. The fourth meeting was on March 31, and then the last meeting was on April 7, 2011. Questionnaire was given in the last meeting and distributed to all students of XB class. The questionnaire forms were completed by the students through PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 32 answering the questions. At the same time, the questionnaire forms were collected by the researcher and then the questionnaire would be analyzed. Based on the students’ answers, the researcher could consider the students’ perception on the use of translation exercises based on their experiences. Besides, interview was also held to gather the data about students’ perception. The researcher asked some students about their opinions after distributing questionnaire. The students were asked or interviewed at different time in order to clarify unclear answer. The interview was conducted by asking each of them. The researcher asked questions to the students and the students answered based on their own experiences. Then, the researcher wrote their statements by drawing a conclusion on what the students had said.

E. Data Analysis Technique

The researcher analyzed the data after data was completed. The data had to be analyzed to reach the factual information. The researcher used two ways to analyze the questionnaire because the questionnaire was the combination of closed questions and open questions. As the questionnaire was combination of two questionnaire’s types of questions, the analysis was differentiated for each type of questions. The questionnaire items which used closed questions consisted of sixteen questions or statements. In analyzing this data, the researcher used percentage to calculate the students’ responses. The number of students who chose an option were divided by the number of all students and multiplied by one hundred percent. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 33 It can be showed as follows. n N Note: n = total number of students who chose an option N = total number of students In addition, there were eight questions for open questions. The researcher used description to analyze the answers to each question in the questionnaire. In those items, the students’ explanations were beneficial to describe their opinions more clearly. To analyze, the researcher interpreted the students’ answers. Besides, there were sixteen questions for interviewing the participants. The researcher interpreted the respondents’ answers in analyzing the data. Then, the researcher used explanation to describe the respondents’ answers.

F. Research Procedure