Tenth Grade Students of Senior High School

9 exercises can be a sentence or sentences such as interrogative sentences, or declarative sentences and those can be also a text form, such as descriptive text or narrative text. In this thesis, students will give their opinions on the use of translation exercises to learn passive voice.

3. Passive Voice

“Passive voice is a verb form or voice which is used to indicate that the grammatical subject is the object of the action or the effect of the verb” Soukhanov, 1996: 1324. In this study passive voice means a sentence which the subject accepts the action and the subject is appeared in a by the . . . phrase or the subject can be omitted Hansard, 2004. The pattern is be + V3 or subject should be followed by auxiliary or modal followed by be and then followed by past participle. In this research, the students or participants have difficulties in learning passive voice. Therefore, passive voice is given in exercises form. The exercises are in Indonesian language and should be translated by students into English.

4. Tenth Grade Students of Senior High School

Hornby 2002: 1344 describes a student as an individual who is learning in a college or school. Students who are in first year in senior high school will be regarded as tenth grade students. Tenth grade students will be introduced to passive voice based on the standard competence of senior high school. Based on the syllabus of SMA N 1 Kasihan, passive voice is one of the English materials that should be taught to tenth grade students. Besides, the learning objective in the syllabus of SMA N 1 Kasihan is students are able to use passive voice. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 10 In this research, the tenth grade students of SMA N 1 Kasihan found the difficulties in learning passive voice. They could not apply the pattern of passive voice well. Their teacher also said that passive voice was one of the grammar problems for them because many students got unsatisfying marks in this material. Thus, here, tenth grade students will be taught passive voice through translation exercises. They will learn passive voice by doing worksheets which consist of passive voice and translation. Then, tenth grade students should give their perception and suggestions on the use of translation exercises during their learning. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 11


Chapter II talks about the literature review. This chapter consists of two parts. They are theoretical description and theoretical framework. The theoretical description is used as the relevant theory for the research itself. In addition, the theoretical framework is provided to summarize all major relevant theories connected to the research in order to solve the research problem.

A. Theoretical Description

Theoretical description discusses about perception, suggestion, passive voice, translation and grammar translation method.

1. Perception

Allen 2003: 1032 explains, “Perception refers to awareness of one’s surroundings that is produced by the operation of the senses.” Perception is related to sense and mind because McKean 2003: 1107 describes perception as mind ability in expressing or referring the information. Even Merleau-Ponty 1974: 67 says, “Our perception ended in objects and appeared as a reason for all the experiences of people.” It can be concluded that each person has different mind and sense, therefore, each individual has different perception on something. Moreover, perception forms the individual sight or point of view of actuality or truth. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI