The Characteristics of Successful Speaking Activity The Ways to Solve Speaking Learning Problems

15 Furthermore, Davis 2011 states that there are ten common classroom problems found while teaching and learning English. The researcher includes some problems that related to learning speaking. They are: 1 Student is defiant, rowdy, or distracting of others. In every classroom, the distraction from the students might happen. If the situation in the classroom is not conducive, it may be fault of the teacher, i.e. boring material or poor classroom management. If it is from the students, teachers should take dominant role to adjust the situation. 2 Personalities between students. Davis states that not every student in classroom will become best friend. If there is a drama arises between certain students, the easiest solution is to separate them away from one another. This situation might affect the delivery of material that related to speaking if there are problems between student – students, and also student – teacher.

6. The Ways to Solve Speaking Learning Problems

Goh Burns 2012, p.133 state that to teach speaking effectively, teachers need a set of theoretical and principles that can be applied to the planning and delivery of lessons on speaking. Teachers may find students every time they speak their native language. Teachers must be able to convince students to be brave to speak English. It does not matter if they have very bad grammar. Teachers must convince PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 16 students that making errors is normal in lea rning. This way will raise students’ confidence to try to speak English. The second solution is for the students themselves. They can have an English conversation club that consists of their own classmates. They can share and talk about anything in English during that time. They can learn together and correct each other without feeling embarrassed. English will become students’ routine by doing that activity Hetrakul, 1995.

7. Teaching Speaking

Rivers 1968 states that teaching speaking skill is more demanding on the teacher rather than teaching other language skills. A teacher needs to give many opportunities for students to practice their speaking skill. When a teacher provides more complicated matter of foreign speech to be answered, the student s’ speaking ability will be more developed too. Some people feel afraid or nervous to speak in front of many people or large group, for example, in front of a class. Davies 2002 states some strategies for teaching speaking. First, teacher can create relaxed atmosphere in the class, so the students will not be frightened to speak in front of the class. At the beginning, by doing speaking activities as many as possible in pairs or in groups, it can build up the students’ confidence before speaking in front of the whole class. Second, teacher can speak in natural pronunciation and add some pronunciation work into the lesson. Third, teacher can guide the students to combine listening and speaking in natural interaction. 17 According to Tarigan 1990, p.13, there are three major stages when teachers are teaching speaking. Those are introducing new language, practice and communicative activities. When introducing new language, the teacher should find out genres or texts, which are meaningful. In this stage, teachers can ask students to pronounce unfamiliar words, find out the meaning of expressions used in the text. Other techniques used for teaching speaking are information gap by using pictures, using photographs, using songs, using mysterious things, educational drama which covers miming, role play, the empty chair, and simulation. There is a previous study related to this research. The study is about problem faced by Thai students in speaking English. Khamkhien 2010 states that English performance of Thai students in teaching and learning speaking is very limited because of some reasons, namely: First, for Thai students, English speaking or oral communication in English is deemed to be difficult since English is not their native language. second, most of Thai learners need their English to sound as native-like as possible which is a prestige norm of spoken English even though English is widely used in region of South East Asia, creating a great diversity of English e.g., Malaysian English, Singaporean English, etc. this scenario seems to limit their choice of their exposure to English. Next, since English in Thailand is a foreign language, the exposure of English to authentic language input of learners of English in Thailand is limited. Lastly, another dimension which should be taken into account lies into English pronunciation of Thai teachers of English. These serious problems are exclusively important, leading to a large volume of studies focusing on speaking ability of Thai learners. Another problem is that the method used by English teacher in Thailand is teacher-centered which is signed by translating, copying from the book, and teaching 18 grammar through lecturing. It makes the students lack of practicing oral language. They do not have any chances to speak in the target language, so that they easily forget what they learnt. The study helps the researcher to take another angle based on the topic, so that the researcher focuses more on the students’ problems of speaking based on the practice teachers’ experiences during the PPL in junior high schools.

B. Theoretical Framework

The aims of this research are to find out the problems related to speaking skill of the students during classroom activity and to find the possible solution to those problems during PPL from the practice teachers’ experiences. The researcher gives the explanation of the theoretical framework used in the research as follows in order to show the contribution of each theory in the theoretical description part. To answer the first research question, what problems are found related to students’ problems of speaking in learning process according to the ELESP practice teachers, the researcher uses some theories that related to speaking skill. The related theories are the nature of speaking skill Luoma, 2004 and Khadidja, 2010, and the characteristics of successful speaking activity Ur, 1996 are used to give the readers a view when the students have ability in developing the speaking skill. By using those theories, the researcher can analyze and conclude whether there is a problem or not. The researcher also uses theory related to the problems of learning speaking Hetrakul, 1995; Munjayanah, 2004; and Davis, 2011 in order to strengthen the research background, which mentions that there is experience of a teacher and also 19 the practice teachers’ experience that had problems in teaching English focusing on speaking during the learning process. To answer the second research question, what possible solutions for the students’ problems of speaking during PPL are, the researcher will relate it with some theories of speaking skill. The theories related are the aspects to improve speaking Grugeon, 2005, the ways to solve the speaking learning problems Hetrakul, 1995 and Goh Burns, 2012, the principles of speaking teaching Nunan, 2003 and theory of teaching speaking Rivers, 1968; Tarigan, 2003; and Davies 2003. Those theories are used to guide the researcher to relate the practice teacher s’ experiences and also to give the readers a view about the possible solutions to solve the problems. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 20


This chapter describes the methodology of this research. Furthermore, this chapter is divided into six parts namely research method, research setting, research participants, research instrument, data analysis techniques and research procedure.

A. Research Method

The researcher used mixed methods in this research. According to Ary, Jacobs, and Razavieh 2002, “Mixed methods research combines quantitative and qualitative research methods in different ways, with each approach adding something to the understanding of the phenomenon.” There were three reasons why the researcher used mixed methods in this research. The first reason was that if the researcher used only one method, the detailed findings might not appear. Mixed method research can also provide stronger evidence for conclusion through corroboration of findings. The combination of qualitative and quantitative research method may help the researcher finding more complete understandings of a phenomenon Ary et al., 2002. The researcher used both methods to complement the results of the research. The second reason was that the researcher could clarify the finding in the second phase from the first phase which was called as complementary PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI