Possible solution to distractions by the students and their relationship with

48 4 The students were easily distracted by others and their relationship with their classmates When there were some students who did not pay attention to the learning process, the possible solution was just stop the activity and pointed them out. Asking them about material discussed would make them confused because they did not focus on it. It could be used in order to make them concentrate on the material given. The other solution was making rules before it happened. The practice teachers must build a good relationship with the students as a friend. When the problems influenced their willingness to learning speaking, the practice teacher could study together with the students when there was break time before English course was started. The practice teachers also convinced the students that making errors was normal in learning process. This way raised the students’ confidence to try to speak in English. This chapter has answered the two research questions and has demonstrated that the practice teachers found several problems from the students’ side in learning speaking English. The practice teachers also give possible solutions during their school-based practicum. By experiencing the problems and having the possible solutions to the problems, the prac tice teacher can prevent the factors of the students’ problems in learning speaking. 49


This chapter presents the conclusions of the research and the suggestions related to the research. There are two parts in this research. The first part discusses the conclusions of the research. The second part discusses the suggestions related to this research for the ELESP lecturers, the ELESP students, and future researchers.

A. Conclusion

The conclusion of the research was presented based on two research questions formulated. Those two questions were about juni or high school students’ problems in speaking learning when the ELESP practice teachers were doing PPL are and the possible solutions to the students’ problems in speaking learning during PPL. In order to gather the data for this research, there were two instruments used namely questionnaire and interview. Those instruments were used to guide the researcher answering two research questions. Based on the results of the questionnaire and the interview, there were problems of speaking of junior high school students in the learning process when the ELESP practice teachers were doing PPL. The researcher divided them into four problems. The first problem was about the students’ competence in learning English, especially when there were speaking activities in classroom. There were some PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 50 students who did not understand English at all. They also had lack of vocabulary, pronunciation and grammar. They were not confident enough to speak in English because they were afraid of making mistakes. Besides, they were also afraid of being mocked by others if they made mistakes when they were speaking English. The s econd problem was students’ low participation and low motivation in speaking activities in classroom. The third problem was the use of mother tongue in speaking activities in classroom. Based on the participants’ experiences as English practice teachers, most of their students used bahasa Indonesia and Javanese to communicate with their friends when there were speaking activities. The fourth problem was that distractions by the students and their relationship with their classmates. There were some students who were not in a good relationship with their friend and it affected their speaking skill development and score. Based on the participants’ experiences as English practice teachers, there were possible solutions to the problems in speaking learning. For the first problem, the practice teachers kept using English in asking questions but then translated it to bahasa Indonesia in order to make the students know the meaning of the questions. By translating, it helped students understand the material given related to speaking skill and also their vocabulary and pronunciation. Having conversation and giving question could develop the students’ speaking skill. When they did not understand the meaning of some words or sentences, as English practice teachers, they could speak in English first and then translated it into bahasa Indonesia. 51 For the second problem, besides giving reward pointscore when the students had willingness to participate a speaking activity in classroom, practice teacher should make sure that all of the students get chance to speak in English in classroom. By choosing one by one, ready or not, the student would get their turn to speak in English. It helped students to be more confident in speaking English. The teachers had to distribute the chance fairly because it could also encourage the students to be more confident in speaking English. For the third problem, as English practice teachers, the use of English and bahasa Indonesia should be balanced because the students learnt English as a foreign language. It also depends on a situation and condition of the class and the characteristics of the students. As English practice teachers, we could not force them to use English every time we taught English because it might decrease their motivation in learning speaking. The participants said that they gave the students words, such as, “try to use English, please”, “mistakes are okay” in order to encourage students to use English when they were in speaking activity. The use of games, role play, singing together, and reading aloud might help students in developing their speaking skill. For the fourth problem, when there were some students who did not pay attention to the learning process, the possible solution was just stop the activity and pointed them out. Asking them about material discussed would make them confused because they did not focus on it. It could be used in order to make them concentrate on the material given. The other solution was making rules before it happened. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 52 The practice teachers must build a good relationship with the students as a friend. When the problems influenced their willingness to learning speaking, the practice teacher could study together with the students when there was break time before English course was started. The practice teachers also convinced the students that making errors was normal in learning process. This way raised the students’ confidence to try to speak in English.

B. Suggestions

After presenting the conclusion of the research, the researcher proposed some suggestions for some parties included in PPL. Suggestions presented are for the ELESP lecturers and the students who will take PPL and also future researchers. 1. The ELESP lecturers This research is expected to give a contribution to the ELESP lecturers. The ELESP students’ possible solutions to the problems related might be various. The lecturers may consider this so that they can share with the ELESP students about the students’ problems of speakingand the possible solutions to the problems, it is expected that from the lecturers, the ELESP students can understand problems occurring in class and know what to do later if they do the PPL. 53 2. The ELESP students The researcher expects that this research gives positive contributions to ELESP students who have not taken the PPL, because by presenting the practice teachers’ possible solutions to junior high school students’ problems of speakingthat occur in teaching and learning process during PPL, it is expected that ELESP students can anticipate when they face the similar problems in the school when they do the PPL. For the ELESP students who had taken or have been taking the PPL, this is also beneficial for them. They may have difficulties in teaching speaking and they may also have different solutions how to overcome the problems. From this research, it is expected that they can learn and apply it later when they become a teacher and work in the school.

3. Future Researchers

The implementation and presentation of this research are expected to inspire the future researchers who conduct a research or study in the same field. Future researchers that have same interest as the researcher may find this research as an empirical source for them. Besides giving the description of the ELESP practice teachers’ problems in the learning and teaching process focusing on the speaking skill, this research also gives some suggestions for the future researchers so that the future researchers can have more detailed research. Since this research focused on the students’ problems of speaking in Junior High School, the future researcher can specifically conduct a research on the Senior High School students or on others PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI