Possible solution to the use of mother tongue by the students in speaking

47 Table 4.1 demonstrates the summary of the results from the data findings above. Table 4.1 Summary of the Problems and Possible Solutions No. Problems Possible solutions 1 Students’ competence in learning English, especially when there were speaking activities in classroom. The practice teachers kept using English in asking questions but then translated it to bahasa Indonesia in order to make the students know the meaning of the questions. By translating, it helped students understand the material given related to speaking skill and also their vocabulary. 2 Students’ low participation and low motivation when there were speaking activities in the classroom. Besides giving reward pointscore when the students had willingness to participate a speaking activity in classroom, practice teacher should make sure that all of the students get chance to speak in English in classroom. By choosing one by one, ready or not, the student would get their turn to speak in English. It helped students to be more confident in speaking English. 3 The use of mother tongue by the students when there were speaking activities in classroom. First, the practice teachers often used sentence “try to use English, please” and “mistakes are okay” to the students. Second, it depended on the situation and condition of the classroom; if it was not possible for students to understand the material by using English, then do not force them. Third, the possible solution for this problem was the teacher must create games which could develop their speaking skill and their willingness to speak in English. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 48 4 The students were easily distracted by others and their relationship with their classmates When there were some students who did not pay attention to the learning process, the possible solution was just stop the activity and pointed them out. Asking them about material discussed would make them confused because they did not focus on it. It could be used in order to make them concentrate on the material given. The other solution was making rules before it happened. The practice teachers must build a good relationship with the students as a friend. When the problems influenced their willingness to learning speaking, the practice teacher could study together with the students when there was break time before English course was started. The practice teachers also convinced the students that making errors was normal in learning process. This way raised the students’ confidence to try to speak in English. This chapter has answered the two research questions and has demonstrated that the practice teachers found several problems from the students’ side in learning speaking English. The practice teachers also give possible solutions during their school-based practicum. By experiencing the problems and having the possible solutions to the problems, the prac tice teacher can prevent the factors of the students’ problems in learning speaking.