Analyzing the data Research Procedure

33 meaning of the question given. If their friends also did not know the meaning, then they asked their teacher to give question using bahasa Indonesia. For example, they asked “Miss, ngomongnya bisa pake bahasa Indonesia aja?” Miss, would you like to speak in Indonesia?. There were also some students who wanted to answer the question but they did not understand English at all, so they kept silent because they were confused how to answer the question using English. In statement 9,” My students are inhibited to speak in English in the classroom because they feel shy and it influences their speaking English skill. ” Five participants agreed for this statement. They said that the students were not confident to speak in English. It was because they did not have enough vocabulary, they were afraid to make mistakes and some of them did not understand English at all. They felt shy because there was a time when they try to speak in English, their friends made fun of them. Even though all of the participants said that making mistakes are okay, the students were still inhibited to speak in English in classroom when there were speaking activities. Munjayanah 2004, p.17 states that students might have their own difficulties in learning the language. Particularly improving speaking skill is not easy for the students. Inhibition, low or uneven participation of the students, the use of mother tongue, and lack of vocabulary or grammar are some of the problems of speaking skill when the students learned English. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 34

2. Students’ low participation and low motivation in speaking activities

The characteristics of successful activity, namely learners talk a lot, participation is needed, learners get chance to speak, high motivation, support the speaking activity to be successful Ur, 1996, p. 120. Students who learn to speak in English can express what they want to say related to the material. They also can understand what their friend said. From the questionnaire results and the interview, the researcher found out that there were some students who had low participation in speaking activities. This problem was supported by the data and the clarification from questionnaire results and interview. In statement 3, “My students participate actively when there is a speaking English activity in the classroom”, three people agreed and two people disagreed. There were some students who were really active in the class, while the others were not. The participants said that they needed to make sure that all of their students participated well in the speaking activities, such as, reading aloud, games and so on. Participant 4 said: They more active when there was an activity, when there was a speaking activity they participate actively even their grammar are not perfect. For example, they have to make dialogue and then they practice in front of the class, they still want to do it. One of the participants also said that sometimes the students participated actively whenever it was about reward; for example, they got more points if they joined the speaking activity. On the other hand, participant 2 said that their students prefer to PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI