Questionnaire Interview Technique of Collecting Data

2. Data Display After reducing the data, the next phase will be displaying the data. Displaying the data can be done in form of brief summary, draft, relation between category, flowchart and etc. In this study, the result of the observation will be presented by words and table of calculation of simple statistic adapted from Statistika Untuk Analisis Data Penelitian by Susetyo. 7 The statistic is used to calculate the the frequency of the techniques which are used by respondents. The adapted calculation result will be presented in the statistic Table as shown below. Table Frequency of Technique Use 3. Conclusion DrawingVerification The beginning conclusion stated characteristically temporary, and changeable if there found strong evidence that holds on to the next phase. But it would not be if the first stated conclusion is supported by some valid and consistent evidences when the researcher is back to the field study to collect the data, then it can be concluded that the conclusion is credible one. 3 Unit of Analysis In this study, the writer used the data of interview with the teacher as the major data which are analyzed to find out the most appropriate techniques used between three commonly techniques used in teaching English to students of primary school. 7 Dr. Budi Susetyo, M.Pd., Statistika Untuk Analisis Data Penelitian, Bandung: PT Refika Aditama, 2010, p. 40-42 Technique Types M1-M4M5 Total - - - - - - - - - 34


A. Findings

The presenting of findings in this section are based on the research questions which focus on the techniques commonly used by English Young Learners EYL teacher in the classroom, the most frequent applicable technique to be used in teaching EYL based on t eachers’ perception. The findings of the observation, interview and questionnaire are presented in separated description coordinated to each research question. The questionnaire is answered by three English teachers of MI Pembangunan UIN Syarif Hidayatullah who have a role as the respondents to this study. In addition, the result of the teaching classroom observation is presented after the presenting of the interview is done. There are also list of aspects that should be noticed in the questionnaire given to respondents which is attached in Appendix 3. Some kinds and type of techniques are written down based on teaching activity done by teachers during the observation in the observation notes which is available in Appendix 5. The function of the observation is to give more supporting information to the data obtained from the respondents in the interview. The first respondent is the teacher who teaches 1 st and 2 nd grade, the second respondent is available in fourth grade. And the last but not least is the third respondent who teaches the 3 rd grade. The complete question of the interview and the answer received during the question and answering are available and can be seen in the Appendix 4. In answering the first and second research question in background of the study the result of distributing the questionnaire, interview which that has

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