Place and Time of Research Respondents of The Study

3. Observation

The classroom observation is used to find out the practice of learning and teaching vocabulary and what techniques commonly used by teacher. The data collected from here observation will be only the primary data as well. Researcher observes directly to the object of the research to check closely the activity of teaching and learning which is being done. There are two types of observation; participatory observation and non participatory one. The non participatory observation type will be carried out in this research, which the writer as the researcher is not included as a participant in the activity. 3

E. Technique of Checking The Data Validity

It can be seen from the instrument made that the data collecting will be the primary information source. The primary data can be achieved through field study, in form of observation, interview with the questionnaire. To check the data to be valid, the triangulation technique is used. 1 Triangulation After all the data are collected, Triangulation is conducted to the data will be carried out. In collecting the data, Triangulation means as a technique of data checking that tends to combine many data sources existed. In defining what triangulation is, Susan Stainback stated that the aim is not to determine the truth about some social phenomenon, rather the purpose of the triangulation is to increase one’s understanding of whatever is being investigated. In line with Susan, Bogdan as cited in Sugiono also adds that: 3 Dr. Sudaryono, Educational Research Methodology, Jakarta Pusat: Lentera Ilmu Cendikia, 2014,p.97 “What the qualitative researcher is interested in is not truth perse, but rather perspectives. Thus, rather than trying to determine the “truth” of people’s perceptions, the purpose of corroboration Triangulation is to help researchers increase their understanding and the probability that their finding will be seen as credible or worthy of consideration by others” 4 Thus, each respondent will be interviewed with the same techniques of interviewing and then the data are going to be combined until they complete each other. 2 Technique of Data Analysis The analyzing of the data is the process to find out and arrange systematically the acquired data from the interview which has been done, documentation, and field notes by organizing the data into some category, selecting the most crucial subject to be studied, and making the understandable conclusion for the reader or anyone else. 5 Miles and Huberman give a concept of analyzing the data that seemed to be fitted on his research. The concept contains the meaning that the activity in the qualitative data analyzing is carried out interactively in each of phase of the research until it reached its limit. There are some components that build up the model of analyzing the data: 6 1. Data Reduction If the acquired data report has a big amount of information, then the writer shall need to carefully write the detail information needed of the research. Reducing means to summary, select the fundamental aspects, concern to find the important factors, theme and its pattern. 4 Prof. Dr. Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Pendidikan Pendeketan Kuantitatif, Kualitatif, dan RD, Bandung : Alfabeta, 2009, cet. IX, p. 241 5 Ibid., p. 329. 6 Sugiyono, loc. cit., p. 246 -252.

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