Classification of 3 Frequency of Techniques Use

However, there is still consideration of teaching writing to be successful in language teaching. It is by using song technique that the respondent thought it is effective one. In relating the information to the previous question, the respondent was questioned about the function of songs technique she applied in classroom. “ya, intinya adalah bagaimana anak itu lebih mudah memahami bahasa, menghafalkan vocabnya, mudah menghafakan structurenya. Contohnya, I like apple, I don’t like apple, secara tidak disadari kan mereka akan liat perbedaannya ” See Appendix 4 - 3 rd R: 6, Page: 114. For indirectly learning gradually grammar, songs are appropriate for this type of learning. The next question was the synchronizing to the question of the questionnaire response that the third respondent ranked vocabulary as the most important language component to be taught. She was questioned about the language component needed to be taught and how she feels during teaching vocabulary. The second respondent said, ”Vocabulary terlebih dahulu yang perlu diajarkan kalau menurut saya. kalau ada medianya akan lebih mudah, contohnya pakai flashcard karena anak lebih bisa melihat gambarnya. Jadi pake visual, kata-kata yang mereka ketahui pun kata-kata yang masih konkrit. ” See Appendix 4 - 3 rd R: 7-8, Page: 114 this is quite similar with the second respondent’s opinion. In relating the song technique, she admitted that she likes to use some activities with singing. “saya sering kaitkan dengan nyanyian, bernyanyi karena selain fun, anak juga lebih dapat menyerap .” See Appendix 4 - 3 rd R: 9, Page: 114 Among some techniques mentioned by the writer she agreed that songs is the most frequent one to be applied in her classroom teaching, it can be seen from her statement with the real exact words. She said “song menurut saya paling sering, karena ya saya cenderung lebih sering pakai song”’ See Appendix 4 - 3 rd R: 10, Page: 114 In the last question, the third respondent assumed what it would be if she uses games as her most frequent technique. She said ” mungkin sama, tapi kemampuan menulisnya kurang. Lalu time consuming, karena games itu take time untuk organize anak-anak. Kalau song kan kita cuma minta anak untuk dengarkan lalu mereka akan ikuti.” See Appendix 4 - 3 rd R: 11, Page: 114 In the use of the game technique the time organizing is needed to get a playable condition of the game which is going to be played. According to the statements stated by the third respondent as the result of the interview session, it can be concluded that the most frequent technique to be used based on her perspective is song technique for some logical reason the third respondent also believes that it can be used for enrich students’ ability in writing.

3 Observation

From the data of the observation, it can be clearly seen which technique frequently use by the third respondent is. From four meetings conducted, there are two techniques used by the third respondent, and song is the most frequently one. Table 4.7 Frequency of Song Technique Use Technique Types M1 M2 M3 M4 Total Songs Activity Song √ √ 2 33.33 Table 4.8 Frequency of Techniques Use a Meeting One During this first meeting of the observation with the third respondent in this study, the writer has identified that the practice of song truly occurs during classroom activity. However, the use of drilling seemed very Learning Song √ √ √ √ 4 66.66 Total 2 1 2 1 6 100 33.33 16.66 33.33 16.66 100 Note: M1: Meeting One M2: Meeting Two M3: Meeting Three Technique Types M1 M2 M3 M4 Total Songs Activity Song √ √ 2 28.58 Learning √ √ √ √ 4

57.14 Total

[6] = 85.72 Story Folktales √ 1 14.28 Total [1] = 14.28 Total 2 1 3 1 7 100 dominant on this meeting. It can be seen when the respondent was teaching about pronoun and verb. For instance, when the teacher write on the whiteboard “I have book, she has book, or you have book”, she said it loudly over and over again in the melody of chanting and asked the students to follow her while they are holding the things that they said. She also emphasized the teaching of present and past tenses. She asked some students to come forward to say the verb one and two. For i nstance “go-went, wash washed” etc. In the middle-end of classroom activity she showed students some videos of action and learning of adverb and preposition of place “on, in, under, by ”. The first video song was about the listening and repeating the song which was sung. In repeating the song they need to do what was said in the song of the video. With the visualization in the video, it will make students easier to follow and do what is said. For instance, when the video said jump, they jumped and as the video song said another word like “cry” they acted as if someone who was crying and so on. In the next song video, there was a learning of present tense. It was using the visualization of the object of the sentence. For instance, “I LIKE CARROT” the word carrot in the video was turned in to the picture of carrot and so on. In the last song session, it was the song video of preposition and adverb of place. The song is written below: On, In, Under, By On, In, Under, By, On, In, Under, By On, In, Under, By, Where is the spider? It can be seen from the lyric of the song that in every ending of the lyric, it was asking about where the object of the spider is. With the visualization in the video students can see where the spider was. The next song was the action song that asked the students to do what the song said. the song is written below: How about you? What can you do? Jump, I can jump 3x, \jump jump jump jump I can jump Swim, I can swim3x, swim swim swim swim, I can swim Ride a bike 3x, ride ride ride ride I can ride. What about you? Read, I can read 3x, read read read read, I can read. And so on. In the end of the classroom activity the respondent asked students to rewind what they have learned in this meeting. See Appendix 5 - Observation 3 rd R, Page: 148-150. In the first meeting of the observation the students’ reaction appeared when the song was activated in the form of song video. The third respondent at least showed more than three song videos that each of them contained different vocabulary teaching. In the first song video, it can be seen that the dominant vocabulary is action verb. In the beginning moment of the song video being displayed, the male students were getting the space in the front of class to stand up altogether waiting for the song video to be turned on. Being ready to move according to what the song video sang, students jumped when the song of the video said “JUMP” fell when the song video said “FALL” and so on. This reaction happened almost in every meeting even with different types of song. It can be concluded from the result of the observation that the students can be more active learning English vocabulary through the use of the song technique. b Meeting Two In this meeting, the third respondent explained more the vocabulary of verb and pronoun to students. There was only song technique which used in this meeting that the song was made by the teacher. The song is written below: I “itu saya” You “kamu” He “Dia laki-laki” She “Dia Perempuan” They “Mereka” We “Kami” According to the teacher, the song was made spontaneously right when she was about to deliver the vocabulary of the pronoun to the students. After singing the song together, it was continued with the teaching of the verb in the present and the past. The teacher made the table of the verb for students to easily distinguish between present and past verb. Here is the table written below: After knowing some vocabularies and able to distinguish them, students are showed the sentences which are using the vocabularies of both in present and past from students’ book. It was done until the end of the classroom activity. See Appendix 5 - Observation 3 rd R, Page: 151-152. Today Yesterday Go Went Wash Washed Buy Bought Study Studied Talk Talked

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