Technique of Checking The Data Validity



A. Findings

The presenting of findings in this section are based on the research questions which focus on the techniques commonly used by English Young Learners EYL teacher in the classroom, the most frequent applicable technique to be used in teaching EYL based on t eachers’ perception. The findings of the observation, interview and questionnaire are presented in separated description coordinated to each research question. The questionnaire is answered by three English teachers of MI Pembangunan UIN Syarif Hidayatullah who have a role as the respondents to this study. In addition, the result of the teaching classroom observation is presented after the presenting of the interview is done. There are also list of aspects that should be noticed in the questionnaire given to respondents which is attached in Appendix 3. Some kinds and type of techniques are written down based on teaching activity done by teachers during the observation in the observation notes which is available in Appendix 5. The function of the observation is to give more supporting information to the data obtained from the respondents in the interview. The first respondent is the teacher who teaches 1 st and 2 nd grade, the second respondent is available in fourth grade. And the last but not least is the third respondent who teaches the 3 rd grade. The complete question of the interview and the answer received during the question and answering are available and can be seen in the Appendix 4. In answering the first and second research question in background of the study the result of distributing the questionnaire, interview which that has been carried out, and the observation of three respondents will be analyzed. Some tables are used as the result of the simple statistic calculation of the frequency of technique use.

1. Frequency of Techniques Use

In this section, the acquired data from three techniques of data collecting will be described to show the effectiveness of the techniques based on three respondents’ perspectives and used in the teaching English vocabulary.

a. Classification of 1

st Respondent’s Data

1 Questionnaire

From questionnaire that has been distributed to the first respondent, teacher of the first and second grade. She filled up the questionnaire based on her opinion and perspective of teaching English to Young Learners. Between three components of language provided to be chosen, she selected vocabulary and pronunciation, it is her response to the question of what language component of her students that she thinks she needs to improve and develop. In number two of questionnaire, it is question of what language skills of her students she thinks she needs to improve and develop. She selected only listening and speaking even though it is written in the instruction of the questionnaire that the respondent is able to fill more than one or more. Then, talking about question provided in relation to the technique which is the most effective for teaching young learners, she picked only Songs and Games from four options provided. Going on to the next type of questions in the questionnaire which is here the respondent is required to rank the optional answers 1, 2, 3,… started from the answer which is considered as the most important. From the first question she ranked vocabulary as the first aspect of language component which is appropriate to be improved in teaching English to young learners. She then ranked pronunciation as the second and grammar as the third. In the question number five, the respondent is asked to also give numbers or rank the skills of language which is most important for young learners. It looks similar with the previous question. As what she has already done to the previous question, here she ranked listening as the first and speaking as second skill which is important and need to be improved. From the four language skills provided for respondents to fill in with giving ranking to which one is most necessary to develop, the first respondent gave the first ranking to listening, the second to speaking, then to reading and the last is writing, she assumed that listening is the first ability of human. In the last question of questionnaire of among many techniques of teaching EYL the respondent put games in the first ranking as the most frequent technique to be used in teaching and learning English, then it is followed by song that she ranked as the second most frequent technique based on her perspective. As the result of questionnaire has been interpreted, the writer then highlights that the technique which is most frequent to be used in teaching English especially vocabulary to Young Learners is games which is the followed by song as the second most frequent one based on the first respondent’s answer. See Appendix 3- 1 st R, Page: 99-101

2 Interview

The second data is acquired from data collecting of interview. The interview was carried out to the first respondent which was taking place in the school library. Before starting the interview session, the respondent asked to be interviewed in English, therefore the data transcription of interview will be written in English. The first question given was about the ages of students in the first and second grade. She replied that she is now teaching for the first and second grade students, they are about six to seven years old and she said th at she’s been teaching for both grades for about eight years. Then, the writer asked whether there are any regulations for students who want to enter the school. The first respondent replied “yes, the regulation is the students under the age of 6 years old cannot enter this school, because they could be more emotional.” See Appendix 4 - 1 st R: 3, Page: 109 Respondent then added that this regulation was made by the foundation of school. She also agreed with this regulation because based on her opinion, students under the age of six will be uneasy to be handled considering to their emotions. Talking about material aspect that respondent commonly delivers to students, she replied “Actually what I want is my students to be able to speak one word or phrase, that’s enough for me. So in making it come true I need to enrich their vocabulary and pronunciation mastery. Because they are so young and their speaking is so easy to be built.” See Appendix 4 - 1 st R: 4, Page: 109 This directly implies that the first respondent delivers material of vocabulary and pronunciation in common. In enriching vocabulary the writer then asked respondent about the first respondent’s ways or techniques that she commonly selects and applies in the classroom. She replied “I like to use drilling that a lot,

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