Data Analysis An Analysis of the types and the factors influencing the code switching and code mixing used by vj of mtv ampuh

participant, status, solidarity, and topic. The writer also uses other supporting theory related to code switching that relevance .

B. Data Analysis

Having been mentioned in the previous chapter, the purpose of the study is to find out the type of codes switching or mixing and the factors that influence codes switching based on the related theories. In determining the types and the factors influencing, the writer paid attention to the context involving VJ’s conversation. Whenever, the codes switching or mixing occured, the writer put marks on the specified column of the table. Data 1 MTV Ampuh Sunday Chart Special by Request with Peterpan. VJ Daniel: Ok anak nongkrong, welcome to MTV Ampuh Sunday Chart Special by Request . Jadi, di sini loe bisa nge-request-nge-request juga yaa di hari minggu yang nyantai ini dengan email yang udah loe berikan ke kita kemaren itu. Alright, dan pastinya masih bersama Peterpan disini. Yeahhh... Sentence Ok squat, Welcome to MTV Ampuh Sunday Chart Special by Request. ... Alright, and still here with Peterpan certainly. yeahh... Code Switching Code Mixing - √ Participant Solidarity Status Topic √ √ - √ Note ►Participant: VJ and Guest star. ►Solidaritas: Greeting to the audiences. ►Topic: Giving direction to the audience who is the guest. 31 In the beginning of the show after Peterpan’s performance, VJ Daniel start the program by enthusiastic greeting his audience and also introduced the name of the program is presented to the audiences in a single utterance. So in his greeting, he mixed from Indonesia language to English as code mixing. Daniel’s greeting in the beginning of the show is solidarity. Daniel wants to say hello to all of his audience inside the studio and outside that mostly audiences who have requested before. The topic is when Daniel asks attention to his guest that is Peterpan Band. And also VJ Daniel’s greeting as introduction shows who is the participant in concerned within the program. Data 2 MTV Ampuh Sunday Chart Special by Request with Peterpan. VJ Daniel: ... Oh iyaa anak nongkrong pada akhir acara nanti, kita akan memberikan hadiah satu juta rupiah untuk klip request-an yang nomor satu terbanyak, yaa anak nongkrong kalo misalnya loe belom tau gimana caranya, gampang ajah. Loe tinggal kirim e-mail ke kita. All you have to do is just, e-mailnya tau dimana?? Sentence yaa squat if you don’t know about the way sending a message, piece of cake. You just send your e-mail to us. All you have to do is just , if you don’t know the e-mail address as yet?? Send us at Code Switching Code Mixing - √ Participant Solidarity Status Topic - - √ √ Note ► Status: Daniel shows his self as a informant. ► Topic: Daniel gives a direction to the audience. 32 VJ Daniel tries to inform the audiences at home who have not understand or the audiences who do not know the steps in sending the messages or e-mail to MTV Ampuh. It shows a code mixing because Daniel speaks different language in a single utterance. The code mixing between Indonesian – English which Daniel did was considered to express his status as an informant. He did it because he wanted to gives the direction to the audiences. VJ Daniel’s status in this statement was an informant. It was showed by the topic appeared when Daniel gave an information to the audiences. Daniel preferred using the code switching between Indonesian to English and vice versa to express his status as an informant. Data 3 MTV Ampuh Sunday Chart Special by Request with Peterpan. VJ Daniel: Nah cara ketiknya SCS spasi nama penyanyi spasi judul lagu.. alright . Dan nanti peterpan bakal nge-VJ juga bareng kita.. iyehhh.. man Loe harus ngomong juga harus gini juga. So anyway, ok yang pastinya di posisi 8 ada klip yang dipilih sama anak nongkrong, the changcuters dengan gila-gilaan, check this out .. Sentence ... iyehhh.. man You have to speak anyway, you should be able to be like what i do. So anyway, ok, absolutly, position number eight there is a video clip which is choosen by young people, The Changcuters with “Gila-gilaan”, check this out Code Switching Code Mixing - √ Participant Solidarity Status Topic - - √ √ Note ► Status: Daniel as a VJ asks the audience to watch the next video. ► Topic: Daniel gives task orientation to Peterpan. 33 The statement was made by Daniel after makes sure personnel of Peterpan that they must be taken part in presenting and then Daniel says next position at chart Ampuh number eight to the audience, there is The Changcuter. The bilingual between Indonesian – English which Daniel did was considered to express his certainty of feeling. He did it because he wanted to convince the audiences. Thus, because of this reason, this statement was considered as code mixing. The topic appears when Daniel uses conjunction which changes the topic is talking about. The first, he tries to convice Peterpan’s personnel. Next, he informs the audiences. It shows his status as presenter. Data 4 MTV Ampuh Sunday Chart Special by Request with Peterpan. VJ Daniel: What’s up guys, yes ... kembali lagi pastinya di MTV ampuh... Sunday Chart Requets . So, Sunday Chart Special by Request. Dan pastinya masih bersama Peterpan, dan ini terakhir kalinya mereka pake nama Peterpan. Sentence What’s up guys, yes... welcome back again with me on MTV Ampuh Sunday Chart by Request. So, Sunday Chart Special by Request. Code Switching Code Mixing - √ Participant Solidarity Status Topic - √ - - Note ► Solidaritas: Daniel greets to the audiences after the commercial break. 34 Daniel makes a simple greeting to his audience to ask their attention. He also introduce or re-introduce his guest star of the day and then he start continues his interview with Peterpan’s personnel. Daniel preferred using English to Indonesia language to express his greeting. This statement can be considered as solidarity because Daniel preferred to express his greeting in code switching between English and Indonesia language. The statement is code mixing because according the situation, Daniel plays his role as the VJ who presented his program who tries to greet his audience as a new person for him. Data 5 MTV Ampuh Sunday Chart Special by Request with Peterpan. VJ Daniel: ... gue pengen ngomong banyak banget ci man tapi ya nanti off air aja kali yahh.. heheh.. ya udah, nanti kita bakal ngeliat dan bakal dengerin juga “Kisah Cintaku”. Tapi yang pastinya loe jangan kemana-mana, will be right back after this messages, check it out Sentence But don’t go anywhere definitly, will be right back after this messages, check it out Code Switching Code Mixing √ - Participant Solidarity Status Topic - - √ - Note ► Status: Daniel notices the audience and asks them to watch the video. According to Wardaugh, the switches between languages always coincide with changes from one external situation to another. Daniel’s statement describes 35 there is external situation, when he speaks with Peterpan then he turned to the audiences along with giving an attention. Thus, he preferred using code switching as it was situational factors. The above example is status because Daniel calls attention to the audiences and he advices to the audiences that MTV will be right back after another entertainment. He may similarly to another language as a signal of group membership anak Nongkrong MTV Ampuh and friendly relationship involving minimal social distance. Data 6 MTV Ampuh Sunday Chart Special by Request with Peterpan. Uki Peterpan: Back on MTV Sunday Chart Special by Request, masih bareng, Peterpan .. Di urutan empat ada band yang mempunyai arti dapat dilihat dan dapat didengar, yapp Apa lagi kalo bukan The Video. Well, this is the video, detik untuk dikenang. Sentence Back on MTV Sunday Chart Special by Request , still here with Peterpan .. well this is “The Video” with “Detik Untuk Dikenang”. Code Switching Code Mixing - √ Participant Solidarity Status Topic - √ - √ Note ► Solidarity: Uki greets the audiences and re-introduce the guest. ► Topic: Uki gives information of the next video. Uki as a guest makes a simple greeting to his audience to ask their attention and he also introduce or re-introduce his guest star of the day and then he start continues reading the chart of MTV Ampuh. The statement is code 36 smixing because according the illustrated conversation. Uki plays his role as the VJ who presented his program who tries to greet his audience as a member addressee anak Nongkrong MTV Ampuh. Uki preferred using English to Indonesia language to express his greeting. This statement can be considered as solidarity because Uki preferred to express his greeting in code mixing between English and Indonesia language after the commercial break. The topic appears when Uki gives information of the next video will be played. Uki uses verbal strategy to move the other topic. Data 7 MTV Ampuh Sunday Chart Special by Request with Peterpan VJ Daniel: Yeahh Loe ngomongnya enggak semangat banget sih. Yeahh.. Ok, yah Pemenangnya yang berhasil mendapatkan satu juta rupiah adalah Jadi kalo misalnya loe ngerasa loe punya email itu. Well, you should be very very happy yeah Fahzah. Sentence So, whether you think or feel that you have that e-mail. Well, you should be very very happy yeah Fahzah. Code Switching Code Mixing √ - Participant Solidarity Status Topic - √ - - Note ► Solidarity: Daniel plays the role as a VJ who amazed to the e-mail sender. 37 The statement was made by Daniel after Lukman announced who is the winner of request of the day. Daniel hopes the e-mail sender should be very happy. The code switching between Indonesian – English which Daniel did was considered to express his emotion or feeling to the e-mail sender. He did it because he comes along happy for Fahzah e-mail sender. Thus, because of this reason this statement was considered as the situational becomes code switching as a code. The above example is solidarity because the statement shows that Daniel as the VJ after he announced a letter. He plays the role as a VJ who amazed to the e-mail sender that he was the winner. Data 8 MTV Ampuh Sunday Chart Special by Request with Peterpan VJ Daniel: Alright. So, it’s time for we to go. Jangan lupa tuk terus tongkrongin MTV Ampuh Daily Monday Edition. Karena ada Seventeen yang bakal nemenin kalian semua. Sentence Alright. So, it’s time for we to go . Don’t forget to keep watching and keep your eyes on MTV Ampuh Daily Monday Edition. Code Switching Code Mixing √ - Participant Solidarity Status Topic - - √ √ Note ► Status: Daniel asks for permission and he gives an information. ► Topic: giving an information. 38 It is a situasional that motivated the code switching because Daniel statement showed status relation between presenter with audience. The code switching between Indonesian – English which Daniel did was considered to asks for permission and he gives an information. He did it because he wanted to gives an information to the audiences. The status of Daniel is seen as a VJ who advised of the audiences to watch another MTV program on Monday with the guest is Seventeen. Previously, he asks for permission that the program is almost over. In the change of topic here symbolizes a change in the relationship between Daniel and the audiences. Data 9 MTV Ampuh Sunday Chart Special by Request with Peterpan VJ Daniel: And now, it’s time for me to go, don’t forget to stay away from drugs. coz loe bakalan rugi banget dan kematian mendekati, wuehh gila, serem banget. Ok terus kampanyekan stop global warming jangan sampe bumi kita rusak. Sentence And now, it’s time for me to go, don’t forget to stay away from drugs, cuz’ you will very extremely lose out and demises close upon one’s last legs, Code Switching Code Mixing √ - Participant Solidarity Status Topic - √ - √ Note ► Solidarity: Daniel explains that the program is almost over. ► Topic: Daniel gives an advice. 39 The situation of conversation describes that the program is going to end. Daniel pleads for signed up because the time is up. The bilingual between Indonesian – English which Daniel did was considered to asks give an advice. He did it because he wanted to gives an expression of his mind about how riskiness of drugs by using different language was considered as code switching. This is Solidarity because before Daniel closes the program, he says the pemission as a greeting. After a permission, he plays his role as a young agent who warns the teenagers to stay away from the drugs. The topic is when Daniel makes an interaction with the audiences to which he gives an advice of stay away from drugs and stop global warming and he expresses his mind about how riskiness of drugs. Data 10 MTV Ampuh Sunday Chart Special by Request with Peterpan VJ Daniel: and the last but not least, gua yakin peterpan juga setuju banget jangan pernah beli CD bajakan. It’s a crime people and you should be embarrassed a little bit, alright. Peterpan dengan kisah cintaku. MTV Ampuh Banget Sentence I am sure that also Peterpan will excessively agree in order that don’t ever buy counterfeit CD. It’s a crime people and you should be embarrassed a little bit, alright. Code Switching Code Mixing √ - Participant Solidarity Status Topic - - √ √ Note ► Status: Daniel plays his role as a VJ is being young agent. ► Topic: Daniel gives an advice. 40 Daniel as a VJ plays his role becomes a young agent who asks the young people or teenagers anak nongkrong MTV do not buy an counterfeit CD. When Daniel became a young agent, he preferred using code switching as a code. Daniel’s advisory is a topic. Because he expresses how embarrased and It’s absolutely criminal if there are young people or teenagers who did not appreciate with a creation of musician of Indonesian. code switching occurs with in a single situation, but adds meaning to such components as the role-relationship, which is being expressed by VJ Daniel. And formed by a personal interaction to a formal transaction. Data 11 MTV Ampuh Top 100 with Agnes Monica as VJ VJ Agnes: Talking about this band i don’t have any comment beside one word, outstanding Four thumbs up . Berkarir hampir hampir 20 tahun di kancah musik indonesia memang hal yang luar biasa. Darah darah muda geng potlot ini akhirnya berkomitmen untuk berkarir di musik lewat bendera benama slank karena gaya mereka slengehan banget... Sentence Talking about this band I don’t have any comment beside one word, outstanding In essentials, Four thumbs up. Careering almost twentieth years old in Indonesian music industry is remarkable achievement. Code Switching Code Mixing √ - Participant Solidarity Status Topic - √ - √ Note ► Solidarity: VJ Agnes shows her amazement for Slank. ► Topic: VJ agnes gives an appreciation. VJ Agnes may similarly to another language as a signal of group membership as musician and shared ethnicity with an addressee. 41 Agnes tries to describe about the band who sits on chart MTV Ampuh Top 100 by telling the successful story of the band, it is simbilized as a solidarity. The interesting point is that some topics may be discussed in either code, but the choice of code adds the distinct flavor to what is said by VJ about the topic. The switch from English to Indonesian is code switching because a change of topic requires a change in the language used and indicates with the VJ changing of role in society. Data 12 MTV Ampuh Top 100 with Agnes Monica as VJ VJ Agnes: ... dan komitmen tersebut sudah menghasilkan begitu banyak prestasi, dan sampai sekarang Slank sudah meluncurkan sebelas album. Dan di MTV Ampuh Top 100 ini kita bakal melihat salah satu albumnya yang berhasil nongkrong di posisi thirty four. Yes, this is Biru . Yang di ambil dari soundtrack film Banyu Biru. Ok guys, please enjoy “Slank” with “Biru”. Sentence Yes, this is Biru . Which is taken from a soundtrack of Banyu Biru’s film. Ok guys, please enjoy “Slank” with “Biru”. Code Switching Code Mixing - √ Participant Solidarity Status Topic - - √ √ Note ► Status: VJ Agnes asks the audience to watch the next video clip. ► Topic: VJ Agnes expresses her surprise. The statement was made by Agnes after told the history of the band, she expresses her surprise in presenting and then Agnes says next position at chart Ampuh number thirty four to the audience, there is Biru by Slank. 42 The bilingual between Indonesian – English which Agnes did was considered to express her surprise of feeling. Bilingual which Agnes used shows linguistic process that incorporates material from a second language and adding morphological markers of the best to introduce element. Thus, because of this reason, this statement was considered as the code mixing. When Agnes plays her role as a VJ of MTV Ampuh. The first, she expresses her surprise. Next, she informs the audiences and than asks attention to the audiences for the video clip of Biru. It shows her status as presenter. The topic is simbolized by Agnes’ expression of surprise for the band. Data 13 MTV Ampuh Top 100 with Agnes Monica as VJ VJ Agnes: Anak nongkrong MTV lets movin’ on to number thirty three. Di peringkat ini berhasil diduduki Ari Lasso, dan yang berhasil masuk sekarang ini nih anak nongkrong adalah video ke dua Ari Lasso dari albumnya “Kulihat, Kudengar, Kurasa”, judulya dalem banget. patah hati hikshiks ... Sentence Squat MTV lets movin’ on to number thirty three. In this position was succeesfully occupied by Ari Lasso. His second video which is taken from his album is entitled “Kulihat, Kudengar, Kurasa”, it’s a touch profoundly title. “Patah Hati” hikshiks Code Switching Code Mixing - √ Participant Solidarity Status Topic - - √ √ Note ► Status: VJ Agnes plays her role as a VJ. ► Topic: The VJ expresses the video. 43 The statement was made by Agnes after told previous chart number, she expresses her sadness in presenting for Ari’s single in his New Album. The bilingual between Indonesian – English which Agnes did was considered to express her attractiveness of feeling for Ari’s second single. She did it because she wanted to convince the audiences. The switch from English to Indonesian is code switching because a change of topic requires a change in the language used and indicates with the VJ changing of role in society. Thus, because of this reason, this statement was considered as code switching. The status appears when Agnes plays her role as a VJ of MTV Ampuh. The first, she gives the direction to the audiences who sits on number thirty-three and she asks attention to the audiences for the video clip of Ari Lassso. Next, she expresses her attractiveness. It showed as the topic Data 14 MTV Ampuh Top 100 with Agnes Monica as VJ VJ Agnes: As you gonna find out that nuansa timur tengah di video ini ngena banget. Dan ari Lasso disini ceritanya jadi sebagai story teller ... well, any way langsung aja kita lihat Ari Lasso dengan “Patah Hati” ... Sentence As you gonna find out that Nuances of eastern in this video feel indeed. And Ari Lasso, in this video, he plays his role as a story teller ... well, any way Don’t take a long time, let’s see Ari Lasso … Code Switching Code Mixing - √ Participant Solidarity Status Topic - √ - √ Note ► Solidarity: VJ Agnes attracted with the video. ► Topic: VJ Agnes expresses her curiosity. 44 Agnes’ switch may also a change in her interaction because she gives a signal of group membership and shared similarity as young people with an addressee. She attracted with the video of Ari Lasso by told the story of Video. The topic is showed when Agnes uses conjungtion phrase as a direction for the audiences to watch the video. Code mixing occurs when conversations use both languages together to the extent that they change from one language to the other in the course of a single utterance. Data 15 MTV Ampuh Top 100 with Agnes Monica as VJ VJ Agnes: Band yang personil-personilnya mantan jebolan IKJ ini justru mengusung aliran 80an, keren juga Mungkin bisa dibilang sekarang mereka adalah satu-satunya band yang bernuansa 80an. It’s Club eighties . Dengan style-nya yang unik Lembu cs mampu meraih tempat sendiri untuk para fansnya. and the song that we gonna hear is taken from their new album which is standing on thirty two MTV Ampuh Top 100. Well, give it out once again from Club Eighties with “Dari Hati”. Sentence . ... by their own unique style, Lembu cs able to reach for the special place in their fans. And the song that we gonna hear is taken from their new album which is standing on thirty two MTV Ampuh Top 100. Well, give it out once again from Club Eigthies with “Dari Hati”. Code Switching Code Mixing √ - Participant Solidarity Status Topic - - √ √ Note ► Status: Agnes plays her role as a VJ. ► Topic: The VJ expresses the video. 45 The statement was made by Agnes after told the history of the band, she expresses her surprise in presenting. The bilingual between Indonesian – English which Agnes did was considered to express her surprise of feeling by using conjunction phrase. The switch from English to Indonesian is code switching because a change of topic requires a change in the language used and indicates with the VJ changing of role in society. So, this statement was considered as the code switching. When Agnes plays her role as a VJ of MTV Ampuh. The first, she expresses her amazed. Next, she informs the audiences and than asks attention to the audiences for the video clip. It shows her status as presenter. The topic is simbolized by Agnes’ expression of surprise for the band. When she gives a direction to watch the video of Club Eighties. Data 16 MTV Ampuh Top 100 with Agnes Monica as VJ VJ Agnes: Ok, anak nongkrong naik satu peringkat ke posisi tiga puluh MTV Ampuh Top 100, ok, what do we’ve got here? Let me see. Oh yap, di posisi ini kita punya satu penyanyi cowo yang mempunyai karakter suara yang khas banget, pokonya ngebass abis, dan dia adalah Bebi Romeo. Ok, here is “Lagu Tentang Cinta”. Sentence Ok, squat move up to the next position who placed on number thirtythree MTV Ampuh Top 100. Ok, what do we’ve got here? Let me see. Code Switching Code Mixing - √ Participant Solidarity Status Topic - √ - - Note ► Solidarity: Agnes asks for attention and shows his curiosity next. 46 The statement showed that Agnes as a VJ wants to know what should she does. So that, she asks the attention to the audiences. And she gives a signal of group membership as a young people as is the audiences anak nongkrong MTV. It shows as a code mixing because when the conversations use both languages together to the extent that they change from one language to the other in the course of a single utterance. Agnes plays her role as the VJ who presented his program who tries to asks for attention and shows her curiosity next. Data 17 MTV Ampuh Top 100 with Agnes Monica as VJ VJ Agnes: Helo helo heloo Everybody we back again on Special Edition of MTV Ampuh Top 100, and today, we gonna see who sitting on number fourty till twenty-one a long days with me the one and only Agnes Monica . Well, are you ready guys? here is i’m ready. Ok anak nongrong. Sentence Helo helo heloo Everybody we back again on Special Edition of MTV Ampuh Top 100, and today, we gonna see who sitting on number fourty till twenty-one a long days with me the one and only Agnes Monica . Well, are you ready guys? here is i’m ready . Ok young people. Code Switching Code Mixing √ - Participant Solidarity Status Topic √ √ - - Note ►Solidaritas: Greeting to the audiences. Agnes makes a simple greeting to her audience to ask their attention. She also introduce or re-introduce the program which is presented of the day and herself. And then she start continues read the chart of MTV Ampuh Chart Top 100. 47 Agnes preferred using English to Indonesia language to express her greeting. This statement can be considered as solidarity because Agnes preferred to express her greeting in code switching between English and Indonesia language. And also her greeting as introduction shows who is the participant in concerned within the program. The statement is code switching because according the situation. Agnes plays her role as the VJ who presented the program and then tries to greet her audience. The point at which the language change corresponds to a point where the situation changes. Data 18 MTV Ampuh Top 100 with Agnes Monica as VJ VJ Agnes: Ok anak nongkrong without any further a due, langsung aja kita lihat siapa yang ada di peringkat empat puluh. Dan ternyata di peringkat ini kita punya salah satu penyanyi senior yang merupakan senior gue juga yang bisa dibilang one of the great great living legend in our musical industry . Pasti tau dung siapa? Dia adalah mas Crisye ... Sentence Ok young people without any further a due, don’t take a long time, let’s we check who is the candidate which takes the position on number fourty. and actually, on this number do we have is a senior singer who is my senior too which called one of the great great living legend in our musical industry . Code Switching Code Mixing - √ Participant Solidarity Status Topic - √ - √ Note ► Solidarity: Agnes gives attention to the next chart. ► Topic: Agnes informs the audiences. 48 49 The bilingual between Indonesian – English which Agnes did was considered to express her feeling impatiently. Thus, because of this reason, this statement was considered as the code switching. The statement was made by Agnes that the next singer who sits on next position is a living legend in Indonesian musical industry. She expresses her feeling to the audiences in presenting. The topic is simbolized by Agnes’ expression of surprise and impacient to know who is the singer. CHAPTER IV CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION

A. Conclusion