The Factors Influencing Code Switching and Code Mixing

F. The Factors Influencing Code Switching and Code Mixing

According to Holmes, there are four factors that may influence people to code switch, they are: 1. Participants. The participants that use code switching to his or her partners because they have certain will and goal. If a group of people are talking in one language and a non-speaker enters, they will switch code or topic or both. Viewing from the personality of the participant, there are will and goal of code switching such as the speaker who wants to change the situation without any information in time and space. 31 we can see as an example by looking conversation below: A: Well I’m glad I met you. Ok? M: andale pues OK SWELL, and do come again. Mm? Switch between Spanish and English By using the Spanish tag, M signaled to A that she recognized the relevance of their shared ethnic backround to their future relationship. The tag served a solidarity marker between two minority ethnic group member’s whose previous conversation has been entirely in Engish. 2. Solidarity affective function. A speaker may similarly to another language as a signal of group membership and shared ethnicity with an addressee. Even speaker who is not very proficient in a second language may use brief phrases and words for his purpose. 32 31 Janet Holmes 2001. op. cit. p. 42. 32 Ibid, p. 41. We can see as an example by looking conversation below: The Maori is in italic. THE TRANSLATION IS IN SMALL CAPITALS. Sarah : I think everyone’s here except Mere. John : She said she might be a bit late but actually I think that’s her arriving now. Sarah : You’re right. Kia ora Mere. Haere mai. Kei te pehea koe? HI MERE. COME IN. HOW ARE YOU Mere : Kia ora hoa. Kei te pai. Have you started yet? HELLO MY FRIEND. I’M FINE. In the conversation above, code switching appears with English as the main language and Maori is code switching language. People sometimes switch code within a domain or social situation. When there is some obvious change in the situatioon, such us the arrival of a new person, it is easy to explain the switch. Mere is Maori and although the rest of the meeting will be conducted in English, Sarah switches to Maori to greet Mere. The Maori greeting is an participant of adressee. 33 3. Status. A switch may also reflect a change in the other dimensions, such as the status relationship between people or the formality of their interaction. More formal relationship, which sometimes involve status differences too, such as doctor-patient, administrator–client, or teacher-student. Friendly 33 Janet Holmes 2001. op. cit. p. 41. relationship involving minimal social distance, such as neighbour or friend. 34 Look conversation below as an example: BOKMAL IS IN SMALL CAPITALS. Ranamal is not. Jan : Hello Petter. How is your wife now? Petter : Oh she’s much better thank you Jan. She’s out of hospital and convalescing well. Jan : That’s good I’m pleased to hear it. DO YOU THINK YOU COULD HELP ME WITH THIS PESKY FROM? I AM HAVING A GREAT DEAL OF DIFFICULT WITH IT. Petter : OF COURSE. GIVE IT THERE..... This conversation took place in somewhere of Hemnesberget, between two neighbour, Jan and Petter. Nothing appears to change except the topic of discussion and with it the code. In fact the change of topic here symbolizes a change in the relationship between men. They switch from their roles as neighbours to their roles as bureaucrat and member of the public. They switch from a personal interaction to a more formal transaction. 35 4. Topic. According to Holmes, people may switch code within a speech event to dicuss a particula topic. Bilinguall often find it easier to discuss particular topics in one code rather than another. For many bilinguals certain kinds of referential content are more appropriately or more easily expressed in one language than the other. Look illustrated below for an example: 34 Holmes, Janet 2001. op. cit. p. 41. 35 Janet Holmes 2001. op. cit. p. 43. the Chinese is in italic. THE TRANSLATION IS IN SMALL CAPITALS. A group of Chinese stidents are discusing Chinese customs. Li : People here get divorce too easily. Like exchanging faulty goods. In China it’s not the same. Jia gou sui gou, jia ji sui ji. IF YOU HAVE MARIED A DOG. YOU FOLLOW A DOG. IF YOU’VE MARRIED A CHICKEN, YOU FOLLOW A CHICKEN. This partly because they have learned the vocabulary of their studies in English, so they do not always know the word like “morpheme” in Cantonese. In these example the switches not only emphasise the precise message content, they also sognal ethnic identity. In other words they have an affectives as well as a referential function. 36 36 Janet Holmes 2001. op. cit. p. 44. CHAPTER III RESEARCH FINDINGS A. Data Description In this chapter the writer will discuss the research finding. In collecting the data for the research, the writer followed five steps. Firstly, the writer observed the “MTV Ampuh” program by watching and recording this program. Secondly, the writer watches again the recorded program which contains of codes language that used by VJ on MTV Ampuh. Thirdly, the writer chooses the utterances that consisted of codes switching. Fourthly, the writer wrote down the data into table. The final step is to analyze the data based on the types and the factors of codes switching. For this study, the writer analyses about eighteen characters’s dialogs that use code switching or code mixing. He chooses the dialogs randomly which are interested to be analyzed that is used by VJ Daniel and Agnes who has been the VJ on MTV Ampuh program from the begining. The writer focuses on Daniel and Agnes because they switched and mixed the code entirely. The dialog is used by VJ here are the dialogs which will be analyzed in this paper is taken from different episode; VJ Daniel presented MTV Ampuh Sunday Chart Special by Request with Peterpan program and VJ Agnes presented the program of MTV Ampuh Top 100 with Agnes Monica as VJ on March 19 th , 2009. 27 Data I Date : Saturday, March 13 th , 2010. Program : The data of MTV Ampuh Sunday Chart Special by Request with Peterpan. VJ Guest : Daniel Peterpan Band 1. VJ Daniel: Ok anak nongkrong, welcome to MTV Ampuh Sunday Chart Special by Request . Jadi, di sini loe bisa nge-request-nge- request juga yaa di hari minggu yang nyantai ini dengan email yang udah loe berikan ke kita kemaren itu. Alright, dan pastinya masih bersama Peterpan disini. Yeahhh... 2. VJ Daniel: ... Oh iyaa anak nongkrong pada akhir acara nanti, kita akan memberikan hadiah satu juta rupiah untuk klip request-an yang nomor satu terbanyak, yaa anak nongkrong kalo misalnya loe belom tau gimana caranya, gampang ajah. Loe tinggal kirim e-mail ke kita. All you have to do is just, e- mailnya tau dimana?? . 3. VJ Daniel: Nah cara ketiknya SCS spasi nama penyanyi spasi judul lagu.. alright. Dan nanti peterpan bakal nge-VJ juga bareng kita.. iyehhh.. man Loe harus ngomong juga harus gini juga. So anyway , ok yang pastinya di posisi 8 ada klip yang dipilih sama anak nongkrong, the changcuters dengan gila-gilaan, check this out .. 4. VJ Daniel: What’s up guys, yes ... kembali lagi pastinya di MTV Ampuh... Sunday Chart Requets. So, Sunday Chart Special by Request. Dan pastinya masih bersama Peterpan, dan ini terakhir kalinya mereka pake nama Peterpan. 5. VJ Daniel: ... gue pengen ngomong banyak banget ci man tapi ya nanti off air aja kali yahh.. heheh.. ya udah, nanti kita bakal ngeliat dan bakal dengerin juga “Kisah Cintaku”. Tapi yang pastinya loe jangan kemana-mana, will be right back after this messages, check it out 6. Uki Peterpan: Back on MTV Sunday Chart Special by Request, masih bareng, Peterpan .. Di urutan empat ada band yang mempunyai arti dapat dilihat dan dapat didengar, yapp Apa lagi kalo bukan The Video. Well, this is the video, detik untuk dikenang. 28 7. VJ Daniel: Yeahh Loe ngomongnya enggak semangat banget sih. Yeahh.. Ok, yah Pemenangnya yang berhasil mendapatkan satu juta rupiah adalah Jadi kalo misalnya loe ngerasa loe punya email itu. Well, you should be very very happy yeah Fahzah. 8. VJ Daniel: Alright. So, it’s time for we to go. Jangan lupa tuk terus tongkrongin MTV Ampuh Daily Monday Edition. Karena ada Seventeen yang bakal nemenin kalian semua. 9. VJ Daniel: And now, it’s time for me to go, don’t forget to stay away from drugs, coz loe bakalan rugi banget dan kematian mendekati, wuehh gila, serem banget. Ok terus kampanyekan stop global warming jangan sampe bumi kita rusak. 10. VJ Daniel: And the last but not least, gua yakin peterpan juga setuju banget jangan pernah beli CD bajakan. It’s a crime people and you should be embarrassed a little bit, alright. Peterpan dengan kisah cintaku. MTV Ampuh Banget Data II Date : Saturday, March 13 th , 2010. Program : The data of MTV Ampuh Top 100 with Agnes Monica as a VJ. VJ Guest : Daniel Peterpan Band 1. VJ Agnes: Talking about this band i don’t have any comment beside one word, outstanding Four thumbs up . Berkarir hampir hampir 20 tahun di kancah musik indonesia memang hal yang luar biasa. Darah darah muda geng potlot ini akhirnya berkomitmen untuk berkarir di musik lewat bendera benama slank karena gaya mereka slengehan banget... 2. VJ Agnes: ... dan komitmen tersebut sudah menghasilkan begitu banyak prestasi, dan sampai sekarang Slank sudah meluncurkan sebelas album. Dan di MTV Ampuh Top 100 ini kita bakal melihat salah satu albumnya yang berhasil nongkrong di posisi thirty four . Yes, this is Biru. Yang di ambil dari soundtrack film Banyu Biru. Ok guys, please enjoy “Slank” with “Biru”. 29 3. VJ Agnes: Anak nongkrong MTV lets movin’ on to number thirty three. Di peringkat ini berhasil diduduki Ari Lasso, dan yang berhasil masuk sekarang ini nih anak nongkrong adalah video ke dua Ari Lasso dari albumnya “Kulihat, Kudengar, Kurasa”, judulya dalem banget. patah hati hikshiks ... 4. VJ Agnes: As you gonna find out that nuansa timur tengah di video ini ngena banget. Dan ari Lasso disini ceritanya jadi sebagai story teller ... well, any way langsung aja kita lihat Ari Lasso dengan “Patah Hati” ... 5. VJ Agnes: Band yang personil-personilnya mantan jebolan IKJ ini justru mengusung aliran 80an, keren juga Mungkin bisa dibilang sekarang mereka adalah satu-satunya band yang bernuansa 80an. It’s Club eighties . Dengan style-nya yang unik Lembu cs mampu meraih tempat sendiri untuk para fansnya. and the song that we gonna hear is taken from their new album which is standing on thirty two MTV Ampuh Top 100. Well, give it out once again from Club Eighties with “Dari Hati”. 6. VJ Agnes: Ok, anak nongkrong naik satu peringkat ke posisi tiga puluh MTV Ampuh Top 100. Ok, what do we’ve got here? Let me see. Oh yap, di posisi ini kita punya satu penyanyi cowo yang mempunyai karakter suara yang khas banget, pokonya ngebass abis, dan dia adalah Bebi Romeo. Ok, here is “Lagu Tentang Cinta”. 7. VJ Agnes: Helo helo heloo Everybody we back again on Special Edition of MTV Ampuh Top 100, and today, we gonna see who sitting on number fourty till twenty-one a long days with me the one and only Agnes Monica . Well, are you ready guys? here is i’m ready . Ok anak nongrong. 8. VJ Agnes: Ok anak nongkrong without any further a due, langsung aja kita lihat siapa yang ada di peringkat empat puluh. Dan ternyata di peringkat ini kita punya salah satu penyanyi senior yang merupakan senior gue juga yang bisa dibilang one of the great great living legend in our musical industry . Pasti tau dung siapa? Dia adalah mas Crisye ... The writer uses Janet Holmes’ criteria to differentiate which dialogs use code switching or code mixing and identifies the factor influencing such as 30 participant, status, solidarity, and topic. The writer also uses other supporting theory related to code switching that relevance .

B. Data Analysis