The Instructional Materials Used by the English Teacher in Teaching


This chapter is used to answer all of the research questions for this study. They are; the instructional materials used by the English teacher in teaching functional expression, the instructional activities conducted by the teacher in teaching functional expression, and the evaluation used by the teacher in teaching functional expression.

A. The Instructional Materials Used by the English Teacher in Teaching

Functional Expression The writer tried to analyze the instructional materials by conducting some researches such as by giving questionnaire to the students and the teacher about the instructional materials which is taught in the classroom and also by conducting observation in the physical classroom activities during the teaching functional expression. Therefore, the writer tried to give explanation about her research as follow: The writer used the formula; P: n f x 100 to find out about the materials which is taught in classroom, from the data gained the writer could give explanation about the materials as follow; 26 Table 4.1: The data about the core English textbook Question number 1 Respondents: 35 Students No Question and option F 1. Apakah anda mempunyai buku teks bahasa inggris a. Ya b. Tidak 35 100 Based on the table above, it can be concluded that all of the students have the English textbook, it can be seen from the percentage of the result calculation who answered yes as much as 100, it is meant that all of the students have it, and it can be seen also from the observation which is conducted by the writer in the classroom that the students have the English textbook. Table 4.2: The data about another references used to support English textbook Question number 2 Respondents: 35 Students No Question and option F 1. Selain buku teks bahasa Inggris, apakah anda mempunyai buku bahasa inggris yang lainnya? a. Ya b. Tidak 19 16 54.2 47.7 Based on the table above, it can be concluded that beside the core English textbook that is used in the teaching learning process, some students also have another references to support the main textbook in order to explore their knowledge in comprehending the materials. There are 54.2 students who have another references to support their main textbook, and there are 47.7 students who have not another references. Table 4.3: The data about Functional Expression Question number 3 Respondents: 35 Students No Question and option F 3. Materi manakah yang lebih dominan diajarkan oleh Bapak Ibu guru dalam pengajaran bahasa Inggris dikelas kepada anda? a. Genres jenis teks 9 Descriptive text a. Ya b. Tidak 9 Procedure text a. Ya b. Tidak 18 17 10 25 51.4 48.7 28.57 71.42 It can seen from the table above about descriptive text, most of the student given their answer Yes 51.4 and the students who answer No only about 48. 7, it’s meant that descriptive text is not purely taught to all of the students. And the calculation about procedures text, most of the student given their answer Yes

28.57 and the students who answer No only about 71.42, it’s meant that

procedure text is not purely taught to all of the students, meanwhile most of the students answered No. No Question and option F 3. Materi manakah yang lebih dominan diajarkan oleh Bapak Ibu guru dalam pengajaran bahasa Inggris dikelas kepada anda? b. Functional expression 9 Asking and giving help a. Ya b. Tidak 9 Asking and giving thing a. Ya b. Tidak 9 Asking and giving fact a. Ya b. Tidak 9 Asking and giving opinion a. Ya b. Tidak 9 Like and dislike a. Ya b. Tidak 9 Asking clarification a. Ya b. Tidak 9 Interpersonal Is it?, Do you?, Aren’t You? a. Ya b. Tidak 35 32 3 15 20 26 9 16 19 19 16 16 19 100 91.42 8.57 42.85 54.14 74.28 25.7 45.71 54.2 54.28 45.71 45.71 54.28 It can seen from the table above about functional expression, the calculation of the data about asking and giving help, all of the students given their answer Yes 100 and no one students who answer No 0, it’s meant that the functional expression of asking and giving help is purely taught to all of the students in the classroom. From the calculation asking and giving thing, most of the students given their answer Yes 91.42 and only 8.57 who answered No, it is meant that the functional expression of asking and giving thing is almost purely taught to all of the students in the classroom. From the calculation asking and giving fact, most of the students given their answer Yes 42.85 and only 57.14 who answered No, it is meant that the functional expression of asking and giving fact is almost not purely taught to all of the students in the classroom. From the calculation asking and giving opinion , is taught to the students mostly in the classroom, it can be seen from the percentage data above that

74.28 the students gave the answer Yes, and only 25.7 who gave answer No.

So, the students knew about the functional expression which would like to use in their daily activities. From the calculation of the data about like and dislike , most of the students given their answer Yes 47.7 and only 54.2 who answered No, it is meant that the functional expression of like and dislike is almost not purely taught to all of the students in the classroom. From the calculation of the data about asking clarification, most of the student given their answer Yes 54.28 and the students who answer No only about 45.71, it’s meant that asking clarification is not purely taught to all of the students. And the calculation of the data about Interpersonal above, most of the students given their answer Yes 45.71 and only 54.28 who answered No, it is meant that the functional expression of interpersonal is almost not purely taught to all of the students in the classroom. No Question and option F 3. Materi manakah yang lebih dominan diajarkan oleh Bapak Ibu guru dalam pengajaran bahasa Inggris dikelas kepada anda? c. Grammar a. Ya b. Tidak 27 8 77.1 22.8 Based on the data above, it can be concluded that grammar is taught to the students mostly in the classroom, it can be seen from the percentage data above that 77.1 the students gave the answer Yes, and only 22.8 who gave answer No. So, the students knew about the grammar which would like to use in their daily activities. Table 4.4: The data about Students’ Understanding of the Materials are Taught above by the Teacher in the Classroom Question number 4 Respondents: 35 Students No Question and option F 4. Apakah anda memahami materi diatas yang dijelaskan BapakIbu guru anda? a. Ya b. Tidak 33 2 94.28 5.7 From the result of calculation above, it can be summarized that the students can understand the materials given by the teacher, it can be shown from their choice which given the answer Yes with the percentage 94,28, and few of them given the answer No with the percentage 5,7. Table 4.5: The data about Language which is used by the English Teacher during Teaching Materials in the Classroom Question number 5 Respondents: 35 Students No Question and option F 1. Bahasa pengantar apakah yang BapakIbu guru anda sering gunakan selama menyampaikan materi pelajaran? a. Ya b. Tidak 35 100 The language that is used by the teacher in teaching-learning activities is English, it can be seen from the table above, the writer can be concluded that the teacher used English while teaching materials in the classroom, because all of the students given or chosen Yes as their answer with the percentage 100, and 0 who answer No. After knowing the answer of result all students to the questionnaires, hence following writer of describe the answer of teacher to questionnaires which the writer have give. Table 4.6: The data gained from teachers’ questionnaires about instructional material Question number 1- 5 No Instructional Material Functional Expression Teacher 1 Teacher 2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 Core English textbook Another references used to support English textbook Functional Expression 1. Genres - Descriptive text - Procedures text 2. Functional expression - Asking and giving help - Asking and giving thing - Asking and giving fact - Asking and giving opinion - Like and dislike - Asking clarification - Interpersonal Is it?, Do you?, Aren’t You? 3. Grammar The Students’ Understanding of the Materials are Taught above by the Teacher in the Classroom The Language which is used by the 9 9 9 - 9 9 9 9 9 9 - 9 9 9 9 - 9 9 9 - 9 9 9 9 9 9 English Teacher during Teaching Materials in the Classroom 9 9 Table 4.5 above shown us the result questionnaires teachers’ about instructional materials used by English teacher in teaching functional expression, The English text book used at MTs Pembangunan UIN consisted of one books, namely Joyful published by aneka Ilmu 2007, and the according to teacher’s answer it can be concluded that the functional expression almost purely taught to all of the students in the classroom. Besides giving the questionnaires to teachers and students, the writer also perform an interview with all English teacher about Instructional material Used by the English Teacher in Teaching Functional Expression, and the result is as follows. Base on interview and observation result, known that the teacher taught functional expression.

B. The Instructional Activities Conducted by the Teacher in Teaching

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