The Evaluation Used by the Teacher in Teaching Functional Expression

In Using Media during presenting material and the description of using pictures and guided questions in teaching writing, the teacher always conducts some activities, they are: • The teacher uses the appropriate media with the theme or the topic • He uses the varieties media

c. post – activities.

The last activities done by the teacher is post activities. The teacher concluded the material, inform the students about the next materials, giving the test to the students which is appropriate with the materials given before, and checking the students’ exercise.

C. The Evaluation Used by the Teacher in Teaching Functional Expression

at MTs Pembangunan UIN Jakarta In the evaluation, the writer tried to find out it by using questionnaire which are given to the students and to find out the result, the writer used the formula as follow; Table 4.9: The data of evaluation calculation which is given in the end of the meeting of the teaching-learning activities Question number 6 Respondents: 35 Students No Question and option F 1. Apakah BapakIbu guru anda eberikan evaluasipenilaian pada setiap akhir pertemuan? a. Selalu b. Kadang-kadang c. Tidak pernah 10 24 1 28.57 68.57 2.85 Based on the calculation described above, it can be drawn that the teacher not often give the evaluation in the end of the teaching-learning process and it is in line with the students’ responses who answered Always only 28.57 and 68.57 the students who answered Sometimes and the students who give the answer Never only 2.85. So the teacher does not always give the students evaluation in the end of the teaching-learning process. Table 4.10: The data calculation of the evaluation daily exercises in the end of the teaching-learning process Question number 7 Respondents: 35 Students No Question and option F 1. Pada akhir pertemuan apakah BapakIbu guru anda meberikan tugas harian? a. Selalu b. Kadang-kadang c. Tidak pernah 1 33 1 2.85 94.28 2.85 From the data calculation described above, it can be shown that the teacher not often give the evaluation in the end of the teaching-learning process, but the teacher sometimes give them evaluation and it is in line with the students’ responses who answered Always only 2.85 and 94.28 the students who answered Sometimes and the students who give the answer Never only 2.85. So the teacher does not always give the students evaluation in the end of the teaching-learning process, but the teacher sometimes give them evaluation as many as 98.24. Table 4.11: The data of calculation for the kinds of evaluation are given to the students by the teacher Question number 8 Respondents: 35 Students No Question and option F 1. Apakah evaluasi yang sering BapakIbu guru anda gunakan? a. Formatif b. Sumatif 35 100 From the data calculation above, formative test is a test that always given by the teacher to all of the students, it is in line with the fact of the data calculation result that formative test has 100, it is meant that all of the students answered formative test as a main test which is given by their teacher. Table 4.12: The data of forms of evaluation which are given to the students in their exercises Question number 9 Respondents: 35 Students No Question and option F 1. Dalam bentuk apakah tes evaluasi yang BapakIbu guru anda berikan kepada anda? a. Tes tertulis b. Tes lisan c. Ter tertulis dan lisan 11 24 31.42 68.57 The writer can take summarized from the data calculation above that the text or evaluation which is mostly given to the students is writing and oral test, it can be seen from the students’ answer percentage as much as 68.57 for the writing and oral test and the percentage of the writing test which is given to the students only 31.42, it explained that writing test was not mostly used in the teaching-learning activities. Besides, no one student who answer the oral test, so the oral test is rightly was not given to the students in the physical classroom. Table 4.13: The data information of whether the teacher told the students about evaluation which will be conducted Question number 10 Respondents: 35 Students No Question and option F 1. Apakah BapakIbu guru anda memberitahukan anda jika ulanagan akan dilaksanakan? a. Selalu b. Kadang-kadang c. Tidak Pernah 28 7 80 20 From the data calculation above, the writer can give conclusion that the teacher always informs the students about the evaluation which will be conducted in the classroom, so they can prepare themselves in studying and exercising, the real fact of its percentage is 80 of the students who answer that their teacher Always informs them about the evaluation before it will be conducted in the classroom. Besides, there were some students who answer sometimes as much as 20 and no one of the students who answer never it is meant 0. So, the teacher has a big responsibility for her students. Besides giving the questionnaires to students, the writer also perform an interview with all English teachers about the evaluation Used by the English Teacher in Teaching Functional Expression, and the result is as follows. Base on interview result, known that the teacher using writing and oral test for students evaluations.


This chapter presents about conclusions and suggestions of the research which is done by the researcher at MTs Pembangunan UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

A. Conclusions

Based on the research findings described previously, the conclusion can be described as follows: The functional expressions that were taught to the students at the first grade of MTs Pembangunan UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta were good enough and reached and the result of the KTSP objectives can be handled and reached well. The teacher also has a good responsibility for her duty as a teacher and also for her students, the teacher tried to apply the functional expression materials to the students in their daily activities, so they can interact and communicate between each other well and they did not find any difficulties when they were in the social networking. 43

B. Suggestion

The following were some suggestion for English teachers, school principal and further researchers. 1 For the English teachers, in line with the research findings previously, is that the functional expressions were suggested taught to the students well in order they can establish themselves in facing social networking in their daily activities. Functional expression must be taught carefully, because it is as an essential skill to communicate between each other and also must be apply in their daily activities step by step. 2 For the principal, the school principal should help the teachers in completing the media needed when they want to start teaching in order they can be reach the objectives of the study and to make the student feel interest in learning materials, so they can learn fun and happy without any stressing and they can accept the materials well. 3 For the further researchers, the further researchers were suggested that they conduct further study about the functional expression better, because it was so important for the students to interact with the people in another world in order they could comprehend what should they do.

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