The Instructional Activities Conducted by the Teacher in Teaching Strategi Pembelajaran Menggunakan Alat Media Pembelajaran

English Teacher during Teaching Materials in the Classroom 9 9 Table 4.5 above shown us the result questionnaires teachers’ about instructional materials used by English teacher in teaching functional expression, The English text book used at MTs Pembangunan UIN consisted of one books, namely Joyful published by aneka Ilmu 2007, and the according to teacher’s answer it can be concluded that the functional expression almost purely taught to all of the students in the classroom. Besides giving the questionnaires to teachers and students, the writer also perform an interview with all English teacher about Instructional material Used by the English Teacher in Teaching Functional Expression, and the result is as follows. Base on interview and observation result, known that the teacher taught functional expression.

B. The Instructional Activities Conducted by the Teacher in Teaching

Functional Expression at MTs Pembangunan UIN Jakarta Teaching activities, used in teaching functional expression from the observations, it is found that the three strategies.see table 4.6 Table 4.7: Instructional Activities No Deskriptor Ya Tidak AWAL PELAJARAN PRE – ACTIVITIES 1. Memiliki persiapan mengajar yang matang lesson plan dan media 9 2. Memberikan motivasi untuk belajar Functional Expression 9 3. Meriview materi terdahulu dan menghubungkannya dengan materi baru yang akan diajarkan 9 KEGIATAN INTI WHILST ACTIVITIES A. Penyajian Materi Pelajaran 4. Menjelaskan materi sesuai dengan tingkat pemahaman dan kemampuan siswa 9 5. Menguasai bahasa ajar dengan baik 9 6. Menggunakan sumber belajar yang bervariasi dan ontentik 9 7. Menciptakan suasana yang menyenangkan 9 8. Menunjukkan ketertarikan pada pelajaran yang diajarkan 9. Pemebelajaran sesuai dengan lesson planning 9 10. Menggunakan bahasa Inggris formal dan bergramatical baik 9 11. Menyertai seluruh tindakannya dengan bahasa Inggris selama proses pembelajaran 9 12. Jenis bahan Functional expression sesuai dengan tingkat 9 literasi SMP 13. Berbicara dengan jelas 9

A. Strategi Pembelajaran

14. Functional expression diajarkan secara integrated dengan skill yang lain 15. Mengajarkan Asking and Giving help 9 16. Mengajarkan Asking and Giving Thing 9 17. Mengajarkan Asking and Giving Fact 9 18. Mengajarkan Asking and Giving opinion 9 19. Mengajarkan Like and Dislike 20. Mengajarkan asking clarification 9 21. Mengajarkan Interpersonal 9 22. Murid-murid aktif tidak takut mencoba an bertanya 23. Memberikan kesempatan bertanya 9 24. Memberikan feedback dengan baik 9 25. Memberikan waktu cukup untuk praktek dari pada teori 26. Murid –murid memperaktekan functional expression 9

B. Menggunakan Alat Media Pembelajaran

27. Menggunakan media yang bermacam-macam 28. Sesuai dengan materi pelajaran POST ACTIVITIES 29. Menyimpulkan materi pelajaran 30. Memberitahukan materi pelajaran untuk pertemuan berikutnya 9 31. Memberikan tes 9 32. Mengecek hasil kerja siswa 9 33. Tes yang diberikan sesuai dengan materi 9 Total 24 9 Score: Yes : 1 No : 0 Base on the table above, the writer is going to make more detail tabulation in percentages about instructional activities. see table 4.6 Table 4.8: the frequency and percentage of the instructional activities The option Frequency Score Sum Yes 24 24 24 No 9 0 0 Total 33 24 P = 24 33 x 100 =72.7 From the result of analysis above, the writer conclude that the value of cheek list 72.7 , base on the criteria adopted from Suharsimi Arikunto’s,it mean that the teacher of the first grade of MTs Pembangunan UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta has a sufficient implementation teaching learning process. There are three kinds of strategies those are used commonly in the physical classroom when the teacher teaches the students, they are:

a. Pre – Activitues

In the pre-activities, the teacher started the teaching-learning process by greetings in common greetings such as; good morning, how are you today?. Besides it, he check the students’ attendance list to check who did not come to the class, he review the lesson which is given in the last meeting.

b. Whilst Activities

In the whilst activities, the teacher has three kinds of classification which are conducted in the classroom, such as; presenting the materials, learning methodology, and using media during presenting material and the description of using pictures and guided questions in teaching writing. In presenting materials, the teacher always conducts some activities, they are: • Explain the materials based on the students’ skills, creating the enjoyment situation, and the learning process based on the lesson plan • Using English while teaching materials in the classroom • Explaining the materials clearly In learning methodology, the teacher always conducts some activities, they are: • Functional Expression are taught integrated with another subjects • Using questions and answers techniques • Giving a good feedback, and giving a long time to practice the materials given • The students practice the functional expression in front of the class with their partner In Using Media during presenting material and the description of using pictures and guided questions in teaching writing, the teacher always conducts some activities, they are: • The teacher uses the appropriate media with the theme or the topic • He uses the varieties media

c. post – activities.

The last activities done by the teacher is post activities. The teacher concluded the material, inform the students about the next materials, giving the test to the students which is appropriate with the materials given before, and checking the students’ exercise.

C. The Evaluation Used by the Teacher in Teaching Functional Expression

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