Objectives of Teaching English at Islamic Junior High School Based on

competence which is divided into productive skills speaking and writing and receptive skills listening and reading and linguistic competence grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and spelling. 3 English subject is aimed to develop those skills in order students to able to communicate in positive literacy covering performative, functional, informational, and epistemic. In performative, people be able to read, write, listen, and speak with the symbols are used. In functional, a person be able to use the language to fulfill their life needs, such as reading newspapers, etc. In informational, people are able to access the knowledge by using language skills. Whereas, in epistemic, people able to use the knowledge in the target language 4 by using English. Besides, teaching English in Islamic Junior High School is proposed to implant the awareness about the importance of English language as a vital medium of transfer of knowledge that has a role to widen science, implant positive thinking to foreign people and help the students in doing cross cultural activities. In teaching learning English, an evaluation has an important role in teaching learning activities. It is an integral part of the instructional program. Through evaluation, teachers are able to find out the effectiveness or the failure of a method and also students achievement in mastering the lesson.

B. Objectives of Teaching English at Islamic Junior High School Based on

KTSP Based on the latest curriculum that is KTSP School – Level Curriculum, English subject at MTsSMP is intended to the students to have a skill of a communicate spoken and written to get a functional literacy level, b to enhance 3 Depdiknas, Kurikulum 2004, Standar Kompetensi Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris SMPMTs, Jakarta; Depdiknas, 2003 4 Anonymous, Standar Isi dan Standar kompetensi Lulusan untuk Satuan Pendidikan Sekolah Menengah Pertama SMP Madrasah Tsanawiyah MTs Beserta Peraturan Pelaksanaannya Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional Republik Indonesia No. 22, 23, dan 24 Tahun 2006, Jakarta, Departemen Pendidikan Nasional. Unpublished. nation competition in global society, and c developing of students’ understanding between language and culture. 5 English learning at MTs is aimed at the students in order to get functional level, that is to communicate spoken and written to settle about the life’s problems. Furthermore, according to the 1994 Curriculum, the objective of Junior High School Islamic Junior High School is to give the skills in order to develop the knowledge and skills are gotten from basic school to improve students’ life as a member of society and citizen of a country with improvement level to prepare following the secondary education. 6 According to the School-Level Curriculum -KTSP- for the next term the word KTSP is used English subject at MTs is intended to the students to have a skill of a speaking communication and written to get a functional literacy level, b to enhance nation competition in global society, and c developing students’ understanding between language and culture. 7 The curricular objectives of English in MTsSMP are specified into the instructional objectives of seventh grade, eighth grade and ninth grade. The objectives for each year are more specified into objectives of four skills, where these skills objectives stated on competences standard and basic competences.

C. Instructional Material for MTs Recommended by the Latest English

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