Instructional Activities Conducted at MTsSMP Evaluation

E. Instructional Activities Conducted at MTsSMP

There are three kinds of strategies. Those are used commonly in the physical classroom when the teacher teaches the students, they are: a. Pre- activities, b. Whilst activities, and c. Post activities. a Pre – Activities In the pre-activities, the teacher starts the teaching-learning process by greetings, such as; good morning, how are you today?, etc. Besides it, she check the students’ attendance list to check who does not come to the class, before he went to review the materials she gives the students some motivations in learning English, after that she reviews the lesson before and asks them to show up their text books or workbook.

b Whilst Activities

In the whilst activities, the teacher has three kinds of classification which are conducted in the classroom, such as; presenting the materials, learning methodology, and using media during presenting material and the description of giving other materials, such as; functional expression, grammar, pronunciation, etc.

c post – activities.

The last activities done by the teacher is post activities. The teacher concluded the material, to review the materials given, to confirm about the next materials and asked the students’ understanding of materials given by the teacher, gives them clearly assignment which is correlated with the materials given.

F. Evaluation

Evaluation is a systematic process of information collecting about numbers, verbal description, analysis, and information interpretation to give decision for range of products Masnur, 2007; 79. Muslich stated the concept about evaluation class evaluation as follows: “Proses pengumpulan dan penggunaan informasi oleh guru untuk pemberian keputusan terhadap hasil belajar siswa berdasarkan tahapan kemajuan belajarnya sehingga didapatkan potretprofil kemampuan siswa dengan kompetensi yang ditetapkan dalam kurikulum.” 14 Furthermore, Gronlund, 1985 in Wilmar Tinambunan, 1988:2 suggests that evaluation is the systematic process of collecting, analyzing and interpreting information to determine the extent to which pupils are achieving instructional objectives. 15 There are two kinds of evaluations that usually used in the school, namely summative final achievement tests and formative evaluation progress achievement tests. 16 Final achievement is intended to measure students’ skills, after they have just finished all subject matter. It is usually administered at the end of a course of study. Summative test is given periodically to determine at a particular point in time what students know and do not know. Summative assessment at the districtclassroom level is an accountability measure that is generally used as part of the grading process. This evaluation given per six months terms, by looking at the final achievement tests result, teachers will get information how well their students have reached instructional objectives determined in particular term or periode. The second form of achievement test formative test is progress achievement tests. Nowadays, the equal term for formative evaluation is well known as block examination ujian blok. The progress achievement tests are administered regularly during a study to find out how well students have mastered the subject matter, which have just been taught. In this sense, formative assessment informs both teachers and students about student understanding at a point when timely adjustments can be made. These adjustments help to ensure students achieve targeted standards-based learning goals within a set time frame. Progress achievement tests are intended to monitor learning progress during the instruction and to provide continuous feedback to both pupil and teacher 14 Mansur Muslich, KTSP Kurikulum … p. 78. 15 Wilmar Tinambunan, Evaluation of Students Achievement, Depdikbud, Ditjend, 1988, p. 2. 16 Arthur Hughes, Testing for… p. 10 concerning learning successes and failures. It is used for example at the end of a unit in the course book or after lesson designed to teach one particular point. The result of this test will provide to students information about how well they have learnt a particular material and will give the students immediate feedback. If their learning has been successful, which is indicated by good mark from a result of test, they are likely to take the next learning task with fresh and great enthusiasm. The evaluation which is done by teacher in teaching – learning is aimed for three aspects, such as a students, b teacher and c headmaster. a for the students, these evaluations as a final result of their studying in order to know about their skills in understanding the materials, b for the teachers, it as a consideration of the students’ development in their learning process to increase students’ learning improvement processes, and the last is c for the headmaster, the result of these evaluations as a consideration for him in order to know whether he has to increase the school qualities and the students’ skill qualities or not.

G. Functional Expression

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