Background of the Study


This chapter discusses and presents background of the study, statement of the problems, objectives of the study, significances of the study, scope and limitation of the study, and definition of the key terms.

A. Background of the Study

The national education aims at developing the quality of Indonesians who believe The Almighty God, have good character, skill and knowledge, stable personality and responsibility for society and nation. To attain the objective of the national education stated above, the government as well as the society has been conduct the national education which has been formulated both in the form of formal institution beginning from the elementary up to the university levels and also in non-formal education. The availability of means of communication facilitates the people to communicate so that the need of communication was growing very rapidly. It needs a certain languages as a lingua franca to communicate with other people in the different languages and countries in the world. One of the Lingua Franca is English and it is the most widely used language all over the world. Besides it use as medium of developing relationship with other nations, English is also used to absorb and develop science, technology, economy and culture. 1 Because of that, communication needs understanding. The understanding of communication can be got by functional expression. Functional expression is something that we do or say which is intended to give you an advantage in an argument; a clever debating gambit. These questions are often on opening gambit, the thing you say first for negotiation. 1 Considering that how important English is for the progress of our country, the government by the issuance of the degree of the minister education and culture No. 096 of 1967, has stipulated that English become the first foreign language that should be taught formally to all Indonesian students, starting from Junior High School including MTs up to the university levels. The objective of English teaching-learning in Indonesia as demanded by the decree is the mastery of various language skills covering reading, listening, writing, and speaking 2 . In Indonesia, English is considered as a foreign language because it is taught as a school subject. It is not used as the medium of instruction and it is not widely used by people in the country. English is taught to the students of the Junior High School or Islamic Junior High School MTs is used for the next term, and Senior High School or Islamic Senior High School MA with the hope that SMA graduation will be able at least to be able to read English textbooks. But unfortunately, the fact has not met the people. In reality, the result of National Examination UN is used for the next term score about teaching English is still unsatisfactory Kompas, 21 Mei 2004. The empirical score of UN 2004 showed that some Senior High School and Junior High School students were gained below the average of National Graduation of Standard Score skor Standar Kelulusan Nasional. The department of national education had administered UN for the second time for the score had failures or lost in the first event as the wiser solution for this condition. 1 Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, Longman: Pearson Education Limited, 2002, p.662. 2 Ketetapan Mentri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia No.096 Tahun 1967 tentang Pengajaran Bahasa Inggris di Indonesia Curriculum always changes as the students’ need also change from time to time in accordance with the changing of the science and technology. Therefore, to meet the students’ needs, the 1994 curriculum had been replaced by 2004 competency-based curriculum. The approach used in the previous is called the communicative approach; unfortunately the minister of education doesn’t give the issuance of decree to be formally used at the school levels but still limited use for schools that choosen as pilot project. Moreover, the standard commutation of national education BSNP is used for the next term is strived to improve this curriculum into the better one. The syllabus of its curriculum is developed further by curriculum designer so it is called “School-Level Curriculum” or the famous one is 2006 Content Standard Curriculum standar isi kurikulum. In conducting teaching-learning process, the teachers must follow the 2006 content standard syllabus. Since, it contains program and materials for teaching- learning process, that it is important for the teacher to follow it. The basic learning of the schools must be developed by each school in advance to fulfill the contents standard of National Educational Standard Board for the next term the word BSNP is used as legitimately drawn by the Decree of National Education Minister No. 22 year 2006: “The content standard for Junior and Senior high school level, comprise the minimal material and minimum competence level to reach and also the minimal graduated competency for certain kind and level of education.” 3 As the information stated above, Contents Standards is that the minimal material and minimal level competency is to fulfill the minimal graduate competency at the certain levels and kinds of education units. From the Contents Standards stated above, the main objective of the English teaching at school is to enable students to communicate in English. The four language skills listening, speaking, reading, and writing are taught at school, while language components 3 Mansur Muslich, KTSP Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan Dasar Pemahaman dan Pengembangan, Jakarta: PT Bumi Aksara, 2007, p. 9. such as structure, vocabulary, pronunciation, and spelling are presented in integration with these skills. The order of the presentation in each lesson at school always starts the development of listening and speaking skills, followed by reading and writing skills. These materials are designed to cover the components of communicative competence, i.e. linguistic competence e.g. grammar in Language Notes, sociocultural competence e.g. language gambits or functional expression in Language Notes, discourse competence e.g. practice of speaking and writing and strategic competence e.g. practice of conversation. As stated in the 2004 competency-based curriculum and 2006 content standard syllabus, the objective of teaching at MTs is that by the end of their study, the students are expected to master the four language skills with the emphasize on reading skill through selected themes which is based on the level of their competence and interest, the level of vocabulary mastery 1000 words and the appropriate grammar. Thus, the language components such as, grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and spelling can be taught integrated to support the development of those four skills, but not for the shake of mastery of those components. Madrasah Tsanawiyah is an Islamic Junior High School which belongs to the primary education. It is under the administration of the religion espartment. Basically the curriculum applied in it as same as in SLTP, except that the curriculum applied in MTs is added with Islamic education programs. Thus, the curriculum applied with the Islamic additional such as, Qur’an Hadits, Akidah Akhlaq, Fiqih, Islamic Cultural History, and Arabic. Many factors that affect the success and failure of teaching English, those factors are related to linguistic and non-linguistic areas. Some of the factors which can be attributed to the unsatisfactory condition are the English system which is different from Indonesia, such as, phonology, morphology and syntax. Meanwhile, Sadtono, 1995 says that for non-linguistic factors, that is external factors to the name of the language being taught, such as teacher, student, material, method and environment. With the above reasons, this “Skripsi” is focused on the teaching functional expression for the first grade students of MTs Pembangunan UIN Jakarta based on KTSP Syllabus.

B. Statement of the Problems

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