The Improvement of Teaching and Learning Process The Strengths and Weaknesses

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2. The Improvement of Teaching and Learning Process

The finding of the teaching and learning process described that there were some changes before and after the CIRC technique was implemented in teaching reading. The teaching and learning process using Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition was more alive. The class atmosphere changed from passsive into active. They did not feel sleepy and bored again. The feeling of shyness was reduced in group work. The students‟ self confidence improved, it can proved that most of the students began to have more courage to share, ask, and to response their friends or their teacher in their group. By using Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition method, most of the students could enjoy the reading text and participated in all acivities. In generally, the classroom situation was more alive and exciting.

3. The Strengths and Weaknesses

During the implementation of CIRC, there were some strengths and weaknesses aspects in the teaching and learning process. The strengths when CIRC was applied, such as, the students enjoy and interest in joining the lesson, one of the students said TU: “B u kalau pembelajaran seperti ini terus saya merasa senang tidak ngantuk dan tidak membosankan ”. There were also many students looked active, learned to each other and shared with their peers. One of the shy or slow student said G : “ Besok giliran saya yang baca ya bu? ” . It can be proved that every student participated in all activities in reading even she shy or unconfident students. The result of questionnaire supported the use of CIRC in reading was enjoyable, interesting, and made the students active and shared with each other. The result of the questionnaire was in Appendix 19.b. From the result of questionnaire, the researcher concluded that 1 There were 7 students 22.58 who strongly agree; 23 students 74.19 who agree; and 1 student 3.22 who disagree with the statement that CIRC can help the students develop their skills in reading texts . 2 There were 10 students 32.25 commit to user who strongly agree; 20 students 64.51 who agree; and 1 student 3.22 who disagree with the statement that CIRC make the class enjoyable . 3 There were 12 students 38.70 who strongly agree; 17 students 54.83 who agree; and 2 students 6.45 who disagree with the statement that CIRC make the class situation interesting . 4 There were 11 students 35.48 who strongly agree; 20 students 64.51 who agree with the statement that CIRC makes the students active . 5 There were 12 students 38.70 who strongly agree; 19 students 61.29 who agree with the statement that students can work together in CIRC. 6 There were 18 students 58.06 who strongly agree; 12 students 38.70 who agree; and 1 student 3.22 who disagree with the statement that CIRC make the students can learn from each other . 7 There were 5 students 16.12 who strongly agree; 24 students 77.41 who agree; and 2 students 6.45 who disagree with the statement that CIRC gives the students more responsibility for learning reading texts . 8 There were 10 students 32.25 who strongly agree; 21 students 67.74 who agree with the statement that CIRC gives the students motivation in studying reading . From the result of the questionnaire showed that CIRC technique had some strengths. Besides that, there were also weaknesses aspects when CIRC was applied, such as: the students still used Indonesian language when they talked or discussed with their friends; the situation of the classroom was rather crowded because the students were busy preparing the sat position for their groups; and the teacher rather difficult to manage and monitor the students, so she had to monitor together with the collaborator. The researcher also gave questionnaire to the students related to the weaknesses aspects when CIRC was applied in teaching reading. The result of the questionnaire was as follows 1 There were 20 students 64.51 who agree; 9 students 29.03 who disagree; and 2 students 6.45 who strongly disagree with the statement that CIRC need a lot of time for preparing . 2 There were 3 students 9.67 who strongly agree; 17 students 54.83 who agree; 10 students 32.25 who disagree; and 1 student 3.22 who strongly disagree with the statement that the situation in the classroom rather crowded in CIRC . 3 There commit to user were 3 students 9.67 who agree; 13 students 41.93 who disagree; and 15 students 48.38 who strongly disagree with the statement that in CIRC, the high level students is dominate in class . 4 There was 1 student 3.22 who strongly agree; 7 students 22.58 who agree; 14 students 45.16 who disagree; and 9 students 29.03 who strongly disagree with the statement that the low students rather passive in CIRC. 5 There was 1 student 3.22 who strongly agree; 4 students 12.90 who agree; 19 students 61.29 who disagree; and 7 students 22.58 who strongly disagree with the statement that in CIRC, the teacher rather difficult to monitor or manage the students”.

F. Discussion

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