CIRC makes the classroom atmosphere alive. CIRC makes the students active. CIRC can help the students develop their skills in reading

commit to user by external and internal factors. One of the external factors is teaching technique used in class. In this research, the writer chooses Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition to improve students‟ reading comprehension ability. Based on the findings, it can be theorized that the use of CIRC can improve students‟ reading comprehension. The improvement can be concluded from their score. Before the implementation of CIRC, the students got low scores for the pre-test. Their reading comprehension was lower than the school passing grade which was required by the school. The school passing grade was 65.00 good or good category, but after implementing CIRC technique the score was higher. The students‟ improvement can be seen from the result of the students‟ pre-test and post-test which is done in every cycle. The result of pre-test was 54.54 and the result of post-test 1 was 67.96. It means that there was improvement. The improvement happens after teaching and learning activity used CIRC method. The mean of students‟ mark in cycle two was 77.87. It can be concluded that there were the improvement of students‟ reading comprehension. 2. The improvement of teaching learning process when CIRC is used to improve the students’ reading comprehension ability.

a. CIRC makes the classroom atmosphere alive.

The research findings showed that the use of CIRC technique made the classroom atmosphere alive. The student who studied English text individually felt boring and could not study for a long time. The students who studied in group could share ideas with friends and the classroom situation was more relaxed and enjoyable than traditional classes. Kessler 1992: 8 states that CIRC offers good learning strategy in which a live atmosphere at the class can be created. He also states that CIRC is more relaxed and enjoyable than traditional classes. It creates positive learning environment for all students. So, creating alive teaching atmosphere, the students can share and express their opinion freely. commit to user

b. CIRC makes the students active.

The research findings showed that the use of CIRC technique made the students active. Each group consisted of four students. The group member were taken from mix level high, average, and low level. It was easier to comprehend a text by discussing with teammates. The high and average level students motivated the low level students to become active. Slavin 2005:24 states that in CIRC reading, students are taught in reading groups then return to mixed ability team to work on a series of cognitively engaging activities, such as reading to one another reading partner, making predictions about the text, summarizing text stories, and vocabulary. Arends 2004: 356 also states that within CIRC, the students discuss the material to be learned with each other, help, and assist each other to understand it, and encourage each other to work hard.

c. CIRC can help the students develop their skills in reading

The research findings showed that the use of CIRC technique can help the students develop their skills in reading. The students who discussed in groups would interact each other. They would take and give in developing their reading skill. The high level students would guide the low level students or the low level learn from the average and the average learn from the high level students. They would learn from others directly or indirectly. CIRC reading and CIRC writing provide a structure for teachers to teach and students to learn will helps all students become more efective readers and writers. pubsEPTW eptw4eptw4c.html.

d. Other finding: Students’ positive responses using CIRC in reading class.

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