F. The Hypotheses of Study

a. Alternative Hypothesis H

a There is a significant difference of the Students’ results between using Drilling Method and using Grammar Translation Method in Teaching Irregular Plural of Nouns. b. Null Hypothesis H o There is no significance difference the st udents’ result between using Drillingand Grammar Translation Method in teaching Irregular Plural Nouns. 32


This chapter presents the research methodology. The discussion focus on the purpose of the study, the time and place, the population and sample of research, the method of the study, the technique of data collecting, the technique of data analysis, and the testing of the hypotheses.

A. The Purpose of the Study

The purpose of the study is to know whether teaching of irregular of nouns form through drilling is effective or not.

B. The Place and Time

The research was conducted at SMK Lingga Kencana Depok for about seven weeks. It was begun from January and finished on February which was divided into eight meetings including of giving pre-test, teaching learning activities, and post-test.

C. The Population and Sample of Research

In this research the writer has taken the population of the first grade students of SMK Lingga Kencana Depok. The whole students of the first grade were 58 students, namely class X Perbankan Syariah and X Tata Niaga which consists of 23 and 35 students in every class. The sample was took randomly, the writer took sample 20 students from class X Perbankan Syariah and X Tata Niaga and total sample 40 students.

D. The Method of the Study

This research used the True-experimental Design. The writer did the research on two classes, before doing activity; students are given pre-test to find out their basic competence. Then, they are taught irregular of nouns form through drilling. Finally, students are given post-test in order to find out whether there is significant influence of implementing drilling in teaching irregular of nouns form.

E. The Technique of Data Collecting

To collect the data, the writer used test which is divided into pre-test and post- test administered to experiment class and controlled class. The pre-test was conducted before teaching learning process in order to find out the students’ ability in using irregular of nouns form. On the other hand, the post-test was conducted after teaching learning activities to find out whether there is effectiveness of teaching irregular of nouns form through drilling or not. In collecting data, the writer has created a test which includes 15 multiple choice items, 5 true and false items, and 5 fill in the blank items.

F. The Technique of Data Analysis

To analyze the data, the writer used t-test. The writer compared score between the experimental class and control class. The technique is useful to prove statistically which is more effective using Drilling or Grammar Translation Method. To find out the differences of students’ score in using Drilling compared to the studen ts’ score that used Grammar Translation Method, the writer used t-test formula as follows: t o = � −� � – t o = t – Observation M 1 = Mean of Variable X Variable I M 2 = Mean of Variable Y Variable II SEM 1 = Standard Error of mean Variable X SEM 2 = Standard Error of mean Variable X And after getting mean differences of variables, the writer had to find out the standard of deviation of variable and standard error mean of variable by using formula as follows:

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