The Effectiveness Of Drilling In Teaching Irregular Plural Nouns (An Experimental Study At The First Grade Students’ Of Smk Lingga Kencana Depok)



(An Experimental Study at the First Grade Students’ of SMK Lingga Kencana Depok)


Lutfi Anwar









The examination comrlittee of the F-acr"rlty of Tarbiyali and Teachers Training certifies that the "Skripsi" (Scientific Paper) entitled "The Effectiveness of Drilling in Teaching lrrcgutar Plural Nouns (An Experintental Study crt lhe

First Gratle Stuc{ents o/- SMK Linggct Kencana Depok)" written by Lutfi Anwar, strrclents' registratiorr number: 207014000446, was exalnined at exatr]ination session of the Facr,rltl, of Tarbiyah and Teachers Trair-ring on Monday, September 23't'2013. The "skripsi" has been accepted and declared to have fulfilled one of the reclr.rirelreltts for acaclemic title of 'S.Pd.' (Bachelor of Arts) in English Langr.rage Education at the Englisli Education Department.

Jakarla. 23''' September, 201 3






Drs. SvauIGM.Pd

NrP. 19641212 199103 1 002

Zaharil Anasy, M. I'Ium

NrP. I 97 61001 2007l0 | 002

D r . A t i q S u s i l o , M A N r P , 1 s 0 1 8 2 9 0 0

Zaharil Anasy. M. ILum

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Ackrrowledged bY:

Dean of'Tarbiyah artd Teachers' Training Faculty






(An F,xperimental $ndy of the First Grade Students of SMK Lingga Kencana Depok)

A ttSkripsitt

Presented to the Faculfy of Tarbiyah and Teacher's Training in a Partial Fulfitlment of the Requirements

for the Degree of S.Pd. (Bachelor of Art) in English Language Education

By: Lutfi Anwar 207014000446




JAKARTA 1434W2013 M


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Tempat/Tgl.Lahir NIM

Jurusan Judul Skripsi

Lutfi Anwar

Bogor, 08 Desember 1987 207014000446

Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

"The Effectiveness of Drilling in Teaching Irregular Plural Nouns" (An Experimental Study at the First Grade Students of SMK Lingga Kencana Depok) Ismalianing Eviyuliwati M. Hum.

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Jakarta, 02 Oktober 20 I 3



. - ..

Lutfi Anwar

NIM. 207014000446

Hal 1t1


Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta.

The purpose of this study is to describe the objective condition of effectiveness of Drilling in teaching Irregular Plural nouns. It includes the mastery

of students’ irregular plural nouns by using Drilling, the difference between

students’ ability taught by using Drilling and that by Grammar Translation

Method, and the students’ achievement by using Drilling in teaching irregular plural nouns. The Sample of the research is 40 students. This research is using experimental method in the quantitative design by collecting data from observation and test. The data collected in this research are analyzed by using t-test. According to the result of statistical calculation, it is obtained the value of

“t0” (t-observation) is 3.262, and the value of “tt” (t-table) from the df(40) on

degree of significance of 5% is 2.02. It means that the value of t0 is higher than the

value of tt. Based on the result, the null hypothesis (Ho) which says it is not

effective to use Drilling in teaching irregular plural nouns is rejected, and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) which says it is effective to use Drilling in teaching

irregular plural nouns is accepted. Based on the finding of the study it can be concluded that Drilling in teaching irregular plural nouns is effective and successful because this technique made students able to learn irregular plural nouns easier.


Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta.

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menggambarkan suatu kondisi yaitu keefektifan penggunaan teknik pengulangan (Drilling) dalam pengajaran irregular plural nouns. Tujuan tersebut antara lain, keefektifan penggunaan teknik Drilling terhadap penguasaan kata dalam bentukirregular plural nouns siswa, perbedaan kemampuan siswa yang diajarkan dengan menggunakan teknik Drilling dibandingkan kemampuan siswa yang diajarkan dengan metode Grammar Translation Method, dan keberhasilan siswa dalam penguasaan bentuk kata irregular plural nouns yang diajarkan menggunakan teknik Drilling. Siswa yang termasuk dalam sampel penelitian ini berjumlah 40 orang. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian eksperimen dalam bentuk kuantitatif dengan mengumpulkan data-data dari observasi dan tes.Data-data yang dikumpulkan dalam penelitian ini dianalisa menggunakan uji tes. Berdasarkan hasil statistik, telah didapatkan nilai “t0” (t

-observation) yaitu 3.262, dan nilai “tt” (t-table) dari df (40) pada taraf signifikan

5% yaitu sebesar 2.02. Dari hasil tersebut jelas bahwa t0 lebih besar dari pada tt.

Selanjutnya dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa hipotesis nihil (Ho) yaitu tidak ada

pengaruh yang signifikan dari penggunaan teknik Drilling dalam pengajaran irregular plural nouns ditolak. Sedangkan hipotesis alternatif (Ha) yaitu ada

pengaruh yang signifikan dari penggunaan teknik Drilling dalam pengajaran irregular plural nouns diterima. Berdasarkan hasil dari penelitian ini disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan teknik Drilling dalam mengajar irregular plural nouns adalah efektif dan cukup sukses karena tekhnik tersebut dapat membuat siswa mampu belajar irregular plural nouns lebih mudah.


All praise be to Allah, the beneficent and the merciful, who has given the writer His love and compassion to finish the last assignment in his study. Peace and salutation be upon to the prophet Muhammad SAW, his family, his companion, and his adherence.

In this occasion, the writer would like to express his sincere gratitude to his advisor, Ismalianing Eviyuliwati, M.Hum who has patiently given him valuable help, guidance, and corrections to finish this skripsi.

The writer also would like to say his great honor and deepest gratitude to his beloved parents: Matamin and Mariyam, his lovely brother M. Burhani, M. Muslim, M.Pd. Ahmad Rifai, his lovely sisters, Nuryanih, Robiatul Adawiyah S.Pd.I, Siti Khoiriah, my girlfriend Putri Indriana Sari and whole family who always gives their love, support, motivation, and advice in accomplishing his study.

The writer also realizes that he would never finish writing this skripsi without the help of some people around him. Therefore, he would like to say a lot of thanks to:

1. All lecturers of English Departement, who have taught and given their valuable knowledge for the writer during his study in English Departement 2. Drs. Syauki, M.Pd., the head of English Department.

3. Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum, the secretary of English Departement and staffs of English Education Department

4. Dra. Nurlena, MA., Ph.D, the Dean of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta.

5. Ruslan Muntaha, SH, the head master of SMK Lingga Kencana Depok 6. Khodirin S.Pd., the English teacher of SMK Lingga Kencana Depok

7. All friends in English Department 2007/2008, his beloved friends Eri Fatoni Handoyo, Nur Djumadil Iman, Rita Gestari, Nenden Kurniati, Rafli Rasydi,


contributions on this skripsi. May Allah SWT protect and give them happiness throughout their life. Finally, the writer realizes that the skripsi is far from being perfect. It is a pleasure for him to receive constructive critiques and suggestions from the readers.

Depok, 03 Mei 2013 The Writer




LIST OF CHART ... viii


A. The Background of Study ... 1

B. The Identification of Study ... 5

C. The Limitation of study ... 6

D. The Formulation of the Problem ... 6

E. The Objective of the Study ... 6

F. The Significance of the Study ... 6


A. NOUN ... 7

1. The Definition of Noun ... 7

2. The Types of Noun ... 8

3. Form of Noun ... 9

4. Definition of Regular Singular and Plural Noun ... 10

5. Definition of Irregular Plural Nouns ... 14

6. Irregular Plural from Latin and Greek ... 17

B. Drills ... 18

1. Definition of Drill ... 19

2. Types of Drill ... 19

3. Use of Drill ... 23


1. Definition of Grammar Translation Method ... 26

2. Characteristic of Grammar Translation Method ... 27

3. The Procedure of Grammar Translation Method ... 28


B. Place And Time of Research ... 32

C. Population and Sample ... 32

D. Research Method ... 32

E. Instrument of The Research ... 33

F. Technique of Collecting Data ... 33

G. Technique of Analyzing The Data ... 34


A. Data Description ... 36

B. Hypothesis Testing ... 41

C. Finding…... ... 41

D. Discussion ... 42


A. Conclusion ... 43

B. Suggestion ... 43



Table 2.2 The Form of Irregular Plural Nous……… 16 Table 2.3 The list of Irregular Plural Nouns from Latin and Greek………. 17 Table 4.1 Scores of Students in the Control Class……… 36 Table 4.2 Scores of Students in the Experimental Class……….. 37 Table 4.3 Statistical Calculation of Gained Scores……….. 38



formulation of the study, the objective of the study, the significance of the study, and the organization of the study.

A. The Background of Study

One of human characteristics is to communicate each other. In modern era, communication is not only becoming a base of social interaction, but also improveing largely that no one of modern society can survive without communication, because everyday all people use language to communicate each other.

Herbert H. Clark states that “Language is used for doing things. People use

it in everyday conversation for transacting business, planning meals and

vacations, debating politics, gossiping”.1

It means that language is a means for people to communicate each other, and it requires an understanding in order to have an effective communication. As Julie S. Amberg and Deborah J Vause state that Humans communicate each other through language. Having a good communication needs an understanding between people and a language that is used, because a good communication usually appears in sort social context2. So language is very important for human being to communicate each other.

Of all creatures on earth, human beings alone have a fully developed, which enables them to communicate their thought to others in word, and which they can record and writing for other to read.3

It can be stated that distinguishes between human beings from other living creatures in the world are that their capability in producing sounds is amazing.


Herbert H. Clark, Using Language, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1996), p.3.


Julie S. Amberg and Deborah J. Vause, American English: History, Structure, and Usage, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1960), p. 2.


Charles W. Kreidler, Introducing English semantics, (London: TJ International Padstow Cornwall, 1998).p. 3.


They can produce unlimited sounds to form thousands of words, and by manipulating the arrangement or order of those words they can build as many sentences as they want to show their anger, their happiness, their disappointment, and the like. They will also be able to produce the same quantity of sentences as manifestation of their thoughts, ideas, wants, desires, and whatever they are named only by manipulating the arrangement of sounds. In shorts, by changing the order of sounds they will be able to produce a very large number of words and by manipulating the arrangement of words they will also be able to form limitless number of sentences.

English as an international language has been learned by every country in this world and also Indonesia. To face global dealing, English is used as a second language or foreign language in Indonesia. English must be learned from primary to university level. Many schools in Indonesia, English are used as a medium of instruction in order to improve student ability in using English.

English is the first foreign language in Indonesia, which is considered important in order to absorb and develop science, technology, art and in order to improve the international relationship among the countries.

English is diferent from Indonesia language. Every language has its own rules and its own skill. In learning English, there are four skill (Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing), should be mastered by the students. Besides the four skills, grammar also should be mastered by them. Grammar is needed even in communication. Without the proper knowledge of grammar, the students will be find many problems to build up the sentences and express their ideas for communication activities, but if they have good grammar, they will be easily to use English.

According to Mark S Anderson and Kathy Anderson, “grammar is the rules in language systems for the use of words to create mening. It is about eord patterns. Grammar operate in three levels in a piece of text. Knowing how grammar operates allows us to identify and describe the use of words, sentences and structures in a piece of text”.4


Mark Anderson and Kathy Anderson, Text Types in English 3, (South Yarra, Vic: Macmillan Education Australia, 1998), p. 2.


According to Andrea Decapua, ”grammar is a set of rules, often seen as arbitrary or unrealistic, is only one narrow view of grammar. Such a view based on the belief that: 1. Grammar must be explicitly taught. 2. Grammar is absolute and fixed a target or goal that speakers need attain in orderto be “good” speakers or writers of the language. 3. Grammar is inherently difficult and confusing, its mysteries only apparent toteachers, language mavens, or linguists.5

It can be said that, grammar is an vital part to be learnt in the process of acquiring a language; it must be mastered to help someone to use the language grammatically and meaningfully. Many teachers and students also see grammar as the heart of language and at the same time as manifested in restricted and controlled production of correct sentences, it is a description of the way language work.

For some students, learning grammar may be difficult, because English is different with Indonesia language especially in pattern. When learning English. Students will learn about parts of speech. Each of words that make up our language can be categorized parts of speech. Knowing the parts of speech allows us to use language effectively. The main parts of speech as listed in the following paragraph: There are seven parts of speech as follow: noun, abstract noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, articles.(1) Noun. The term noun comes from the Latin word nomen, which means name. Nouns are used to name a person, place or thing. Noun can be proper, common, collective and abstract. (2) Abstract nouns Abstract nouns name things that cannot be seen or touched. Some examples of abstract nouns are joy, happiness, worry, jealous. (3) Pronouns. A pronoun is used in place of noun. There needs to be a reference link to a noun so that the audience knows who or what the pronoun is replacing. (4) Adjective: Adjectives are words that add meaning to a noun or pronoun. They are describing words that modify nouns. (5) Articles: There are two types of articles, definite and indefinite. To show a definite (specific, particular) person, place or thing, the definite articles the is used. (6) Verbs: Verbs are action, doing or having words, verbs indicate what


Andrea DeCapua, a Guide to American English for native and non-native speakers, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2008), P. 1.


the noun or pronoun does or is. Verbs have: regular or irregular, finite or infinite, person (first, second, and third), number (singular or plural), and voice (active or passive). (7) Adverbs: Adverbs add meaning to verbs, adjectives or other adverbs.6

One of the parts of speech which become a difficulty faced by the students is noun. The students have a problem in learning noun, because English and Indonesian language have different patterns in using noun. Usually in Indonesian pattern there is no change in using noun. For example:

1. Ada satu buku diatas meja. 2. Ada empat buku diatas meja.

From the examples above, it shows that the word “buku” in the first sentence indicates a singular form. However, there is no change in the word

“buku” in the second sentence which indicates a plural form.

In English, there is a rule in using a singular and plural noun form. For example: 1. There is a book on the desk.

2. There are four books on the desk.

The example above has shown that there is a change in using singular and

plural noun. In the first sentence the word “book” indicates a singular form. However, in the second sentence there is a change in the word “book”. The word

“book” is added by suffix -s to become “books” which indicates a plural form. Besides that students still have problem in using irregular noun form in English. For example:

1. there is one mouse in the kitchen 2. there are three mouses in the kitchen 3. there is one goose at the lake

4. there are five gooses at the lake

From the example one and two above, it can be seen that students have a problem when they used noun in irregular form. Students still considered that every plural noun from must be added by the suffix -s or es. However, some

nouns have irregular plural form. In this case, the words “mouse and goose” have



irregular plural form, it should be “mice and geese” in the plural form. From the

example above, it should be revised to be: 1. There are three mice in the kitchen. 2. There are five geese at the lake

Therefore, irregular plural of nouns form is considered as one of difficult materials when students learn grammar. It is proved by some researchers who studied about irregular plural of nouns form. As mentioned in some previous studies on“An Analysis on the Errors in Pronouncing Regular Plural Nouns Made by Students” by Prihastuti with the result of the students First, it does not only a

lack of student’s storage of vocabulary items, but also the inability of the student to recognize the sounds of the language. Second factor is the facility of teaching learning such as English textbook. The last factor is the students themselves. They perhaps can understand the material well because it has been explained by the teacher for several times, but they still keep making error of competence or performance because they face the difficulties7, and “An Analysis on the Difficulties Faced by the Students in Learning Plural Form of Noun” by Munyati.8 With the students result that the students’ errors are divided into three categories: Misformation 32.22% Omission 28.89% and Addition 21.11%. This

research shows that the students’ still make errors in forming plural of nouns and they need improvement to develop their skill especially in learning plural of nouns. From the previous the study above, the writer decided to do a further

research entitled “The Effectiveness of Drilling in Teaching Irregular Plural


B. Identification of the Problem

From the case above, the writer has found that the students difficulties in using irregular nouns. It can be identify as, (1) the students generalize every nouns

has the same plural form by adding “s” or “es”. (2) They have lack of knowledge

about irregular plural nouns.


Prihastuti. An Analysis on the Errors in Pronouncing Irregular Plural Nouns. Skripsi. (Jakarta: FITK UIN, 2011).


Munyati. AnAnalysis on the Difficulties faced by the Students in Learning Plural form of Noun. Skripsi, (Jakarta: FITK UIN, 2012).


C. The Limitation of the Study

To avoid misunderstanding in interpreting the problem, it is necessary to make limitation of the problem. In teaching noun forms, there are regular and irregular patterns that should be taught to students. There are also various techniques in teaching nouns. Thus, to limits this study, the writer uses Drilling to teach Irregular Pluralnoun. Thus the writer would like to conduct a research and to write it on the paper entitled “The Effectiveness of Drilling in Teaching Irregular

Plural Nouns”.

D. Formulation Of the Problem

Based on the limitation of the problems above, the writer formulates the problem as follow: “is there an effectiveness of drilling in teaching irregular

plural nouns?”.

E. The Objective of the Study

The objective of the study is to find out whether the effectiveness of drilling in teaching irregular plural nouns. This study hopefully contributes many advantages to English teacher in implementing the grammar teaching especially in teaching irregular nouns. The result of the study hopefully can also assist the students in mastering irregular nouns.

F. Significance of the Study

The result of the study is hoped to give contribution for the teachers, students, and other researcher as follow:

1. The Teacher

This study is expected to give the alternative solution in teaching grammar especially in teaching nouns.

2. The Students

It assists them to solve their problems in using irregular nouns. 3. The Institution of SMK Lingga Kencana Sawangan Depok

The writer hopes that this study can be beneficial to improve in the teaching English.


form of singular and plural, the form of irregular of singular and plural. Drill also broken down into definition of drill, types of drill, and the use of drill. Relevant Study. Conceptual framework and hypothesis.

A. Noun

A noun tells us what someone or something is called For example, a noun can be the name of a person (John), a job title (doctor) the name of a thing (radio), the name of a place (London), the name of a quality (courage), or the name of an action (laughter/laughing) Nouns are the names we give to people, things, places, etc.1

English nouns can be classified as count (singular and plural) and noun-count.Thesingular form is used when considering the noun as a single item (count) or entity (noun-count), and the plural form is used when considering more than one of the same items. Noun-count nouns do not have a plural form.

Most plurals are formed by adding –s or – es to the singular nouns (pen-pens). In some cases, there are special spelling rules that need to be considered when forming the plural. Some nouns take on a different form in the plural is called irregular plural (mouse-mice).

1. Definition of Noun

Mark foley and Dianne Hall stated that nouns do not have grammatical

gender in English, but some have a „natural gender’, e.g. woman – female. father

– male. English nouns only change their form when they plural or to show possession. Noun can be countable, uncountable, concrete (table, book, car, and chair.) or abstract (idea, hope, responsibility).2


L. G. Alexander, Longman English Grammar, (New York: Pearson Education Limited, 1988), p. 45.


Mark Folley and Dianne Hall, Advance Learners „Grammar, (Essex: Peron Education Ltd, 2003), p. 248.


Howard Jackson also stated that some languages do not make a gender classification of their nouns, for example Kuechun language. It is arguable, moreover, that English does not exhibit grammatical gender: there is no mark of gender in the noun, part from one or two endings that are restricted to noun referring to female (e.g. tigress, usherette) and there is no mark in accompanying words (articles, adjectives, etc.) either.3

From both definition above, the writer can says that noun is a word todescribe things such as, the name of person, plant, animal, place, and etc. Beside that Noun is one of important parts of speech in arranging a sentence to be complete sentence, because of its rule of arranging a sentence according to the gender itself.

2. Types of Noun

There are quite a few types of noun used to create a sentence in English language. Here are the explanation details of each noun which are classified: a. Proper noun

Proper Noun begins with capital letter in writing. It can includes personal names (Mr. John Smith), names of geographic units such as countries, cities, rivers, etc. (Holland, Paris), names of nationalities and religions (Dutchman, Christianity), names of holiday (Easter, Thanksgiving Day), names of time units (Saturday, June), words used for personification – a thing abstraction treated as a person (Nature, Liberty).4

b. Common Nouns

Common Nouns which refer to classes of things or instance of things. Here are some examples: teacher, village, girl, country, and soon. Common noun is opposed also to proper nouns.

c. Countable or Noun countable

1) A countable noun can usually be made plural by the addition of – s (one girl, two girls).


Howard Jackson. Discovering Grammar, (Oxford: Pergamon Press Ltd, 1985), p. 12.


Marcella Frank, Modern English A Practical Reference Guide, (New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1972), p. 6.


2) A noun countable is not used in the plural. Mass nouns from one type of uncountable noun. They are words for concrete objects stated in an undivided quantity (coffee, iron). Abstract nouns (including names of school subjects and sports) are uncountable.5

d. Collective Nouns

A collective noun is a word for group of people, animals or objects considered as a single unit. Examples of collective nouns are audience, committee, class, crew, crowd, enemy, faculty, flock, folk, government, group, herd, jury, majority, nation, orchestra, press, public, and team. e. Concrete Nouns

Concrete nouns are words that have a physical shape that can be seen or touched. They can come from other categories of nouns: child, animal, magazine, horse, plank, and vase.

f. Abstract Nouns

Abstract Nouns differ from concrete nouns in that they do not have a physicalshape. They describe ideas, qualities, or feelings: anger, bravery, hate, ignorance, intelligence, knowledge, love, peace, and sympathy. 6

3. Form of Nouns

Noun in many European languages may be inflected, that is, changed in form, for certain grammatical properties. Usually these changes are made through special endings. Inflectional forms of nouns may indicate:

a. Gender:

1) Masculine – refer to persons or animals of male sex: man, father, uncle, lad, king, groom, and actor.

2) Feminine – refers to person or animal of female sex: woman, mother, auntie, lass, queen, bride, actress, and geese.

3) Neuter – refers to objects to object no sex: tree, table, slipper, and car.


Ibid., p. 7.


Ed Swick, English Verbs & Essentials of Grammar for ESL Learners, (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2010), p. 77.


4) Case – special endings mark nouns according to their function in the sentence – subject, object of the verb, etc.7

b. Number:

Number is the name of system contrasting Singular and Plural. In the first instance, it applies to noun inflection: noun typically has contrasting Singular and Plural forms. Thus cat and cats ate the singular and plural forms of the noun cat, and so on.8

4. Definition of Regular Singular and Plural Nouns

The most common ways to make nouns Plural is add „s” or “es”. The vast

majority of words in the English language become plural simply by adding an “s”. The plural of words ending in “s, - sh, - ch, - z, and – x, however is formed by

adding “es” (Student – students, teacher – teachers, box – boxes, and class – classes).9

Outside these numerals we have grammatical expressions of number in mostsubstantives, in some pronouns and in some verbal forms, but neither in adjectives nor inparticles. While some languages distinguish a singular (for one), a dual (for two), sometimes even a trial (for three)and a plural, English like most of the cognatelanguages has now only a singular and a plural.10

The plural of nouns is formed by adding final “s” and final “es” is added to noun that end, sh, - ch, - s, - z, - and – x (song – songs, box – boxes, bush – bushes).11

The regular way of forming the plural is by adding the s-ending with its threefoldpronunciation.12


Frank, op. cit., p. 12.


Rodney Huddleston and Geoffrey K. Pullum, A Student’s Introduction English Grammar, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2005), p. 85.


Barbara Hansen and Rebecca McDaniel, Simplified Sentence Skills, (Linclonwood / Chicago: University of Cincinnati, 1998), p. 180.


Otto Jespersen, Essentials of English Grammar, (London: Taylor & Francis Group, 2006), p. 154.


Betty Schrampfer Azar, Understanding and Usung English Grammar, (New York: Longman, 1999), p. 100.



Most nouns in English have both singular and plural forms, and the plural is usually formed by adding "-s" to the singular. Most nouns in English have both

singular and plural forms, and the plural is usually formed by adding “-s” to the singular (boss – bosses, - face – faces, cat – cats, day – days, and tax – taxes).13

Based on the definition above, it can be said that to make plural noun form

with simply ways just put in a letter “s”, when the final words are sh, - ch, - s, - z, - and x, become plural form by adding letters “es” in the end of the word.

a. The Regular Singular and Plural nouns

1) After a sibilant sound spelled as s, z, ch, sh, x, es is added. Example

Class → classes Church → Churches Dish → dishes

However, if final ch is pronounced [k], only s is added. Example

Monarchs’ → stomachs

2) After y preceded by a consonant, they” y”is changed to”I” and es is added.


Lady → ladies Country → countries If final y is preceded by a vowel, no change is made.


Attorney → attorneys Valley → valleys

3) In one – syllable words, final f or fe becomes ves in the plural. Example

Wife → wives Leaf → leaves


Jeremy Harmer, How to TeachEnglish; An Introduction to the Practice of English Language Teaching, (London: Edinburg Gate, Addison Wesley Longman Ltd, 1982), p. 11.


Thief → thieves

Half → halves

However, some such words take the regular s ending. Example

Chief → chiefs Roof → roofs

Wife → wives

A few words have either from for the plural. Example

Wharves or wharfs Scarf or scarves

4) After final o, esis sometimes added, especially in some common words. Example

Hero → Heroes Negro → Negroes Echo → Echoes Potato → potatoes

If a vowel precedes the final o, or if the word is a term used in music, only s is added.


Studio → studios

Photo → photos

Piano → pianos

Zoo → zoos

Video → videos

Sometimes the es alternate with a less common s ending. Example

Cargoes or cargos Mottoes or mottos Volcanoes or volcanoes


The Table Below Shows the Use of Regular Singular and Plural Nouns. Table 2.1

The List of Regular Singular and Plural Nouns

The words ending Singular Plural The plural of most nouns is formed by adding final “s” Plate Plates Table Tables Student Students

The nouns ending “ss” Boss Bosses

Glass Glasses Class Classes

Nouns ending in“ch” Bench Benches

Catch Catches Beach Beaches

Nouns endingin “sh” Bush Bushes

Dish Dishes Flash Flashes

Nouns ending in“x” Fox Foxes

Ax Axes

Box Boxes

Nouns endingin “z” Quiz Quizzes

Fez Fezzes

Nouns endingin “dg” Judge Judges

Noun ending in “y” Baby Babies

Cry Cries

City Cities

Nouns ending in “o” Veto Vetoes Buffalo Buffaloes Mosquito Mosquitoes


5. Definition of Irregular Plural Nouns

An Irregular Plural noun is an Irregular noun in the Plural form. An

Irregular noun is a noun that becomes plural noun by changing it’s spelling in other ways than adding an “s” or “es” to the ending of the word. This change can happen in variety ways.14

Irregular plural nouns are generally nouns that follow older patterns of Englishor are nouns that have been borrowed from Latin or Greek and thus take the Latinor Greek plural formation. In the case of words that have been borrowed from Latinor Greek, there is a tendency for them to adopt over time the regular English plural–s inflection. Therefore, we see words such as syllabus that actually have two pluralforms, the original syllabi and the English syllabuses.15

a. The form of Irregular Plural

Irregular plurals based on older English may take the form of: a) An internal change.


Man → men

Foot → feet

Mouse → mice

b) An en ending. Example

Child → children

Ox → oxen

Brother → Brethren (the older plural of brother) is found mainly in religious contexts.

c) There are a number of animal that have the same singular and plural form. Example

Sheep → sheep Deer → deer





Fish → fish Bison → bison Swine → swine Shrimp → shrimp d) The singular has the same form as the plural.


Series → series means → means e) Many foreign word s retain their foreign plural in English.

(1) Singular us ending becomes plural I ending. Example

Stimulus → stimuli Radius → radii (2) Singular a ending becomes plural ae ending.


Larva → larvae Vertebra → vertebrae (3) Singular um ending becomes plural a ending.


Memorandum → memoranda Stratum → strata

some such word are used chiefly in the plural. Example

Data and bacteria

(4) Singular is ending becomes plural es ending. Example

Crisis → crises Parenthesis → parentheses (5) Singular on ending becomes plural a ending.


Criterion → criteria Phenomenon → phenomena


(6) Singular uex or ix ending becomes plural ices ending. Example

Vortex → vortices Matrix → matrices (7) Singular eau ending becomes plural eaux ending.


Bureau → bureau Plateau → plateau

There is an increasing tendency for regular “s” plural to alternate with foreign plural. The dictionary therefore also records such plural as memorandum, vertebras, vortexes, criterions, and bureaus.

No plural is used for nouncountable words such as information, advice, clothing, and furniture. Some noun words ending “s” are singular nouncountable nouns, especially names of diseases and fields of study (news, measles, economics). However, when words that name fields of study are used for practical matters, such words are often considered plural.


His businesses are very questionable The acoustics in this room are not good

Some words ending in “s” are used chiefly as plural (ashes, brains, goods, riches). In this group are words for items that have two parts (scissors, spectacles, pliers, and trouser).

The Table Below Shows the Use of Irregular Singular and Plural Nouns. Table 2.2

The Form of Irregular Plural Nous

Singular Plural Arti

Man Men Laki-laki

Foot Feet Kaki

Tooth Teeth Gigi


Child Children Anak-anak

Sheep Sheep Biri-biri

Deer Deer Rusa

Datum Data Data

Criterion Criteria Criteria

Crisis Crises Krisis

Fish Fish Ikan

Series Series Seri

Louse Lice Kutu

Goose Geese Angsa

6. Irregular Plural from Latin and Greek

English has borrowed a great many words from Latin and Greek. Many nouns (particularly ones from Latin) have retained their original plurals from some time after they are introduced. Other nouns have become Anglicized, taking

on the normal final “s”. In some case, both forms are still competing.

The choice of a form can often depend on context: for a linguist, the plural of appendix is appendices (following the original language), for physician, however, the plural of appendix is appendixes. Likewise, a radio engineer works with antennas and an entomologist deals with antennae. Choice of form can also depend on the level of discourse: traditional Latin plurals are found more often in academic and scientific context, whereas, in daily speech the anglicized forms are more common. In the following table, the Latin plurals are listed together with the Anglicized forms when they are more common.

Table 2.3

The List of Irregular Plural Nouns from Latin and Greek Original Singular Original Plural From

Phenomenon Phenomena Latin and Greek Criterion Criteria Latin and Greek


Datum Data Latin

Medium Media Latin

Memorandum Memoranda Latin

Analysis Analyses Greek

Basis Bases Greek

Crisis Crises Greek

Hypothesis Hypotheses Greek

Parenthesis Parentheses Greek

Thesis Theses Greek

B. Drill

Here is the theory that stated the important drill for young learner. Peck (2000) found that the children enjoy rhythmic and repetitive language more than adults do. They play with the intonation of a sentence, and most are willing to sing. They enjoy repeating a word or utterance can differ, children are more likely to laugh at the sounds of a second language, or to be reminded of a word in the first language. Young children such as student may comfortably talk to themselves, perhaps as part of a fantasy role play.16 From this theory it can be stated that learning irregular of nouns form with repetition and intonation can make the students enjoyed in learning language.

According to Julie Tice, young learner couls find difficulties in remembering the way to say complete phrase in a forign language when theywere first learning, but it would be easier for the leaener if the teacher gave the repetition drill in a song. Because the learners would remember whole song and

chant with ease. For example, action song like „Head, Shoulders, Knees, and

Toes’ provided fun drills of language for parts of the body. The teacher could introduce the song and also the action first before asked the learners to sing and did the action.17


Sabrina Peck, Developing Children’s Listening and Speaking ESL, Third edition, (Tarone: Heinle & Heintein, 2000), p. 141.


Julie Tice, Teacher, Trainer, Writer, British Counsil Lisbon Drilling, 2007, p. 1, (,uk).


According to Cordeiro, children benefit from knowing the rules and being familiar with situation, have system, have routines, organized and plan your lesson. Use familiar situation, familiar activities by using repeat stories, rhymes, etc.18

Form the theory above the writer can conclude that the children enjoy learning foreign language by using song and familiar situation, because they more easily to remember new word and they fun with it.

1. Definition of Drills

Tice mentions that ”at its simplest, drilling means listening to a model, provided by the teacher, or a tape or another student, and repeating what is heard. This is a repetition drill; that is still used by many teachers when introducing new language items to their students”. It can be concluded that the teacher says the word or phrase and the students repeat it.

According to Richard theory, drill is a technique commonly used in language teaching for practicing sounds or sentence patterns in a language, based on guided repetition or practice some aspects of grammar or sentence format formation is often known as pattern practice.19

From the theory above it can be restated that drill is a technique of word or sentence repetition in introducing new language for the learners so that they easily to memorize the language they are leaning.

2. Types of Drills

The use of drills and pattern practice is a distinctive feature of the Audio Lingual Method. Various kinds of drill are used. Brooks includes the following:

a. Repetition. The student repeats an utterance aloud as soon as he has heard it. He does this whiteout looking at a printed text. The utterance must be brief enough to be retained by the ear. Sound is as important as from and other.


Cordeiro, An Alternative Drilling Strategy, (Washington D.C: Cambridge University Press 1989), p. 97.


J.C Richards, Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching and Applied Linguistic, (London: Person Education Limited, 1992), p. 117.



I used to know him. – I used to know him

After the student has repeated an utterance, he may repeat it again and add a few words, then repeat that whole utterance and add more words.

I used to know him years ago. - I used to know him years ago

when were in school….

b. Inflection. One word in an utterance appears in other form when repeated. Example:

I bought the ticket. – I bought the tickets.

I called the young man. –I called the young men…. c. Replacement. One word in an utterance is replaced by another.


Helen left early. – She left early.

They gave their boss a watch. –They gave him a watch….

d. Restatement. The student rephrases an utterance and addresses it to someone else, according to instructions.


Tell him to wait for you. – Wait for me. Ask her how old she is. – How old are you

e. Completion. The student hears an utterance that is complete expect for one word, then repeats the utterance in complete form.


I’ll go my way and you go. . . . –I’ll go my way and you go yours. We all have … own troubles. – We all have our own troubles. . . f. Transposition. A change in word order is necessary when a word is added.


I’m hungry. (So). – So am I.

I’ll never do it again. (neither). – Neither will I. . .

g. Expansion. When a word is added it takes a certain place in the sequence. Example:


I know him. (hardly). – I hardly know him. I know him. (well). – I know him well. . . h. Contraction. A single word stands for a phrase or clause.


Put your hand on the table. – put your hand there. They believe that the earth is flat. – They believe it. . .

i. Transformation. A sentence is transformed by being made negative or interrogative or through changes in tense, mood, voice, aspect, or modality.


He knows my address.

He doesn’t know my address.

Does he know my address? He used to know my address. If he had known my address.

j. Integration. Two separates utterances are integrated into one. Example:

They must be honest. This is important. – it is important that they be honest.

I know that man. He is looking for you. – I know the man who is looking for you. . . .

k. Rejoinder. The student makes an appropriate rejoinder to given utterance. He is told in advance to respond in one of the following ways:

Be polite.

Answer the question. Agree.

Agree emphatically. Express surprise. Express regret. Disagree.

Disagree empathically, Question what is said.


Fail to understand.

BE POLITE. EXAMPLE Thank you. –You’re welcome. May I take one? – Certainly.

ANSWER THE QUESTION. EXAMPLE What is your name? – My name is Smith.

Where did it happen? – In the middle of the street. AGREE. EXAMPLE

Hi’s following us. –I think you’re right.

This is good coffee. –It’s very good. . .

l. Restoration. The student is given a sequence of words that have been culled from a sentence but still bear its basic meaning. He uses these words with a minimum of change and addition to restore the sentence to its original form. He may be told whether the time is present, past, or future.


Students/waiting/bus – the students are waiting for the bus. Boys/build/house/tree – the boys built a house in a tree.20

However there is a little difference with what Theodore Huebener introduced about Pattern drillswhich are divided into thirteen types as follows:

a. Repetition Drill which is the simplest drill; the teacher asked the student to repeat what the word or sentence he or she said.

b. Substitution Drill. The pupil changes the subject in sentence with pronoun of a different person, number, or gender and also the verb

c. Transformation Drill. In this drill the model is changed from the singular to the plural, from the plural to the singular, from the positive to the negative, from the statement to the interrogative, and so on.

d. Replacement Drill. This is actually same as substitution drill. It changes the noun to pronoun.

e. Response Drill. In this drill the student answer what the teacher questioned.


Jack C. Richard and Theodore S. Rodgers, Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching, (New York: Cambridge University Press. 1990), p. 61.


f. Cued – response Drill. The teacher gives a signal to the student before or after the question.

g. Rejoinder Drill. The student is given the way to rejoin the statement.

h. Restatement or Directed Dialogue. (Relay Drill.) pupils are directed to ask question or make statements, first with the teacher and then with a classmate as dialogue partner:

i. Completion Drill. The pupil completes the sentence with the correct word. j. Expansion Drill. Adding words and phrases to build up a simple sentence. k. Contraction Drill. Replacing a phrase or clause with a single word:

l. Integration Drill. Combining two separated statements.

m.Translation Drill. The pupil translates their native sentences with the same structure into the foreign language.21

3. Use of Drill

Drills are likely to be useful at elementary level or in the practice phrase of a lesson where limitation of the learning goal is desirable; there are some experts who give the useful of drill. The most common purpose of drills is to involve the whole class together in the practice of grammar pattern.22

Grant Taylor stated that there are twelve methods in using drill as follow:

Method 1. The teacher uses the book, but the students do not refer to it all. In VARIATION A, The teacher first gives the variable element for the sentence and then says the complete model sentence. The student repeats the complete model sentence. In VARIATION B, the teacher not only gives the complete sentence before the student response but also again after the student response. In the classroom, VARIATION C is often effective. Here the teacher selects an individual student for the first repetition. The teacher says the complete sentence after the student, and finally the entire class repeats the complete sentence.

In this following drill, the variable element is isolated in the left column, and the


Theodore Huebener,, How to Teach Foreign Languages Effectively, (New York: New York University Press: 1969), p. 19.


David Cross, A Practical Handbook of Language Teaching, (London: Cassel Villiers House, 1991), p. 40.


pattern sentence is in the right column.

No Variable Element Sentence pattern

1 Write The students have written it already 2 See The students have seen it already 3 Do The students have done it already 4 Send The students have sent it already 5 Take The students have taken it already 6 Get The students have got it already


Teacher : Write. The students have wtitten it already. Students : The students have written it already. Teacher : See. The student have seen it already. Students : The students have seen it already, etc. EXAMPLE (VARIATION B)

Teacher : Wtite. The students have written it already. Students : The students have written it already. Teacher : The students have written it already. Teacher : See. The students have seen it already. Students : The students have seen it already. Do, etc. EXAMPLE (VARIATION C)

Teacher : Write. The students have written it already. Mr. Pappas : The students have written it already. Teacher : The students have written it already. Everyone in class : The students have written it already. Teacher : The students have seen it already. Mr. Kowalski : the students have seen it already, etc.

Method 2. The teacher uses the book, but the student does not refer to it at all. As in Method 1, the teacher gives the variable element and then says the complete sentence. However, the student does not repeat. The teacher does the entire


column in this fashion or does a sufficient number of sentences to fix the pattern

in the student’s mind.

Method 3. This method combines the preceding two. The teacher uses the book, but the student does not refer to it at all. The teacher goes through the drill the first time using Method 1, then goes back to the beginning of the drill and start Method 2. In starting Method 2 the second time through the drill, it is not necessary to fix the pattern as in Variations A and B of Method 2 since the student has already become familiar with the pattern in going through the drill the first time using Method 1.

Method 4. The teacher directs the students to open their texts to the appropriate pattern drill. The teacher selects individual students to read each sentence aloud starting from the beginning of the drill. The teacher gives each sentence after the student. In the laboratory, the cue for the student to read the sentence aloud can be merely the number of the sentence. As in prior method, where there are two different patterns in the two columns, the drill can be done in three steps (each column independently and then both) if desired.

Method 5. In this method, the teacher select only pattern drills which have two independent Patterns in the two columns. The teacher gives the pattern in the left column and the student is expected to give the appropriate response for the right column. Upon completion of the drill, the procedure is reserved, the teacher supplying the appropriate response for the right column thus demonstrating to the student how he should have responded when he said the right column.

Method 6. This method is approximately equivalent to method 1 except that the student response is written rather than oral. In variations A, the teacher gives the complete sentence, and the student writes the form require by text (or check his work if he has already written in the text). In variations B, the procedure is the same except the teacher gives the complete sentence again after the student has written in the text.

Method 7. The teacher gives the complete sentence, and the student writes the form required by the text. The teacher then gives the complete sentence again, and the student repeats the sentence.


Method 8. In this method, the order of the student responses is the reverse of those in Method 7. The teacher gives the complete sentence, and the student repeats the sentence. The teacher then gives the complete sentence again, and the student writes the forms required by the text.

Method 9. In VARIATION A, the teacher gives the complete sentence. The student then writes the form requires by the text and repeats the student orally (in whichever order he deems easiest). In VARIOATON B, the procedure is the same except the teacher again gives the complete sentence after the student has completed his dual response.

Method 10. In VARIATION A, the student looks at the pattern drill and reads the appropriate sentence aloud. The teacher gives the complete sentence after the student. The student then writes the form required by the text. In VARIATION B, the procedure is the sane except the teacher again gives the complete sentence after the student has written in the text.

Methos 11. Here the order of the student response is the reserve of those in Method 10. In VARIATION A, the student first writes the form required by the text, and the teacher gives the complete sentence. The student then repeats the complete sentence orally. In VARIATION B, the procedure is the same expect the teacher again gives the complete sentence after the student has responded orally. Method 12. The student studies the pattern drill and writes the form required for that particular drill. In this method, the teacher usually corrects the written work and returns it to the student.23

C. Grammar Translation Method

1. The Definition of Grammar Translation Method

The Grammar Translation Method is a foreign language teaching method derived from the classical (sometimes called traditional) method of teaching Greek and Latin. The method requires the students to translate whole text word for word and memorized numerous grammatical rules and exceptions as well as


Grant Taylor, Practicing American English, (New York: McGraw-Hill Company, Inc, 1960), p. 10.


enormous vocabulary lists. The goal of this method is to be able to read and translate literary masterpieces and classic.24

Grammar Translation Method has been used by language teacher for many years. Richards and Rodgers told that Grammar Translation Method dominated European and foreign language teaching from the 1840s to the 1940s, and in modified from it continues to be widely used in some parts of the world today. 25

From explanation above, it can be stated that Grammar Translation Method still uses today in language teaching. This method involves students to spend a lot of time in understanding the language structure. Grammar, Vocabulary, and Translation are being stress throughout the teaching method.

2. The Characteristics of Grammar Translation Method

There are some principal characteristics of the Grammar Translation Method according to Richards and Rodgers as follow:

a. The goal of foreign language study is to learn a language in order to read its literature or in order to benefit from the mental discipline and intellectual development that result from foreign language study.

b. Reading and Writing are mayor focus; little or no systematic attention is pay to speaking or listening.

c. Vocabulary selection is based on the reading text used, and words are taught trough bilingual word list, dictionary study and memorization. d. The sentence is the basic unite of teaching and language practice. e. Accuracy is emphasized.

f. Little or no attention is given to pronunciation. g. Grammar is taught deductively.

h. The students’ native language is the medium of instruction.26

It can be concluded that Grammar Translation Method is emphasized to the mastery of grammatical rule, teaching grammar deductively, the


http: // en. Wikipedia. Org/wiki/grammar-translation#method.


Jack C.Richards and Theodore S. Rodgers, Approaches And Method in Language Teaching, (London: Cambridge University Press, 1986), p. 53-55.



translation is the main exercise, the students’ are ask to translate a sentence

from the native to the target language or vice versa, and language is taught through rules rather than use.

3. The Procedure of Grammar Translation Method a. Set introduction

1) Teacher greets the students 2) Teacher does socializing

3) Teacher reviews list chapter bat asking some questions to several students

b. Presentation Stage

1) Teacher explains the rules and patterns of irregular singular and plural form.

2) Teacher writes the pattern and some words irregular singular and plural form.

3) Teacher gives the students’ time to ask questions if they do not understand.

c. Practice Stage

1) Teacher distributes hand out of exercise. 2) Teacher explains how to do the exercise. 3) Students do the exercise.

4) Teacher discusses the answer together with the students. d. Closure

1) Teacher reviews today’s lesson 2) Teacher closes the lesson.

D. Relevant Study

There are two relevant studies that the writer takes about Plural of Nouns Form. They are An Analysis on the Errors in Pronouncing Regular Plural Nouns Made by Students, An Analysis on the Difficulties Faced by the Students in Learning Plural Form of Noun.


The first relevant study is about An Analysis on the Errors in Pronouncing

Plural Nouns Made by Students’, A Case Study at the First Grade of Muhammdiyah 17 Junior High School Students Rempoa (Prihastuti, 2012).27 The objective of the research is to analyze how many errors. The subjects of this research were students of SMP Muhammadiyah 17, Ciputat-Timur at the first Grade. The writer took 40 students as a sample which comes from I A. To collect the data, the writer uses a test and interview. The results of this research show that the frequency of the errors occurs in students are Pronouncing plural nouns. The

students’ errors divided into three categories: suffix – s which is pronounced as /s/ 31.25% plural suffix – s which are pronounced as /z/ 23% and plural suffix – s or es which are pronounced as /əz/ 76.75%.This research shows that there many factors why the students produce errors. First, it does not only a lack of student’s storage of vocabulary items, but also the inability of the studentto recognize the sounds of the language (i.e. the lack knowledge of the rules because there is no concept, especially, of voiced and voiceless sounds in their native language even the sounds are available). Second, factor is the facility of teaching learning such as English textbook. The school does not make English textbook as compulsory item. Most of them get the information only from the teacher and it is not sufficient.The last factor is the students themselves. They perhaps can understand the material well because it has been explained by the teacher for several times, but they still keep making error of competence or performance because they face the difficulties.

The second study is about An Analysis of the Students’ Errors in the

Plural of Nouns, A Descriptive Study at Second Grade Students of MAN 2 Bogor (Musrifah, 2007).28 The objective of this study isthe writer wants to find out the errors made by the second grade students of MAN 2 Bogor on English plural. The writer only took one class. It consists of 30 students. To collect the data, the writer gave an essay test to the second grade students of MAN 2 Bogor. The test was


Prihastuti, An Analysis on the Errors in Pronouncing Plural Nouns Made by Students. Skripsi, (Jakarta: FITK UIN, 2012).


Musrifah, An Analysis of the students’ Errors in the Plural of Nouns.Skripsi, (Jakarta: FITK UIN, 2012).


about plural which focused on regular plural of nouns. The result of this research

show that the frequency of the errors occurs in students’ in forming plural of nouns. The students’ errors are divided into threecategories: Misformation 32.22% Omission 28.89% and Addition 21.11%. This research shows that the

students’ still make errors in forming plural of nouns and they need improvement

to develop their skill especially in learning plural of nouns.

E. Conceptual Framework

In teaching learning process, grammar often becomes a problem for most students, although they have studied English since elementary school. Students find difficulties in learning grammar, specifically in learning parts of speech which includes verb, adverb, adjective, noun,

For this reason, teacher should use an effective teaching method that encourages students in learning English grammar, especially irregular singular and plural of nouns form. In this case, drilling is expected to be able to help the students in understandingirregular singular and plural of nouns form. Drilling is a technique in which students work independently within a learning environment. It is educates them to participate active in the classroom, so that it can increase the

students’ interest in learning English especially in learning irregular singular and plural of noun form.

In teaching irregular singular and plural of noun form by using Drilling can provide opportunities for students to active engagement with material. Moreover, drilling suggests that students must do more than just listen; they must read, write, discuss or be engage in solving problems. Most important, to be active involved, students have had the opportunity to work and have life experiences that have shown them that they can learn things on their own and can participate and interact with both other students and the teacher in the classroom. Therefore, use of this method in the classroom is vital because students can improve their skill.


F. The Hypotheses of Study

a. Alternative Hypothesis (Ha)

There is a significant difference of the Students’ results

between using Drilling Method and using Grammar Translation Method in Teaching Irregular Plural of Nouns.

b. Null Hypothesis (Ho)

There is no significance difference the students’ result between using Drillingand Grammar Translation Method in teaching Irregular Plural Nouns.


purpose of the study, the time and place, the population and sample of research, the method of the study, the technique of data collecting, the technique of data analysis, and the testing of the hypotheses.

A. The Purpose of the Study

The purpose of the study is to know whether teaching of irregular of nouns form through drilling is effective or not.

B. The Place and Time

The research was conducted at SMK Lingga Kencana Depok for about seven weeks. It was begun from January and finished on February which was divided into eight meetings including of giving pre-test, teaching learning activities, and post-test.

C. The Population and Sample of Research

In this research the writer has taken the population of the first grade students of SMK Lingga Kencana Depok. The whole students of the first grade were 58 students, namely class X Perbankan Syariah and X Tata Niaga which consists of 23 and 35 students in every class. The sample was took randomly, the writer took sample 20 students from class X Perbankan Syariah and X Tata Niaga and total sample 40 students.

D. The Method of the Study

This research used the True-experimental Design. The writer did the research on two classes, before doing activity; students are given pre-test to find out their basic competence. Then, they are taught irregular of nouns form through drilling. Finally, students are given post-test in order to find out whether there is significant influence of implementing drilling in teaching irregular of nouns form.


E. The Technique of Data Collecting

To collect the data, the writer used test which is divided into pre-test and post-test administered to experiment class and controlled class. The pre-post-test was

conducted before teaching learning process in order to find out the students’

ability in using irregular of nouns form. On the other hand, the post-test was conducted after teaching learning activities to find out whether there is effectiveness of teaching irregular of nouns form through drilling or not.

In collecting data, the writer has created a test which includes 15 multiple choice items, 5 true and false items, and 5 fill in the blank items.

F. The Technique of Data Analysis

To analyze the data, the writer used t-test. The writer compared score between the experimental class and control class. The technique is useful to prove statistically which is more effective using Drilling or Grammar Translation Method.

To find out the differences of students’ score in using Drilling compared to the

students’ score that used Grammar Translation Method, the writer used t-test formula as follows:

to = � −�

� –

to = t – Observation

M 1 = Mean of Variable X (Variable I)

M 2 = Mean of Variable Y (Variable II)

SEM 1 = Standard Error of mean Variable X SEM 2 = Standard Error of mean Variable X

And after getting mean differences of variables, the writer had to find out the standard of deviation of variable and standard error mean of variable by using formula as follows:


1. Determining Mean I with formula Mean Variable I = Ʃ

2. Determining Variable II with formula Mean Variable II = Ʃ

3. Determining of Standard Deviation of Variable I SDx =


4. Determining of Standard Deviation of Variable II SDy =


5. Determining Standard of Error Mean of Variable I SEMx =

6. Determining Standard of Error Mean of Variable II SEMy =

7. Determining Standard of Error Mean of Variable I SEMx – My = � +�

8. Determining to with formula

to = � −�

9. Determining t – table in significance level 5% and 1% with df. df= (N2 + NI) – 2

G. The Technique of Analyzing Data

Having got the data from pre-test and post-test, they were analyzed and processed by using statistic calculation of T-test formula with significance degree 5%. The formula as follow:

to =

MD �



MD: Mean of differences; the average score from the differences gained scores between I variable and II variable, which are calculated with the formula

ΣD: Total score Between I variable (X Variable) and II variable (Y Variable), and D is gained with formula; D=X - Y;

N = Number of cases SDD=


N −

฀ƩD฀² N

SDD : the standard deviation from differences between score of X variable and


To know the result of the tests (pre-test and post-test) the writer made the table of students score from both classes (experimental class and control class). Here the result of students’ scores in the control class through Grammar Translation Mathod in teaching Irregular Plural Nouns:

Table 4.1

The Result of Students in the Control Class Students (N) Pre-test Post-test Gained Score

1 48 56 8

2 63 76 13

3 47 68 21

4 54 68 14

5 74 78 4

6 50 60 10

7 68 70 2

8 20 48 28

9 50 56 6

10 68 70 2

11 48 50 2

12 40 40 0

13 56 60 4

14 30 60 30

15 60 62 2

16 50 50 0

17 70 72 2

18 68 76 8

19 60 60 0

20 40 50 10

Total 1064 1230 166


The table above describes the students’ score of the control class in learning Irregular Plural Nouns by using Grammar Translation Methodat the first grade students of SMK Lingga Kencana Depok in odd semester. Based on table above, the writer concluded that the average score is 53.2 for pre-test, 61.5 for post-test and the gain score is 8.3.

The following table is the result of students’ score of the experiment class through Drilling in teaching Irregular Plural Nouns:

Table 4.2

The Result of Students in the Experimental Class Students (N) Pre-test Post-test Gained Score

1 56 68 12

2 72 80 8

3 63 76 13

4 56 78 22

5 60 80 20

6 60 78 18

7 30 68 38

8 48 68 20

9 56 73 17

10 50 73 23

11 56 80 24

12 30 50 20

13 50 75 25

14 48 50 2

15 48 68 20

16 30 73 43

17 75 78 3

18 75 86 11

19 48 60 12

20 48 58 10

Total 1059 1420 361

Average 52,95 71 18,05

The table above describes the students’ score of the experiment class in learning Irregular Plural Nouns by using Drilling at the first grade students of SMK Lingga Kencana Depok in odd semester. Based on table above, the writer concluded that the average score is 52.95 for pre-test, 71 for post-test and 18.05 for the gain score.


The next table is the statistical calculation of the gain score both the experiment class through Drilling and the control class through Grammar Translation Method in teaching Irregular Plural Nouns.

Table 4.3

The Statistical Calculation of the Gain Score of Both the Control and the Experimental Class

Student X Y X Y X2 y2

1 12 8 -6.05 -0.3 36.6025 0.09

2 8 13 -10.05 4.7 101.0025 22.09

3 13 21 -5.05 12.7 25.5025 161.29

4 22 14 3.95 5.7 15.6025 32.49

5 20 4 1.95 -4.3 3.8025 18.49

6 18 10 -0.05 1.7 0.0025 2.89

7 38 2 19.95 -6.3 398.0025 39.69

8 20 28 1.95 19.7 3.8025 388.09

9 17 6 -1.05 -2.3 1.1025 5.29

10 23 2 4.95 -6.3 24.5025 39.69

11 24 2 5.95 -6.3 35.4025 39.69

12 20 0 1.95 -8.3 3.8025 68.89

13 25 4 6.95 -4.3 48.3025 18.49

14 2 30 -16.05 21.7 257.6025 470.89

15 20 2 1.95 -6.3 3.8025 39.69

16 43 0 24.95 -8.3 622.5025 68.89

17 3 2 -15.05 -6.3 226.5025 39.69

18 11 8 -7.05 -0.3 49.7025 0.09

19 12 0 -6.05 -8.3 36.6025 68.89

20 10 10 -8.05 1.7 64.8025 2.89

Total ∑X = 361 ∑Y = 166 ∑X = 0 ∑Y = 0


= 1958.95


= 1528.2 The table above describes the result calculation of the gain score of the experiment class (X) and the control class (Y) in learning Irregular Plural Nouns. Based on table above, it can be concluded that the total score of the experimental class (∑X) is 361and the control class (∑y) is 166.


Chart 4.1

The Pre Test, the Post Test, and the Gain Scores of the Control Class and the Experimental Class

The diagram above describes the score of both classes in average level. It

shows that the students’ achievement in teaching Irregular Plural Nouns by using Drilling (experimental class) higher than using Grammar Translation Method (control class).

From the table above, the writer calculated them based on the steps of t-test formula, as follows:

1. Determining Mean I with formula Mean Variable I = Σ

= 361

20 = 18.05 2. Determining Mean II with formula

Mean Variable II = Σ =166

20= 8.3

3. Determining of Standard Deviation of Variable I SD x = Σ


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Control class Exeriment





= 1958 .95 20

= 97.948 = 9.897

4. Determining of Standard Deviation of Variable II SDy = Σ


= 1528 .2 20

= 76.41 = 8.741

5. Determining Standard of Error Mean of Variable I SEMx = �

−1 =9.89720

−1 = 9.897


=9.8974.359= 2.270

6. Determining Standard of Error Mean of Variable II SEMy = �

−1 = 9.897

20−1= 8.741



4.359= 1.943

7. Determining Standard of Error Mean of Variable I SEMx – My = � 2 +

� 2

= 2.2702+ 1.9432 = 5.153 + 3.780

= 8.932 = 2.988645 = 2.989 8. Determining towith formula

to = M x– M y

SEM x– M y

= 18.05 – 8.3 2.989

= 9.75 = 3.261961 = 3.262 2.989


9. Determining t – table in significance level 5% and 1 % with df. df = (N2 + N1) – 2

= (20 + 20 ) – 2 = 40 – 2 = 38

Because the value of 38 is not mentioned in the table, the writer use the value that closer to 38 is 40 (df) degree of freedom.

1. The significance level of 5% tt (t-table) = 2.021 2. The significance level of 1% tt (t-table) = 2.704 10. The comparison between t-score with t-table: T-score = 2.021 < 3.262 > 2.704

B. Hypothesis Testing

The statistic hypothesisstates:

If to (t-observation) higher than tt (t-table), it means Drilling is effective in

teaching Irregular Plural Nouns. Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected.

If to (t-observation) lower than tt (t-table), it means Drilling is not effective in

teaching Irregular Plural Nouns. Ha is rejected and Ho is accepted.

The writer states the hypothesis is follows: (1) Ha:”There is a significant

difference between the students’ Irregular Plural Nouns scores taught by Drilling and taught by Grammar Translation Method”, (2) H0 = “There is no a significant

difference between the students’ active and Irregular scores taught by using Drilling and taught by Grammar Translation Method”.

C. Findings

From the result of the statistic calculation indicates that the value of to is

3.262. The degree of the freedom (df) is 38 (obtain from (N1+N2-2) = (20+20-2)) in this skripsi, the writer used the degree of significance of 5% and 1%. In the table of significance, it can be seen that on df = 38 and on the degree of significance of 5% and 1%, the value of the degree of significance are 2.02 and 2.70.


75 . D . r

l ' ' I

-t j

Pedoman Penilaian

t ,

t l



0% - 30% 30% - 79% 80o/o - l00Vo

High Medium Low



0,4 - 0,6 Good USED USED USED





Validity and Reliability of Post-Test Item



Options DIF

( o l
















LG 6* I a














l *







6!r I







2 *






* 8




LG a







I 6* I




LG 4







* 1 0








* 6















1 r J 4




I I 8 *


















LG 4t(



































t 8





LG 4














2 *





I {.9






LG 4 i.0 I 5





* 5 I








* l 6

ltemNo. Group Answers

DrF (%)





L 6


l 0






, {


t 7







LG 4 6

1 8







LG a

J 7

l 9







LG )





I 80Yo









DrF (%)



Right Wrong










1 0














l 0











J 45Vo








9 I 80%



LG 7


Pedoman Penilaian



0% - 30% 30% -79Yo 80o/o - l00Yo

High Medium Low



0,4 -0,6 Good USED USED USED





Nomor Lampiran Perihal

: Istimewa

' P".*ohonun Perubahan Judul Skripsi

J akarta, 05 Februari 20 I 3


Bapak Ketua Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasalnggris Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta D i


Assalamu' al aikum WR, I4/b.

Salam sejahtera da nsilaturahmi saya haturkan kepada Bapak semoga dalam lindungan Allah SWT dan diridhoi langkah serta aktivitas yang Bapak jalani sehari-hari.Amin.

Sehubungan dengan ini sayajelaskan dengan identitas saya adalah sebagai berikut:

: Lutfi Anwar :207014000446

: Ilmu Tarbiyah dank eguruan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris / XII - B

Dengan ini saya mengajukan perubahanjudul skripsi yang berjudul :


Menjadi :

THE EFFECTIVENESS OF DRILLING IN TEACHING IRREGULAR PLURAL NOUNS, (AN Experimental Study of The First Grade Students of SMK Lingga Kencana Depok)

Demikian surat permohonan ini saya ajukan, semoga bapak berkenan menyetujuinya. Atas perhatiannya saya ucapkan terimakasih.

Wassalamualaikum. Wr. Wb.

Lutfi Anwar

NIM. 207014000446

Nama NIM

Fakultas Jurusan

Pemohon ^{)


!,i I

Nomor : Un.0 1/F. 1/KM .01.3 I ...,....12014-_ L a m p .

:-Hal : Bimbingan Skripsi

Nama NIM Jurusan Semester Judul Skripsi

Tembusan: l. Dekan FITK 2. Mahasiswa ybs.

Lutfi Anwar 207014000446 PBI

X (sepuluh)

"Improving Students' Understanding of lrregular Singular and Jakarta,2T Juni 2012

Kepada Yth.

Ismalianing Bviyuliwati, M. Hum Pembimbing Skripsi

Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan UIN Syarif Hidayatullah


As s alamu' alaikum wr.wb.

Dengan ini diharapkan kesediaan Saudara untuk menjadi pembimbing I/II (materi/teknis) penulisan skripsi mahasiswa:

P lural form thr ough Dr illing "

Judul tersebut telah disetujui oleh Jurusan yang bersangkutan pada tanggal 25-10-2011 , abstraksiloutline terlampir. Saudara dapat melakukan perubahan redaksional pada judul tersebut. Apabila perubahan substansial dianggap perlu, mohon pembimbing menghubungi Jurusan terlebih dahulu.

Bimbingan skripsi ini diharapkan selesai dalam waktu 6 (enam) bulan, dan dapat diperpanjang selama 6 (enam) bulan berikutnyatanpa surat perpanjangan.

Atas perhatian dan kerja sama Saudara, kami ucapkan terima kasih. Was s alamu' alaikum wr.wb.



Jl. lr. H. Juanda No 95 Ciputat 15412 lndonesia



No. Dokumen : FITK-FR-AKD-081

Tgl. Terbit : 1 Maret 2010

No. Revisi: 0 1

H a l 1t1




a.n. Dekan

idikan Bahasa Inggris


2r2 199103

| 002

* \? IliiiE-jiErtt/s'


r f f . \ _t

Yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini adalah kepala sekolah SMK Lingga Kencana Depok,


bahwa :

: Lutfi Anwar

: Bogor,08 Desember


: Kp. Sidamukti

RT 01/08 Kel. Sukamaju

Kec. Cilodong

Kota Depok



Tempaf/Tgl Lahir


Telah melaksanakan

penelitian di SMK Lingga Kencana dari tanggat 12 Februari s.d 12

Maret 2012, tentang "The Efectiveness

Of Driling In Teaching

lrregular Noun"

Demikian surat keterangan ini dibuat untuk diketatrui, dan dipergunakan Sebagaimana


Nomor : 07 / 142.1

/ sn*.lkwlM0l3

28 Agustus


t ,

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