Definition of Regular Singular and Plural Nouns

The Table Below Shows the Use of Regular Singular and Plural Nouns. Table 2.1 The List of Regular Singular and Plural Nouns The words ending Singular Plural The plural of most nouns is formed by adding final “s” Plate Plates Table Tables Student Students The nouns ending “ss” Boss Bosses Glass Glasses Class Classes Nouns ending in “ch” Bench Benches Catch Catches Beach Beaches Nouns endingin “sh” Bush Bushes Dish Dishes Flash Flashes Nouns ending in “x” Fox Foxes Ax Axes Box Boxes Nouns endingin “z” Quiz Quizzes Fez Fezzes Nouns endingin “dg” Judge Judges Noun ending in “y” Baby Babies Cry Cries City Cities Nouns ending in “o” Veto Vetoes Buffalo Buffaloes Mosquito Mosquitoes

5. Definition of Irregular Plural Nouns

An Irregular Plural noun is an Irregular noun in the Plural form. An Irregular noun is a noun that becomes plural noun by changing it’s spelling in other ways than adding an “s” or “es” to the ending of the word. This change can happen in variety ways. 14 Irregular plural nouns are generally nouns that follow older patterns of Englishor are nouns that have been borrowed from Latin or Greek and thus take the Latinor Greek plural formation. In the case of words that have been borrowed from Latinor Greek, there is a tendency for them to adopt over time the regular English plural –s inflection. Therefore, we see words such as syllabus that actually have two pluralforms, the original syllabi and the English syllabuses. 15 a. The form of Irregular Plural Irregular plurals based on older English may take the form of: a An internal change. Example Man → men Foot → feet Mouse → mice b An en ending. Example Child → children Ox → oxen Brother → Brethren the older plural of brother is found mainly in religious contexts. c There are a number of animal that have the same singular and plural form. Example Sheep → sheep Deer → deer 14 Ibid., 15 DeCapu, op. cit., p.50,. Fish → fish Bison → bison Swine → swine Shrimp → shrimp d The singular has the same form as the plural. Example Series → series means → means e Many foreign word s retain their foreign plural in English. 1 Singular us ending becomes plural I ending. Example Stimulus → stimuli Radius → radii 2 Singular a ending becomes plural ae ending. Example Larva → larvae Vertebra → vertebrae 3 Singular um ending becomes plural a ending. Example Memorandum → memoranda Stratum → strata some such word are used chiefly in the plural. Example Data and bacteria 4 Singular is ending becomes plural es ending. Example Crisis → crises Parenthesis → parentheses 5 Singular on ending becomes plural a ending. Example Criterion → criteria Phenomenon → phenomena 6 Singular uex or ix ending becomes plural ices ending. Example Vortex → vortices Matrix → matrices 7 Singular eau ending becomes plural eaux ending. Example Bureau → bureau Plateau → plateau There is an increasing tendency for regular “s” plural to alternate with foreign plural. The dictionary therefore also records such plural as memorandum, vertebras, vortexes, criterions, and bureaus. No plural is used for nouncountable words such as information, advice, clothing, and furniture. Some noun words ending “s” are singular nouncountable nouns, especially names of diseases and fields of study news, measles, economics. However, when words that name fields of study are used for practical matters, such words are often considered plural. Example His businesses are very questionable The acoustics in this room are not good Some words ending in “s” are used chiefly as plural ashes, brains, goods, riches. In this group are words for items that have two parts scissors, spectacles, pliers, and trouser. The Table Below Shows the Use of Irregular Singular and Plural Nouns. Table 2.2 The Form of Irregular Plural Nous Singular Plural Arti Man Men Laki-laki Foot Feet Kaki Tooth Teeth Gigi Mouse Mice Tikus Child Children Anak-anak Sheep Sheep Biri-biri Deer Deer Rusa Datum Data Data Criterion Criteria Criteria Crisis Crises Krisis Fish Fish Ikan Series Series Seri Louse Lice Kutu Goose Geese Angsa

6. Irregular Plural from Latin and Greek

English has borrowed a great many words from Latin and Greek. Many nouns particularly ones from Latin have retained their original plurals from some time after they are introduced. Other nouns have become Anglicized, taking on the normal final “s”. In some case, both forms are still competing. The choice of a form can often depend on context: for a linguist, the plural of appendix is appendices following the original language, for physician, however, the plural of appendix is appendixes. Likewise, a radio engineer works with antennas and an entomologist deals with antennae. Choice of form can also depend on the level of discourse: traditional Latin plurals are found more often in academic and scientific context, whereas, in daily speech the anglicized forms are more common. In the following table, the Latin plurals are listed together with the Anglicized forms when they are more common. Table 2.3 The List of Irregular Plural Nouns from Latin and Greek Original Singular Original Plural From Phenomenon Phenomena Latin and Greek Criterion Criteria Latin and Greek Bacterium Bacteria Latin

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