Definition of Noun Noun

4 Case – special endings mark nouns according to their function in the sentence – subject, object of the verb, etc. 7 b. Number: Number is the name of system contrasting Singular and Plural. In the first instance, it applies to noun inflection: noun typically has contrasting Singular and Plural forms. Thus cat and cats ate the singular and plural forms of the noun cat, and so on. 8

4. Definition of Regular Singular and Plural Nouns

The most common ways to make nouns Plural is add „s” or “es”. The vast majority of words in the English language become plural simply by adding an “s”. The plural of words ending in “s, - sh, - ch, - z, and – x, however is formed by adding “es” Student – students, teacher – teachers, box – boxes, and class – classes. 9 Outside these numerals we have grammatical expressions of number in mostsubstantives, in some pronouns and in some verbal forms, but neither in adjectives nor inparticles. While some languages distinguish a singular for one, a dual for two, sometimes even a trial for threeand a plural, English like most of the cognatelanguages has now only a singular and a plural. 10 The plural of nouns is formed by adding final “s” and final “es” is added to noun that end, sh, - ch, - s, - z, - and – x song – songs, box – boxes, bush – bushes. 11 The regular way of forming the plural is by adding the s-ending with its threefoldpronunciation. 12 7 Frank, op. cit., p. 12. 8 Rodney Huddleston and Geoffrey K. Pullum, A Student’s Introduction English Grammar, New York: Cambridge University Press, 2005, p. 85. 9 Barbara Hansen and Rebecca McDaniel, Simplified Sentence Skills, Linclonwood Chicago: University of Cincinnati, 1998, p. 180. 10 Otto Jespersen, Essentials of English Grammar, London: Taylor Francis Group, 2006, p. 154. 11 Betty Schrampfer Azar, Understanding and Usung English Grammar, New York: Longman, 1999, p. 100. 12 Jespersen, op. cit., p. 155. Most nouns in English have both singular and plural forms, and the plural is usually formed by adding -s to the singular. Most nouns in English have both singular and plural forms, and the plural is usually formed by adding “-s” to the singular boss – bosses, - face – faces, cat – cats, day – days, and tax – taxes. 13 Based on the definition above, it can be said that to make plural noun form with simply ways just put in a letter “s”, when the final words are sh, - ch, - s, - z, - and x, become plural form by adding letters “es” in the end of the word. a. The Regular Singular and Plural nouns 1 After a sibilant sound spelled as s, z, ch, sh, x, es is added. Example Class → classes Church → Churches Dish → dishes However, if final ch is pronounced [k], only s is added. Example Monarchs’ → stomachs 2 After y preceded by a consonant, they” y” is changed to”I” and es is added. Example Lady → ladies Country → countries If final y is preceded by a vowel, no change is made. Example Attorney → attorneys Valley → valleys 3 In one – syllable words, final f or fe becomes ves in the plural. Example Wife → wives Leaf → leaves 13 Jeremy Harmer, How to TeachEnglish; An Introduction to the Practice of English Language Teaching, London: Edinburg Gate, Addison Wesley Longman Ltd, 1982, p. 11.

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