The Background of Study

the noun or pronoun does or is. Verbs have: regular or irregular, finite or infinite, person first, second, and third, number singular or plural, and voice active or passive. 7 Adverbs: Adverbs add meaning to verbs, adjectives or other adverbs. 6 One of the parts of speech which become a difficulty faced by the students is noun. The students have a problem in learning noun, because English and Indonesian language have different patterns in using noun. Usually in Indonesian pattern there is no change in using noun. For example: 1. Ada satu buku diatas meja. 2. Ada empat buku diatas meja. From the examples above, it shows that the word “buku” in the first sentence indicates a singular form. However, there is no change in the word “buku” in the second sentence which indicates a plural form. In English, there is a rule in using a singular and plural noun form. For example: 1. There is a book on the desk. 2. There are four books on the desk. The example above has shown that there is a change in using singular and plural noun. In the first sentence the word “book” indicates a singular form. However, in the second sentence there is a change in the word “book”. The word “book” is added by suffix -s to become “books” which indicates a plural form. Besides that students still have problem in using irregular noun form in English. For example: 1. there is one mouse in the kitchen 2. there are three mouses in the kitchen 3. there is one goose at the lake 4. there are five gooses at the lake From the example one and two above, it can be seen that students have a problem when they used noun in irregular form. Students still considered that every plural noun from must be added by the suffix -s or es. However, some nouns have irregular plural form. In this case, the words “mouse and goose” have 6 Ibid., p.11. irregular plural form, it should be “mice and geese” in the plural form. From the example above, it should be revised to be: 1. There are three mice in the kitchen. 2. There are five geese at the lake Therefore, irregular plural of nouns form is considered as one of difficult materials when students learn grammar. It is proved by some researchers who studied about irregular plural of nouns form. As mentioned in some previous studies on “An Analysis on the Errors in Pronouncing Regular Plural Nouns Made by Students ” by Prihastuti with the result of the students First, it does not only a lack of student’s storage of vocabulary items, but also the inability of the student to recognize the sounds of the language. Second factor is the facility of teaching learning such as English textbook. The last factor is the students themselves. They perhaps can understand the material well because it has been explained by the teacher for several times, but they still keep making error of competence or performance because they face the difficulties 7 , and “An Analysis on the Difficulties Faced by the Students in Learning Plural Form of Noun ” by Munyati. 8 With the students result that the students’ errors are divided into three categories: Misformation 32.22 Omission 28.89 and Addition 21.11. This research shows that the students’ still make errors in forming plural of nouns and they need improvement to develop their skill especially in learning plural of nouns. From the previous the study above, the writer decided to do a further research entitled “The Effectiveness of Drilling in Teaching Irregular Plural Nouns”.

B. Identification of the Problem

From the case above, the writer has found that the students difficulties in using irregular nouns. It can be identify as, 1 the students generalize every nouns has the same plural form by adding “s” or “es”. 2 They have lack of knowledge about irregular plural nouns. 7 Prihastuti. An Analysis on the Errors in Pronouncing Irregular Plural Nouns. Skripsi. Jakarta: FITK UIN, 2011. 8 Munyati. An Analysis on the Difficulties faced by the Students in Learning Plural form of Noun. Skripsi, Jakarta: FITK UIN, 2012.

C. The Limitation of the Study

To avoid misunderstanding in interpreting the problem, it is necessary to make limitation of the problem. In teaching noun forms, there are regular and irregular patterns that should be taught to students. There are also various techniques in teaching nouns. Thus, to limits this study, the writer uses Drilling to teach Irregular Pluralnoun. Thus the writer would like to conduct a research and to write it on th e paper entitled “The Effectiveness of Drilling in Teaching Irregular Plural Nouns”.

D. Formulation Of the Problem

Based on the limitation of the problems above, the writer formulates the problem as follow: “is there an effectiveness of drilling in teaching irregular plural nouns?”.

E. The Objective of the Study

The objective of the study is to find out whether the effectiveness of drilling in teaching irregular plural nouns. This study hopefully contributes many advantages to English teacher in implementing the grammar teaching especially in teaching irregular nouns. The result of the study hopefully can also assist the students in mastering irregular nouns.

F. Significance of the Study

The result of the study is hoped to give contribution for the teachers, students, and other researcher as follow: 1. The Teacher This study is expected to give the alternative solution in teaching grammar especially in teaching nouns. 2. The Students It assists them to solve their problems in using irregular nouns. 3. The Institution of SMK Lingga Kencana Sawangan Depok The writer hopes that this study can be beneficial to improve in the teaching English. 7


This chapter presents and discusses noun which is broken down into the form of singular and plural, the form of irregular of singular and plural. Drill also broken down into definition of drill, types of drill, and the use of drill. Relevant Study. Conceptual framework and hypothesis.

A. Noun

A noun tells us what someone or something is called For example, a noun can be the name of a person John, a job title doctor the name of a thing radio, the name of a place London, the name of a quality courage, or the name of an action laughterlaughing Nouns are the names we give to people, things, places, etc. 1 English nouns can be classified as count singular and plural and noun- count.Thesingular form is used when considering the noun as a single item count or entity noun-count, and the plural form is used when considering more than one of the same items. Noun-count nouns do not have a plural form. Most plurals are formed by adding –s or – es to the singular nouns pen- pens. In some cases, there are special spelling rules that need to be considered when forming the plural. Some nouns take on a different form in the plural is called irregular plural mouse-mice.

1. Definition of Noun

Mark foley and Dianne Hall stated that nouns do not have grammatical gender in English, but some have a „natural gender’, e.g. woman – female. father – male. English nouns only change their form when they plural or to show possession. Noun can be countable, uncountable, concrete table, book, car, and chair. or abstract idea, hope, responsibility. 2 1 L. G. Alexander, Longman English Grammar, New York: Pearson Education Limited, 1988, p. 45. 2 Mark Folley and Dianne Hall, Advance Learners „Grammar, Essex: Peron Education Ltd, 2003, p. 248. Howard Jackson also stated that some languages do not make a gender classification of their nouns, for example Kuechun language. It is arguable, moreover, that English does not exhibit grammatical gender: there is no mark of gender in the noun, part from one or two endings that are restricted to noun referring to female e.g. tigress, usherette and there is no mark in accompanying words articles, adjectives, etc. either. 3 From both definition above, the writer can says that noun is a word todescribe things such as, the name of person, plant, animal, place, and etc. Beside that Noun is one of important parts of speech in arranging a sentence to be complete sentence, because of its rule of arranging a sentence according to the gender itself.

2. Types of Noun

There are quite a few types of noun used to create a sentence in English language. Here are the explanation details of each noun which are classified: a. Proper noun Proper Noun begins with capital letter in writing. It can includes personal names Mr. John Smith, names of geographic units such as countries, cities, rivers, etc. Holland, Paris, names of nationalities and religions Dutchman, Christianity, names of holiday Easter, Thanksgiving Day, names of time units Saturday, June, words used for personification – a thing abstraction treated as a person Nature, Liberty. 4 b. Common Nouns Common Nouns which refer to classes of things or instance of things. Here are some examples: teacher, village, girl, country, and soon. Common noun is opposed also to proper nouns. c. Countable or Noun countable 1 A countable noun can usually be made plural by the addition of – s one girl, two girls. 3 Howard Jackson. Discovering Grammar, Oxford: Pergamon Press Ltd, 1985, p. 12. 4 Marcella Frank, Modern English A Practical Reference Guide, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1972, p. 6.

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