The Definition of Grammar Translation Method

The first relevant study is about An Analysis on the Errors in Pronouncing Plural Nouns Made by Students’, A Case Study at the First Grade of Muhammdiyah 17 Junior High School Students Rempoa Prihastuti, 2012. 27 The objective of the research is to analyze how many errors. The subjects of this research were students of SMP Muhammadiyah 17, Ciputat-Timur at the first Grade. The writer took 40 students as a sample which comes from I A. To collect the data, the writer uses a test and interview. The results of this research show that the frequency of the errors occurs in students are Pronouncing plural nouns. The students’ errors divided into three categories: suffix – s which is pronounced as s 31.25 plural suffix – s which are pronounced as z 23 and plural suffix – s or es which are pronounced as əz 76.75.This research shows that there many factors why the students produce errors. First, it does not only a lack of student’s storage of vocabulary items, but also the inability of the studentto recognize the sounds of the language i.e. the lack knowledge of the rules because there is no concept, especially, of voiced and voiceless sounds in their native language even the sounds are available. Second, factor is the facility of teaching learning such as English textbook. The school does not make English textbook as compulsory item. Most of them get the information only from the teacher and it is not sufficient.The last factor is the students themselves. They perhaps can understand the material well because it has been explained by the teacher for several times, but they still keep making error of competence or performance because they face the difficulties. The second study is about An Analysis of the Students’ Errors in the Plural of Nouns, A Descriptive Study at Second Grade Students of MAN 2 Bogor Musrifah, 2007. 28 The objective of this study isthe writer wants to find out the errors made by the second grade students of MAN 2 Bogor on English plural. The writer only took one class. It consists of 30 students. To collect the data, the writer gave an essay test to the second grade students of MAN 2 Bogor. The test was 27 Prihastuti, An Analysis on the Errors in Pronouncing Plural Nouns Made by Students. Skripsi, Jakarta: FITK UIN, 2012. 28 Musrifah, An Analysis of the students’ Errors in the Plural of Nouns.Skripsi, Jakarta: FITK UIN, 2012. about plural which focused on regular plural of nouns. The result of this research show that the frequency of the errors occurs in students’ in forming plural of nouns. The students’ errors are divided into threecategories: Misformation 32.22 Omission 28.89 and Addition 21.11. This research shows that the students’ still make errors in forming plural of nouns and they need improvement to develop their skill especially in learning plural of nouns.

E. Conceptual Framework

In teaching learning process, grammar often becomes a problem for most students, although they have studied English since elementary school. Students find difficulties in learning grammar, specifically in learning parts of speech which includes verb, adverb, adjective, noun, For this reason, teacher should use an effective teaching method that encourages students in learning English grammar, especially irregular singular and plural of nouns form. In this case, drilling is expected to be able to help the students in understandingirregular singular and plural of nouns form. Drilling is a technique in which students work independently within a learning environment. It is educates them to participate active in the classroom, so that it can increase the students’ interest in learning English especially in learning irregular singular and plural of noun form. In teaching irregular singular and plural of noun form by using Drilling can provide opportunities for students to active engagement with material. Moreover, drilling suggests that students must do more than just listen; they must read, write, discuss or be engage in solving problems. Most important, to be active involved, students have had the opportunity to work and have life experiences that have shown them that they can learn things on their own and can participate and interact with both other students and the teacher in the classroom. Therefore, use of this method in the classroom is vital because students can improve their skill.

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