Identification of the Problem

Howard Jackson also stated that some languages do not make a gender classification of their nouns, for example Kuechun language. It is arguable, moreover, that English does not exhibit grammatical gender: there is no mark of gender in the noun, part from one or two endings that are restricted to noun referring to female e.g. tigress, usherette and there is no mark in accompanying words articles, adjectives, etc. either. 3 From both definition above, the writer can says that noun is a word todescribe things such as, the name of person, plant, animal, place, and etc. Beside that Noun is one of important parts of speech in arranging a sentence to be complete sentence, because of its rule of arranging a sentence according to the gender itself.

2. Types of Noun

There are quite a few types of noun used to create a sentence in English language. Here are the explanation details of each noun which are classified: a. Proper noun Proper Noun begins with capital letter in writing. It can includes personal names Mr. John Smith, names of geographic units such as countries, cities, rivers, etc. Holland, Paris, names of nationalities and religions Dutchman, Christianity, names of holiday Easter, Thanksgiving Day, names of time units Saturday, June, words used for personification – a thing abstraction treated as a person Nature, Liberty. 4 b. Common Nouns Common Nouns which refer to classes of things or instance of things. Here are some examples: teacher, village, girl, country, and soon. Common noun is opposed also to proper nouns. c. Countable or Noun countable 1 A countable noun can usually be made plural by the addition of – s one girl, two girls. 3 Howard Jackson. Discovering Grammar, Oxford: Pergamon Press Ltd, 1985, p. 12. 4 Marcella Frank, Modern English A Practical Reference Guide, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1972, p. 6. 2 A noun countable is not used in the plural. Mass nouns from one type of uncountable noun. They are words for concrete objects stated in an undivided quantity coffee, iron. Abstract nouns including names of school subjects and sports are uncountable. 5 d. Collective Nouns A collective noun is a word for group of people, animals or objects considered as a single unit. Examples of collective nouns are audience, committee, class, crew, crowd, enemy, faculty, flock, folk, government, group, herd, jury, majority, nation, orchestra, press, public, and team. e. Concrete Nouns Concrete nouns are words that have a physical shape that can be seen or touched. They can come from other categories of nouns: child, animal, magazine, horse, plank, and vase. f. Abstract Nouns Abstract Nouns differ from concrete nouns in that they do not have a physicalshape. They describe ideas, qualities, or feelings: anger, bravery, hate, ignorance, intelligence, knowledge, love, peace, and sympathy. 6

3. Form of Nouns

Noun in many European languages may be inflected, that is, changed in form, for certain grammatical properties. Usually these changes are made through special endings. Inflectional forms of nouns may indicate: a. Gender: 1 Masculine – refer to persons or animals of male sex: man, father, uncle, lad, king, groom, and actor. 2 Feminine – refers to person or animal of female sex: woman, mother, auntie, lass, queen, bride, actress, and geese. 3 Neuter – refers to objects to object no sex: tree, table, slipper, and car. 5 Ibid., p. 7. 6 Ed Swick, English Verbs Essentials of Grammar for ESL Learners, New York: McGraw-Hill, 2010, p. 77.

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