Performing a Direct Declination or an Unmitigated Response

Taylor’s utterances. As there is no answer performed, Mrs. Taylor revises the question in the next turn in order to get the second pair part which is not a silence. Mrs. Taylor and her family arrive in the Vineyard to attend Jason and Sabrina’s wedding. Mrs. Taylor feels annoyed because Jason and Sabrina do not show up to pick them up at the dock. Thus, she asks some questions to Shonda to show her disappointment. Shonda who is more attracted to something else does not pay attention to the questions and ignore Mrs. Watson’s question. It makes Mrs. Taylor feels more annoyed to Shonda and asks a question again to obtain an answer in the second pair part.

3. The Functions of Dispreferred Social Acts

In Jumping the Broom movie, there are twelve functions which are analyzed through the context of the conversations. The characters of in this movie perform dispreferred social acts to the functions of the dispreferred social acts are to 1 show the speaker’s lack of enthusiasm or reluctance to the first speaker’s utterance, 2 provide an explanation for the speaker’s inability or disagreement to perform a preferred action, 3 appeal the first speaker to view alternative information or another option, 4 avoid the topic of conversation, 5 express the speaker’s unjustified answer or information, 6 criticize the first speaker’s utterance which is considered as an impolite or a rude utterance, 7 defend the speaker’s self argument, 8 show unwillingness or inability to perform an action, 9 dissuade the first speaker to do an action, 10 amuse the first speaker for the speaker’s dispreferred social act, 11 show that the first speaker’s utterance is unnecessary to be uttered or responded, 12 invoke the first speaker’s understanding for a certain circumstance or reason. For further details of explanation, each function is analyzed in the following section. a. To Show the Speaker’s Lack of Enthusiasm or Reluctance to the First Speaker’s Utterance One of the functions of the dispreferred social acts found in the Jumping the Broom movie is to show the speaker’s lack of enthusiasm or reluctance to the first speaker’s utterances. The following example exposes how Jason shows his lack of enthusiasm or reluctance to Sabrina’s utterance. Sabrina : Jason, I know we havent been together that long, and I probably have no right to ask you this, but I just feel like... I dont know. Do you think we could try to make it work? Jason : Babe, China is really far away. Datum no. 1 In this scene, Sabrina tries to ask Jason about their relationship after she gets an offer to work in China. As the preferred response, she expects that the question will be responded by an expected answer that Jason will keep their relationship although it is a long distance relationship. Unfortunately, Jason gives his dispreferred response by saying “China is really far away”. Through this statement, it can be concluded that Jason is not really interested with a long distance relationship as Sabrina tries to talk about. In other words, he performs the dispreferred social act to show his lack enthusiasm or reluctance of the topic uttered by Sabrina. After watching an opera, Sabrina tells Jason that she gets an offer to work in China. Therefore, Sabrina asks Jason about his commitment for their