Antonius Heri Purwanta’s thesis “A Contrastive Analysis between

The examples of polymorphemic prepositions that consist of preposition and non preposition are di atas, di bawah, di muka, di belakang, ke dekat, ke depan, ke dalam, ke luar, ke tengah, dari balik, dari samping, dari luar, and dari tengah. The meaning of the prepositions is the combination of the meaning carried by each morpheme 1988: 230 – 234 In Indonesian, according to the word classification by Soetarno in his book Sari Tatabahasa Indonesia II, syntactically, prepositions are classified into two categories. 1. Simple prepositions kata depan tunggal that consist of one word, such as di, ke, dari, untuk 2. Complex prepositions kata depan majemuk that consist of more than one word, such as di dalam, ke dalam, di atas Ramlan, 1985: 22

3. Back Translation Theories

“As a review, back translation is the practice of taking a translated document and translating it back into the original language as a means of checking the accuracy of the translation” Paegelow, 2008; 22. Thus, basically, back translation is a tool to assess the quality of a translation by contrasting the re- translated text with its ST. Harkness and Gulsberg in Questionnaires in Translation explain the method of back translation as follows: a. A source language text Source Language Text 1, SLT1 is translated into the target language Target Language Text, TLT by the first translator b. The target language text SLT1 is later translated back into the source language Source Language Text 2, SLT2 by a second translator who is a native of the source language and not aware of the existence of the original ST c. Comparison of the SLT1 and SLT2 d. A conclusion is drawn based on the similarities and differences between the SLT1 and SLT2 The conclusion can be inferred from more identical the SLT1 and SLT2, the better the quality and the equivalence of the translation. Yet, as the present research does not discuss about translation equivalence, the back translation method employed in this research is used to see if there is new translation probabilities when the locative prepositions are translated back into SL.

C. Theoretical Framework

In answering the questions, applicable and relevant theories are needed. The theories of preposition and translation are employed in answering the first question that deals with how the prepositions are translated into TT. The theories of preposition and translation are used to determine which word is the translation of the locative preposition and the meaning of the prepositions. The second question dealing with the translation possibilities of the preposition at, in, on is also related to the theories of preposition and its meaning. Harkness and Gulsberg’s theory of back translation is applicable in seeing whether there are new translation probabilities of the locative preposition or not. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI