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Office Space Movie Script. http:wwwimsdb.comscriptsOffice-Space.html. Retrieved on 8 August 2014 at 10:17. t Shams, R. and Afgahri, A. 2011. Effects of Culture and Gender in Comprehension of Speech Acts of Indirect Request. Journal, 4,4, 279-287. journalindex.phpeltarticleview13384. Retrieved on 5 September 2014 at 16:08. Appendix A. Types and Strategies of Request Applied by the Characters in Office Space Descriptions of the Code: UCV : Unconventionally Indirect Request Hi : Hints HB : Conventionally Indirect Request Speaker-Based Ab : Ability of Willingness SB : Conventionally Indirect Request Hearer-Based Sf : Suggestory Formulae DR : Direct Request Wi : Wishes and Desires Ne : Needs and Demands Ob : Obligations and Necessities Pf : Performatives Im : Obligations HB SB 1UCVHi Bill: Hello, Peter. Whats happening? Uh… we have sort of a problem here. Yeah. You apparently didnt put one of the new coversheets on your TPS. Peter: Oh, yeah. Im sorry about that. I, I forgot. v v The setting is in the company. Bill Lumberg comes to Peter`s cubicle. He is the vice precident and Peter`s superior in the company. Without explicitly stating his request, Bill wants Peter to put one of the coversheet on his Testing Procedure Specification TPS reports. Indirect Request UCV P f I m Code Data Type of Request Conventionally DR Explanation H i A b S f W i N e O b Strategies of Making Request 77