Research Instruments Form, Context and Source of Data

dependability, the researcher read and re-read the data, examined the process of data collection and data analysis by matching the research questions with the results of data collection. In conformability, the researcher checked whether the data findings and the interpretation were truly based on the obtained data or not. The researcher used triangulation technique to achieve the conformability by consulting the data to two supervisors. This research was also triangulated by two students of English Language and Literature study program of Yogyakarta State University majoring in linguistics in order to minimize the subjectivity of the data.


This chapter contains two sections: findings and discussion. In the first section, the researcher provides the tables of research findings from all the data found about speech act of requests, especially on the types of requests, and strategies of making requests employed by the characters in Office Space. Further explanation is presented in the discussion section which also provides some examples for each found phenomenon in the findings.

A. Research Findings

A request is an illocutionary act whereby a speaker conveys to a hearer that heshe wants the hearer to perform an act which is for the benefit of the speaker Trosborg, 1995:187. The phenomena of requests happen in Office Space. In accordance with this, the first objective of this research is to identify the types of requests in the characters` conversations. Thus, the identification and analysis are shown in this chapter. The four types of request proposed by Trosborg occur in this movie. They are unconventionally indirect request, conventionally indirect request hearer-oriented condition, conventionally indirect request speaker-oriented condition, and direct request. Meanwhile, there are seven strategies of making request occur in Office Space`s script. They include hints, questioning hearer`s ability and willingness, suggestory formulae, statement of speaker`s wishes and desires,