Synopsis of Office Space

conventionally indirect request hearer-based condition, conventionally indirect request speaker-based condition, and direct request. Meanwhile, in order to know the strategies used by the characters in the movie, the researcher also uses Trosborg`s theory. There are eight strategies of request such as hints, questioning hearer`s ability and willingness, suggestory formulae, statements of speaker`s wishes and desires, statements of speaker`s need and demand, statement of obligations and necessities, performatives, and imperatives. Figure 1. Analytical Construct Hints Questioning Hearer` s Ability and Willingness Suggestory Formulae Statements of Speaker`s Wishes and Desires Statements of Speaker`s Need and Demand Statements of Obligations and Necessities Performatives Imperatives Direct Request Unconventionally Indirect Request Conventionally Indirect Request Speaker-Based Conventionally Indirect Request Hearer-Based A Pragmatic Analysis of Speech Act of Requests Expressed by the Characters in Office Space Office Space Types of Request Strategies of Request Request Suggestion Command Order Directives Commissives Expressives Representatives Declarations Context Pragmatics Speech Acts


This chapter deals with research method which includes type of research, research instruments; form, context, and source of the data; techniques of data collecting; techniques of data analysis; and data trusworthiness. Each of them is presented below.

A. Type of Research

The research was categorized as a descriptive qualitative research. A qualitative research refers to a research which produces descriptive data. It deals with the possibilites to solve the problem by collecting, classifying, analyzing, and interpreting data. According to Bodgan and Taylor 1993:4, human being`s written or spoken words and their observable behaviors are the example of descriptive data. This research was also supported by a quantitative analysis in which the researcher used numbers and percentages counting the occurrences of the types and strategies of request. Furthermore, Moleong 2001:163 says that a descriptive research concerns with providing descriptions of the phenomena which occur naturally with the invention of an experiment or an artificial contrived treatment. It requires as many data as possible to get the pattern. Finally, this research aimed at describing the types