Type of Research RESEARCH METHOD

Note: UCV : Unonventionally Indirect Request HB : Conventionally Indirect Request Speaker-Based SB : Conventionally Indirect Request Hearer-Based Hi : Hints Ab : Questioning Hearer`s Ability of Willingness Sf : Suggestory Formulae Wi : Statements of Speaker`s Wishes and Desires Ne : Statements of Speaker`s Needs and Demands Ob : Statements Obligations and Necessities Pf : Performatives Im : Imperatives 2. Secondly, the data were classified in the data sheet based on the classification of the two objectives of the study through the characters dialogues in the transcript of the movie. 3. Thirdly, the request phenomena uttered by the characters in the movie were interpreted in order to answer the formulation the problem. 4. Fourthly, the trustworthiness of the data was checked during the process of data analysis. 5. Finally, the conclusion of the research was made based on the result of the research.

E. Data Trustworthiness

Moleong 2001:173 asserts that the criteria to check the data include credibility, dependability, conformability, and transferability. This research was principally using credibility, dependability, and conformability as to check the trustworthiness of the data. To deal with credibility of the data, the researcher presented deep and detail information of the data so that the data could be considered credible. To check dependability, the researcher read and re-read the data, examined the process of data collection and data analysis by matching the research questions with the results of data collection. In conformability, the researcher checked whether the data findings and the interpretation were truly based on the obtained data or not. The researcher used triangulation technique to achieve the conformability by consulting the data to two supervisors. This research was also triangulated by two students of English Language and Literature study program of Yogyakarta State University majoring in linguistics in order to minimize the subjectivity of the data.