Facilities and Infrastructure AUN-QA CRITERIA REQUIREMENTS 2.1. Expected learning outcomes

39 The number of courses taken are recorded in a study planning card KRS which have to be approved by the academic supervisor. The students association, HIMAGRON, or Himpunan Mahasiswa Agronomi Agronomy Student Association facilitates the students socials and extra curriculum activities. HIMAGRON activities are monitored and supervised by academic staff under Student and Alumnae Affair. Some of the important and popular activities of HIMAGRON is a yearly Plant Festival, Seminar on writing a scientific research project as Student Creativity Program PKM, Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa, and community development. These activities enhanced the softskill of the students. Sport facilities are available for the students, including futsal, football, athletics, basket ball, badminton, volley ball, etc. There are regular intra and inter- department or inter-faculty sport competitions. The University awares to the importance of sports for health, so all the sport facilities are maintained by the University. In addition to sport, the deparment has a music studio to be used by students and academics who love music. The department aware that musics are important part of the students and academics life. Students have formed music groups, both singing and bands. Student and Alumnae Affair has been appointed to maintain the music studio, as well as to develop the talents among the students. The majority of the AGH students are moslems, so the department have set up the room and facilities for the students to pray. There is also a large mosque within the campus, managed by the University. Other religion are also allocated rooms for them to do their religion practices. The University also have campus bus, bikes, canteens, in-campus cybers, book shops and health facilities, accessible for all students, University official and academics.

2.10. Facilities and Infrastructure

Academic facilities and infrastructure includes classroom, discussion room, seminar room, laboratorium, experimental field, library, computers, medical facilities, 40 student dormitories and international dormitory. In general, classroom, library, computer and medical facilities are managed at IPB level. Classroom and lectural hall is generally managed at the university IPB level under Directorate of Facilities and Property, where the schedule managed by the Directorate of Academic Administration. At the Facultry of Agriculture, there are 12 classrooms, each accomodates 60-150 students equipped with wireless and LCD, one auditorium, and other facilities totalling an area of 19,726 m 2 . Classrooms are used are very efficient. At the Dept. of AGH, there are Pinus-1 and Pinus-2 classroom, seminar room, conference room, and discussionexamination room. Each classroom and conference room is equipped with air-condition, LCD projector, mic and speaker. Availability of classroom and supporting facilities are very adequate to support the learning process. Education facilities and experimental station located at different places around the campus, i.e. Darmaga campus, Teaching Farm Kebun Cikabayan, Teaching Farm Leuwikopo, Teaching Farm Babakan for rice, Teaching Farm Jonggol 50 ha for oil palm, and others. Teaching Farm Cikabayan has several classrooms under the management of University Farm IPB Figure 2.10.1. The department also manage Agropromo as model of Academic Business Entity in Darmaga and Barangsiang campus, which is a one stop garden centre selling fruit seedling, vegetable and ornamental plants seedlings and young plants. Students can do an internship at Agropromo. Teaching Farm Leuwikopo has several classrooms, labs, experimental stations and seed processing facilities with capacity up to 2 ton per hour for food crops seeds such as corn, rice and soybean. 41 Figure 2.10.1. Teaching Farm Cikabayan, Leuwikopo, and Babakan There are 26 laboratory rooms at the Dept. of AGH, each accommodates 30- 60 students, consisted of education lab and experimental labs Figure 2.10.2. The laboratory is under the management of Laboratory Affair at Department. The main laboratories are: Molecular Marker and Spectrophotometry Lab, Molecular Clonning Lab, Plant Analysis and Chromatoghraphy Lab, Plant Molecular Biolology Lab, and Post Harvest Laboratory. These laboratories are facilitated with sufficient equipments and managed on according to ISO 9001:2008 standard. List of laboratory equipments are presented on Appendix 2.10.1. Plant Analysis and Chromatoghraphy Lab is under progress to prepare for accreditation ISO 17025. 42 Molecular Marker and Spectrophotometry Laboratory Molecular Cloning Laboratory Plant Analysis and Chromatography Laboratory Plant Molecular Biology Laboratory Post Harvest Laboratory Tissue Culture Laboratory 43 Seed Technology Laboratory Figure 2.10.2. Education lab and experimental laboratories. The average use of lab is 5 hours per day, or 2 shifts per day, 5 days a week. On the average, each lab accommodates 9 courses per semester. This is considered as sufficient. Experiments that have been conducted at the labs reached 20 per semester. Each lab has an experienced technician, standard operation procedures for all equipments, as well as guidelines and record of equipment utilization. The library of IPB is located an Darmaga Campus with total of 156,253 collection of books, and scientific documents. The collections are available in print or electronic version such as CD-ROM. The IPB library also subcribe to online electronic journal such as Science Direct, The Essential Electronic Agricultural Library TEEAL, and Proquest. The library’s collection can be accesed easily through Online Public Access Catalogue OPAC in the library or in the internet with the address http:perpustakaan.ipb.ac.id as IPB Electronic Library IEL. Other than that, the Department’s reading room is facilitated with air conditioning and computers that has full internet access to library resources. The IPB library open to students and for public from 8:00 to 21.00 from Monday to Saturday, and from 08.00 to 16.00 on Sunday; whereas reading room in the department open 08.00 to 15:30 every working day. Library visitors are required to fill in a visitor’s log. Continous improvements to a better access to online resources are on going. Directorate Communication and Information System DKSI of IPB is responsible to provide information and technology services more detail could be accessed at dksi.ipb.ac.id. Right now, all campus areas are connected through a Local Area Network LAN and Metropolitan Area Network MAN using various transmition media such as Twisted-Pair Cable VTPSTP, optic fiber cable and wireless wifi. Data transmission speed for intranet access is 100-1000 Mbps, while 44 internet access is 150 Mbps. Application use are dBase, Clipper, Visual Basic, ASDPPHP, MS-SQL Server 7.0, MySQL, MS Office, and other licensed Microsoft products. Other than that, DKSI made an Information System Management on Academic Affair SIMAK, Card of Study Plan KRS on-line, and Evaluation on Teaching and Learning Process EPBM on-line. Other services are also being provided as resource sharing activities such as file and print sharing, Email, Web, Chat, Mailing List, Discussion Groups, Multimedia streaming, VideoTeleconference, VoIPIP TelephonyPABX, and Voice Mail. Student access on information is well facilitated through Student Cyber facilities that are spread out in several locations in campus with a User Access Mechanism. The department has created an internet website. Fourteen hotspots are available around the department and have been used extensively by the students and the academics in the campus. The network is managed by IT staff. The department is planning to develop the network, including creating local database, purchasing new desk tops and replacing computers which are more than 4 years-old, increase the number of IP adress from 500 to 1000, expand the accessibility of the hotspots, and renewing the LAN cabling systems. Information on scholarship, job opportunities, research position, invitation to seminars and conferences are made available in the announcement boards as well as at the department ’s website. The department has sufficient communication facilities including telephones, fax, scanner, and copier. Study progress of the students are recorded at study program at the department level, submitted to Academic Management at the Faculty level, hence to Directorate of Education Administration. These datainformation can be accessed and retrieved using an on line SIMAK. The study program at the department are well-equipped with sufficient computer systems and supported by skilled staffs. Financial sources from Routine budgeting scheme RKAT and Grants scheme are available for purchasing new facilities as well as maintaining the existing properties and facilities within the Department. Regular inventory is conducted to ensure all facilities are consistently available for teaching and learning activities. The Department appointed permanent support staff and outsourcing supporting workers 45 to manage and maintain the properties and facilities within the department, including office and classrooms cleaning, since these facilities are not only used for teaching and learning purposes but also used for seminars and conferences. IPB has medical facility Polyclinic for students and staffs within the Darmaga Campus and Baranangsiang Campus that gives medical services. Other than that, students are put as participants in the Student Medical Support System PPKM, including aid for hospital care. In the Darmaga campus there is also one ambulance unit and funeral carhearse. Efforts in anticipating disasters had been done in the Dept of AGH. There are evacuation lane and fire safety equipment. Fire fighter training was done in collaboration with Bogor County Fire Fighters in the year 2010. Other than that, IPB also have a fire truck unit.

2.11. Quality Assurance of Teaching and Learning Process