Quality Assurance of Teaching and Learning Process

45 to manage and maintain the properties and facilities within the department, including office and classrooms cleaning, since these facilities are not only used for teaching and learning purposes but also used for seminars and conferences. IPB has medical facility Polyclinic for students and staffs within the Darmaga Campus and Baranangsiang Campus that gives medical services. Other than that, students are put as participants in the Student Medical Support System PPKM, including aid for hospital care. In the Darmaga campus there is also one ambulance unit and funeral carhearse. Efforts in anticipating disasters had been done in the Dept of AGH. There are evacuation lane and fire safety equipment. Fire fighter training was done in collaboration with Bogor County Fire Fighters in the year 2010. Other than that, IPB also have a fire truck unit.

2.11. Quality Assurance of Teaching and Learning Process

Curriculum for undergraduate students was designed to meet the learning outcomes of the study program SP-AGH as described in point 2.1. The learning outcomes of SP-AGH was developed based on the vision, mission and mandate of the department taking into account the current technological development. The curriculum was developed by all teaching staff members at the SP-AGH during a workshop on curriculum design and evaluation. Stakeholders, such as alumnae association of Department of Agronomy, and others are also present at the workshop. The curriculum evaluation is very important for graduates quality assurance, and to correspond the graduates skills with the needs of the work forces. Curriculum evaluations are performed through in-depth discussion on courses composition, inter departmental courses, final research projects and course’s contribution towards the learning outcomes and targeted competence. Students are given opportunities to contribute their inputs on the curriculum, especially through teaching and learning process evaluation. Another important goal of curriculum evaluation is to improve the curiculum, so that the curriculum is not only reached the national standard but also the international standard as affected by latest development in science and 46 technology. Therefore, improvements is a continuous process towards a better teaching and learning processes as well as better understanding on the advance science and technology. The curriculum is evaluated every 5 years to allow one batch of students completed their full cycle of study. The last two curriculum evaluation was conducted in 2005 and 2011. Several workshops have been run to gather inputs from related stakeholder. Workshop on evaluation of final research project for student ’s thesis has also been conducted, since the study period is determined by final project completion. Evaluation on teaching and learning process usually is performed at the end of each semester, internally within the department level involving the academic staffs. Evaluation is emphasized on the implementation and the process of teaching and learning, and the improvement needed for the following semester. Since Dept. of AGH implemenst ISO 9001:2008, internal audit is regularly performed to assess all aspects of the management processes, especially the academic aspects. Quality assurance at the university level is organized yearly by internal audits at IPB level Office for Internal Audit which includes education aspect, management, properties and facilities, using nasional, university, and departmental SOP as standards. The audit system both in Departemen level and IPB level are aimed to ensure the continuous improvement and to meet stakeholder satisfaction. Students are involved in the evaluation of teaching and learning by participating in a survey and they are required to fill in Teaching and Learning Process Evaluation Forms EPBM, facilitated by IPB Office for Quality Assurance Kantor Manajemen Mutu, KMM. The questionnaires of EPBM including students perception on course implementation and lecturers performance. The EPBM results are then used to improve the learning process. Dept of AGH assure the quality of its graduates by regularly performed curriculum evaluation, continuously encourage all academic staffs to sustain to the latest development in sciences, continuously improving learning facilities, and developing programs to increase soft skills. Academic staffs are encouraged to attend seminars, workshops, academic recharging programs inside and outside the country. 47 SP-AGH has qualit y assurance system that is upheld by the study program’s continuing efforts to: 1. Facilitate all academic staffs to continue their study to a PhD level. Currently 15 academic staffs hold a Master degree, and 85 hold a PhD level. The academic staffs develop their expertise in division of Plant Production, Seed Science and Technology, Plant Physiology, Genetics and Plant Breeding, and Plant Biotechnology. It is expected that each division will grow up and develop at a balanced pace. 2. Provide funding to support academic staffs to participate in local, national and international seminars, workshops and symposiums to keep updated with the latest development in their field of interests. 3. Raising funds for the under privileged students, particularly those who have good academic records but experienced difficulties to pay their tuition fee andor living cost. The funds mostly come from alumni. 4. Set up a Quality Assurance Unit to give feed backs on how to further improve the teaching and learning at the study program. Quality Assurance QA Team in Dept of AGH is responsible for evaluation of curriculum implementation and to maintain quality of education at the Department. The QA team including head of each division and responsible for evaluation on course content and exams, particularly to ensure that they comply to the set Operational Standards and Procedures PSM AGH11. The team with designated responsibilities is still working hard to ensure the quality assurance process moves in apropriate way. The study progress of the students and their study completion are evaluated using a system called SIMAK, the Information System on Academic Management. The head of study program, along with the s tudent’s academic advissors monitor the student ’s progress by ensuring the number of creditscourses completed at each semester and their GPA are satisfactory. The graduates are monitored by a tracer study carried out periodically. The monitoring results plays an important roles for the curriculum evaluation as well as to ensure the quality of the graduates. 48

2.12. Staff Development Activities