Background of the Study

3 Using a language laboratory requires English teachers to be creative to set up strategies and techniques for students. Due to the fact that fifth grade students of elementary school are active and always move around, it will be very difficult for them to stay and to be silent. As a result, the materials should be made as interesting as possible and effective for students. In this study, Communicative Approach is applied since the purpose of this approach is to enable students to communicate in the target language by using authentic materials. Video becomes the focus of this material design since video is considered to be the authentic material based on the approach. Video provides pictures and moving images of the story. Such video is expected to make students interested in learning and to make students feel easier to communicate and comprehend the target language. Additionally, the language laboratory provides a set of television and a VCD player which support the use of video in language learning. Therefore, the instructional materials seem to be appropriate. As mentioned before, English is a local content subject for elementary school level. However, there is no specific curriculum to be applied in an elementary school which has a language laboratory. There are also no books which are designed for a language laboratory. So, English teachers are required to find or make suitable materials which are used in a language laboratory. The materials should fulfill the students’ needs and cover all skills. Considering this fact, in this study, the writer employs Communicative Approach which underlies the materials by using video as the model of English learning for students and also to maximize the function of the language laboratory. 4

B. Problem Formulation

There are two questions in the study that are formulated as follows: 1. How are the communicative English materials using videos for fifth grade students in the language laboratory of SD Tarakanita Magelang designed? 2. What do the design of communicative English materials using videos for fifth grade students in the language laboratory of SD Tarakanita Magelang look like?

C. Limitation of the Study

This study aims to design materials to be used in language laboratory to support English learning. The writer chose fifth grade students of SD Tarakanita Magelang as the subject of the study since they already use the language laboratory. Besides, the school itself acquires beneficial result as additional materials for students who study in laboratory language. This study is limited only to the English materials for language laboratory of fifth grade of elementary school level. The materials are designed based on the need of the related school to provide various materials for their English learning particularly in language laboratory. The study focuses on activities based on the videos which are appropriate for fifth grade students of language laboratory in SD Tarakanita Magelang. The design is supported by videos which support the Communicative Approach. The videos are chosen to enhance students’ skills in English learning communicatively. This study also doesn’t aim at implementing the materials, but only at seeking the design of the materials. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 5

D. Objectives of the Study

The study is going to investigate the questions stated in problem formulation. There are two objectives. They are: 1. To find out how communicative English materials using videos for fifth grade students in the language laboratory of SD Tarakanita Magelang are designed. 2. To find out what communicative English materials using videos for fifth grade students in the language laboratory of SD Tarakanita Magelang look like

E. Benefits of the Study

The researcher expects that the results of the study will bring some benefits for elementary school English teachers, for the elementary school, and other researcher. 1. For teachers, especially English teachers of elementary school level. The teachers are helped to provide more materials which can be applied to a language laboratory. Moreover, the material is equipped by video CD which can be very helpful to provide model of English learning in language laboratory. Not less important, this study will give teachers a model in designing materials using authentic material as stated in the Communicative Approach. The teachers also are able to develop the English learning by using a language laboratory since there are various materials to be chosen and suitable based on students’ abilities and needs. From the various PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 6 activities, the teachers will also be aware of any possibility of making environment to improve students’ comprehension toward the materials. 2. For the elementary school students. The materials design hopefully helps students to be more interested to learn English in a language laboratory. They may also understand the meaning of spoken language by knowing the images presented in the video. Since there are various activities based on the video in the materials design, they will have better motivation in learning English and also be able to comprehend materials in communicative activity. 3. For other researcher. The writer hopes the result of this study will be beneficial for other researcher who would like to conduct the similar research on a language laboratory. The further research can be very helpful in order to evaluate and reconstruct the English materials design using certain media i.e. video in the language laboratory.

F. Definition of Terms

Below are the terms concerning the research projects which need to be defined in order to avoid misunderstanding. The terms are design, materials, fifth grade students of elementary school, language laboratory, and video.

1. Design

Kemp 1977: 7 points out in his Instructional Design that instructional design is an actual planning of activities the teacher hopes will bring about the