Viewing Techniques of Using Video

33 Regarding the videos in the material design, the writer chose videos according to the level of the students and the relevant topics from the guide book to be used in classroom. Harmer 2007: 144 affirms if we make it too difficult or too easy, the students will not be motivated. If the content is irrelevant to the students’ interests, it may fail to engage them. However, teacher might also use the techniques in operating the videos to develop the students’ comprehension of learning target language from the videos.

B. Theoretical Framework

This part intends to outlines the theories which underlie the writer to design the materials for fifth grade students. Some theories were mentioned above are crucial in determining the steps of designing materials. Here, the writer employs CLT as the approach since one of the characteristics is the use of authentic materials. Thus, the writer uses videos as the authentic material based on the approach. For the instructional design model, the writer combines and modifies Kemp’s model and Yalden’s model. There are some reasons why the writer combines and modifies both models from Kemp and Yalden. Yalden’s model has needs survey to gather data about students’ needs as the first step based on Yalden’s that is the needs analysis. The needs analysis is supposed to identify the needs of learners. In this study, the needs analysis is very crucial to determine the design. Meanwhile, Kemp’s model is chosen because in developing instructional plan, each stage requires revision PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 34 which will affect to other stage since each part is interrelated to each other and form as a unity. However, both models have a stage of evaluation. From the explanation above, the framework of material design consists of eight parts. Here are the following parts:

1. Conducting Needs Survey

The very beginning step is to gather information of learners needs. This will determine the topics, materials, and goals of the design. The needs survey is conducted through interviews with English teachers.

2. Stating Instructional Goals and Topics

This second step is to be made after defining the needs survey. This step is to state the goals of instructional material. Then, formulate the topics which are derived from the simple level to complex level. The topics facilitate students to achieve the goals. In this study, the instructional goals and general purposes of the material design are revealed in standard competence and basic competence.

3. Establishing Learning Indicators

Determining learning indicators show details about what to teach and to accomplish in teaching learning. In other words, the indicators are also called objectives. This part shows the students achievement towards understanding of topics or materials given.

4. Listing the Subject Content

A student’s learning experience should include the subject contents Kemp, 1977: 43. The subject content, then, must involve both the objectives and the students’ needs. In this study, the material consists of four parts which reflect PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 35 the relation between objectives and students’ need. They are: let’s start, let’s focus, let’s practice and let’s review.

5. Designing Materials

The materials involve students to be active and communicative in every topic. Thus, some activities are designed to make students eager to follow the teaching learning process communicatively based on the video.

6. Selecting Teaching Learning Activities

The material is designed based on the Communicative Approach. In this study the material design is intended to optimize the use of language laboratory. Regarding the use of the approach, the material applies communicative activities which are based on the videos played for students. The activities are designed based on the videos might enable students to participate actively. Since the students are in fifth graders, the writer designs the activities in easy and acceptable language based on the videos and the students’ ability level.

7. Evaluation

This step is to evaluate the material design. The major points are to gain feedback and comments in order to improve the design. Since the materials are not implemented, the evaluation is obtained by distributing questionnaires to some English teachers and one lecturer of Sanata Dharma University. From the questionnaires, the writer acquires results to improve the material design. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI