Problem Formulation Problem Limitation


B. Problem Formulation

Dealing with designing a set of web-based multiple-choice reading test for Grade XII students of senior high school in Kecamatan Cibinong, the writer intended to answer a problem: What is the appropriate design of a set of web- based multiple-choice reading test for Grade XII students of senior high school in Kecamatan Cibinong?

C. Problem Limitation

The writer determined some limitations in order to make constraints of this study. First, the study focused on the developing application using software in the form of multiple-choice reading test. The writer decided to design web-based test by using Adobe ® Flash ® and Wondershare QuizCreatorv 3.2 program. Second, the study employed reading exercises to measure student’s comprehension on the text using web-based test. Third, the study was limited to particular reading materials addressed in School-based Curriculum KTSP. The tests were based on reading materials which are appropriate with School-based Curriculum, Competence Standard, and Basic Competence. The test contents followed the CS and BC for Grade XII students of senior high school including narrative text, explanation text, discussion text, and review text. For the test construction, the writer applied multiple-choice test including reading comprehension test and grammatical test. The test covers some micro- and macroskills. For the microskills, the test includes recognizing grammatical world classes, recognizing system, and recognizing particular meaning in different 7 grammar form. For the macroskills, the test includes detecting main idea, supporting idea, information, generalization, and exemplification; inferring links and connection between the information; distinguishing between literal and implied meanings; and developing reading strategies for interpretation of texts. Each test consists of 35 questions including 5 options which contain of one answer and four distractors. Here, the subject of the study focused only for Grade XII students of senior high school in Kecamatan Cibinong. The writer decided this level because they had already understood the language components and linguistic features, they are able to read an English text, and thus they can understand direction in order to operate the computer. On the other hand, the design can also be accessed as an exercise for preparing the National Examination because it covers some materials for the national examination such as narrative, explanation, and discussion text. Moreover, the designed test provides some questions that are generally applied in national examination such as reading comprehension questions main idea, supporting idea, word phrase meaning, and true false statement and grammatical questions connectors and conditional sentence.

D. Research Objectives

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