Research and Information Collecting Preliminary Form of Product Development Preliminary Product Verification


1. Research and Information Collecting

It included review of literature, classroom observations, and preparation of report state of the art Borg and Gall, 1983: 775. This step became the basic foundation in Educational Research and Development because it provided the basic knowledge to develop educational product. Therefore, the writer conducted study of related literature before designing a set of web-based multiple-choice reading test. The purpose of the literature review was to determine the state of knowledge in area of concern which would be developed Borg and Gall, 1983: 777. Study of literature included reviewing theories about reading, language testing, web-based test, designing multiple-choice items, and theories of application software. Besides, the writer considered KTSP, Competent Standard, Basic Competence, and materials that were appropriate for the Grade XII. Furthermore, the writer conducted interview in order to gather information about classroom media, students’ characteristics, materials, learning topics, and students’ assessment.

2. Preliminary Form of Product Development

Based on the information gathered, the writer determined to conduct the preliminary form of the product by considering some steps of Kemp’s Instructional Design Model. Involving Kemp’s model, the writer determined goal, general purposes, and topics for the test. The next steps were specifying learning objectives, specifying test content, specifying activities and sources, and determining support services. The objectives of the designed test were developed 49 by considering SC, BC, and materials for Grade XII. In this step, the writer created designed product which applied Flash-based program. The designed test included home page, work-sheet page, score page, and feedback page. The preliminary form of the web-based test assessed in the Internet and still revised to determine the feasibility of the designed test.

3. Preliminary Product Verification

Before implementing the design to students, it required to be verified by the experts. Preliminary Product Verification was aimed to confirm the preliminary form of the designed test to experts. It involved teachers of SMA Mardi Waluya Cibinong, SMA Eka WIjaya Cibinong, and English lecturer of Sanata Dharma University by filling the questionnaire. The experts were supposed to confer suggestions, opinions, advices, and information that could improve the preliminary test.

4. Preliminary Product Revision

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