Data Analysis Technique Research Procedure


3.3.2 Data Gathering Technique

This section illustrates how the data were gathered from the students. At first, issues on the topic were discovered. The issues were discovered from the forum discussion, news, and research in the internet. The questions about the issues were designed to oppose students’ perception about the topic. After the issues were discovered and questions were designed, students were interviewed. The interviews were recorded using a voice recorder, pc webcam, and noted as well. It was aimed to provide the researcher lots of data for this study. The entire recordings on students’ responses during interview were later transcribed into conversation transcription. The responses were also categorized into each question and analyzed using Tannen’s conversation and gender language theory 1991. Figure 3.1 shows the table that is used to analyze the data. Figure 3.1 Table to Analyze the Data Lec : Lecturing Ind : Independent Adv : Advice Conf : Conflict Intim : Intimacy Und : Understanding Prop : Proposal Comp :Compromise

3.4 Data Analysis Technique

The data analysis used inductive analysis. Inductive analysis Johnson Christensen, 2004 is an analysis in which researcher is involved in the details and The Answer The Language Male Female Lec Ind Adv Orders Conf Share Intim Und Prop Comp PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 24 specifics of the data to discover important relation. The analyses of the respondents’ responses were derived from the gender language theory. First, the data, which had been recorded, were transcribed. Second, the transcript was analyzed using the gender and conversation points that have been contrasted in the gender language theory Tannen, 1991. Example:

3.5 Research Procedure

The interview was conducted in five steps. The first was the identification of the participants. In this step, fifth semester Sanata Dharma English Language Education Study Program students were chosen. Two female students and two male students were chosen as the participants in the research. The second step was The Answer The Language Male Female Lec Ind Adv Ord Conf Share Int Und Prop Com Can people show which verse state that God cannot accept the homosexual people? God doesn’t accept homosexual people, who said that? Once I read in Jakarta Post, one of the correspondents said that there is no statement that God cannot accept the homosexual people. The point that there is no statement whether or not God accept homosexual is the point in which actually God accept them. Why people should complain and argue about homosexual. √ √ PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 25 instrument preparation to collect data. In this step, the topic was chosen by the students. Four students chose the same topic that they were interested in. As female and male students chose the same topic, it was not gender bias. Then, the issues about the topic were discovered. The third step was data collection. In this step, the data were obtained by recording the students’ responses and making the transcript of the interview. In this step the interviews were conducted personally in the casual situation, one by one. The interviews were conducted in personal because the target point to analyze was one-by-one response of the students. The students were explained the purpose of the interview, that was to see gender language reflected in the students’ responses. The questions were used to elicit students’ responses, so it was not about answer to the questions, but how they responded the questions. The follow up questions were used for each major question to elicit further responses from the students. The interview lasted around 40 until 60 minutes. The duration depended on the interview. If the points to analyze have not yet revealed in the interview, the interview would be extended. The fifth step was data analysis. Researcher compared students’ responses in the transcript with the five constructions of gender and conversation based on Deborah Tannen’s 1991 gender language theory. Then, it was continued with analyzing kinds of topic that trigger gender language existence. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 26


In this chapter, the data obtained are analyzed and interpreted. This chapter is divided into three subchapters according to the problem formulation and the other findings. The first section discusses the findings of gender language in the ways of the students speak. The second section discusses the topic that triggers the existence of gender language. The third is the other findings found in the research.

4.1 Gender Language Reflected in Students’ Speeches

This section discusses whether English Language Education Study Program students’ speeches reflect a set of features of gender language styles. The results of interview were examined using three points of gender language features based on Tannen’s theory. The first point is lecturing and sharing. The second is advice and understanding. The third is confrontation and compromise. Those features reveal some differences on the way men and women speak. In the results of interview, students’ speeches also reflect those features. It was also focused on the consistency of the way of each student speaks whether the men or women features of gender language reflect most.

4.1.1 Lecturing and Sharing

Lecturing and sharing are the first points used to examine the result of the interview. The main difference between lecturing and sharing is how men always deliver one or some points of factual information related to the topic of the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI