Asymmetrical Conversation Gender Gender Language

7 Language Education Study Program as the result of the study and the research documentation for study program.

1.6 Definition of Terms

Some specific terms will be used in this research. In order to make a better understanding and get the same idea during the research, this section will represent some definition of terms that are used in this research.

1.6.1 Asymmetrical Conversation

In this study, this term is used to discuss men gender language conversational style. Asymmetrical conversation is about two people who are in the different position when they have conversation. One is considered in higher position than the other one. When the conversation is asymmetrical the person who gives advice is regarded in the higher position by knowing how to solve the problem, and the person who faces the problem, is regarded in the lower position by knowing less about the problem. When the conversation is about information, the one who tells more factual information is regarded in the higher position than people who just listen to the to the information.

1.6.2 Gender

According to Eckert and Mc.Gonell-Ginet 2003, p.13, gender is the process of categorizing characteristics based on social interpretation of biological similarities and differences. This categorization is the social decision Fausto- Sterling, 2000 to label one is woman and the other one is man. The labeling then PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 8 focuses on what society expects somebody to perform Butler, 1990 based on their sex. Gender is defined broader as the social constructions of the characteristics, responsibilities, and roles for women and men, boys and girls World Health Organization [WHO], 2012. The constructions are considered as the appropriate actions to perform . This definition shows that gender is derived from the way society is organized, not the biological differences.

1.6.3 Gender Language

Gender language literally can be defined as differences in language use to reveal the sex of the speaker or the author. From this definition, the language is seen as the media to see the style which reveals the sex of the author or the speaker. On the other hand, Lakoff 1975 defined the terms of gender language in broader area. She stated that gender language is defined as the way language is used for women and men. She also added that there were phenomena that men and women used the language in different way due to how society interprets sex differences and treats women and men based on the perception. In this study, gender language is defined as the ways of speakers speak that reveal his or her sex.

1.6.4 LGBT