Quantity of Talk Theory of Gender Language

12 talk about family, relationship problem, other women, men, and clothing. Arliss 1991 reports that men frequently talk about work, money, and sports p.49. The other research had been done in various place of the world and various subjects about gender and conversation topic typically had the same findings Petit, 2005; Lee, 2000 However, quoted by Arliss 1991, p.63, Hass and Sherman also note that in the same-sex conversation, relationship between two speakers played an important role to create situation and topic they talked about. Women who talk to female coworkers will talk about the work and men who talk to the member of family will talk about personal life and family matter. To this phenomenon, Arliss adds her own idea that the term of work-based topic as conversation topic between men and women is quite different. Her personal experience shows that the topic of work lead to the personal life problem and home matter discussion rather than carrier and task to do when they work as men always talked about in the topic of work p. 51. Quantity of Talk

Keith and Shuttleworth 2000, p.222 say that women talked more than men. This is the common perception we had about quantity of talk. However, in reality women and men talk in the same amount, but in different occasion and topic Tannen, 1991; Bailey, 2009. As it is discussed above that men talked about work, money, sport and any other impersonal topic, and women talked about personal life issue, the length of speaking followed the topic that is discussed between the speakers. If the discussions are about personal life issue, women will PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 13 tend to be more talkative than men. When the discussion is about impersonal issue, such as work, money and sport, men will be dominant during the discussion. Discussing about the quantity of talk, Tannen 1991 categorizes the conversation into two: rapport and report talk p.36. Rapport talk, as its definition, is about establishing relationship. This kind of conversation is a purpose of friendship and relationship in which people understand and respond to each other. In this kind of conversation, the topic discussed is about personal issue, feeling, thought, and problem. Rapport talk is also called as private conversation. This is a kind of conversation in which women tend to be more talkative than men do. Women like to talk about their personal issue and share their problem. Women will be dominant when personal issue is discussed in the purpose of establishing relationship and friendship. Report talk is telling someone about certain topic. This conversation is in the purpose of giving and asking information, in which one becomes the source of information or the expert, and others become the listeners. In this kind of conversation, the topic discussed is about impersonal issue. Report talk is also called as public speaking. Most men will feel more comfortable to gain attention using talk than women Tannen, 1991, p.42. As it had been discussed that men use conversation to gain status and privilege. They will be more talkative than women in this situation. It is because the situation enables them to get more attention and status if they can give more information on the topic. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 14 As quoted by Tannen 1991, this idea is strengthened by Spender. Spender suggests that men’s assumption of women talk more than men do is created by women talk in the situation in which men do not. As it happens to women think that men are the ones who love to talk more. It is because women notice men talk more in the situation in which women choose not to be dominant p.36. In this point, it had been clear that women and men talk in the same amount, but in different situation and topics.

2.1.2 Gender and Interaction Theory