2.2 Theoretical Framework

This research is intended to find out and to discuss the phenomenon of gender language that occurred on students’ speech. The first question in problem formulation was the beginning of the investigation to see whether male students and female students use the language differently. To answer the first research problem, gender language theory of Deborah Tannen 1991 is used. According to her, there are six points of interaction between men and women. The second problem formulation is to find out what kind of topic that triggers gender language on Sanata Dharma English Language Education Study Program students’ speeches. After analyzing the gender language on students’ speeches, the researcher discovers the topic that triggers the gender language. The gender and interaction theory of Tannen were combined with the theory of topic and the quantity of talk to analyze and discuss in this part. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 19


This chapter is divided into five parts. The first is research method. The section explains the type of research chosen. The second is research participants. This section elaborates on the participants of the research and the method of sampling. The third is instruments and data gathering techniques. The section describes kinds of instruments being used in this study. The fourth is data analysis. The section describes how the findings are analyzed so as the answer the research problems. The last is research procedure that explains the steps of the research.

3.1 Research Method

Patton 2002 explains that qualitative research is a kind of research focuses on the exploration of fieldwork descriptive data rather than numerical data p.4. According to Zainal 2007, a case study research allows an in-depth exploration and understanding about particular social and behavioral problem. The case study tries to answer the question how and why to several phenomena in life and enables the researcher to understand the behavioral conditions through the actors. This study focused on the responses of the students toward the open-ended interview questions. Since this study observed on how students responded toward several questions, in order to understand and to explain the phenomena, this study PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI