Research Method Research Participants



This chapter is divided into five parts. The first is research method. The section explains the type of research chosen. The second is research participants. This section elaborates on the participants of the research and the method of sampling. The third is instruments and data gathering techniques. The section describes kinds of instruments being used in this study. The fourth is data analysis. The section describes how the findings are analyzed so as the answer the research problems. The last is research procedure that explains the steps of the research.

3.1 Research Method

Patton 2002 explains that qualitative research is a kind of research focuses on the exploration of fieldwork descriptive data rather than numerical data p.4. According to Zainal 2007, a case study research allows an in-depth exploration and understanding about particular social and behavioral problem. The case study tries to answer the question how and why to several phenomena in life and enables the researcher to understand the behavioral conditions through the actors. This study focused on the responses of the students toward the open-ended interview questions. Since this study observed on how students responded toward several questions, in order to understand and to explain the phenomena, this study PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 20 used qualitative methodology of case study. Because it uses qualitative methodology, this study is considered as a qualitative research.

3.2 Research Participants

Since it is a qualitative research, this study focuses on in-depth exploration of the detail, and context on small samples. Nonprobability sampling is used as the sampling method in this study. According to Krathwohl 1998 nonprobability sampling is a kind of sampling procedure that does not include random sampling p.171. Nonprobability sampling is also called as a purposeful sampling Patton, 2002, p.230. The purposeful sampling is the type of sampling when researcher chooses the respondents based on several criteria that will help researcher gains the information about particular topic. The chosen variation of purposeful sampling is a critical case sampling. According to Patton 2002, the respondents of critical case sampling “permit logical generalization to other cases” p.243. Respondents of this research were four students of English Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University who were on their fifth semester. The research was aimed to discover the gender language. Therefore, the respondents consisted of two female and two male students to see whether the gender language was found in the female and male students’ language. The fifth semester students were chosen because they were just learning several issues related to English linguistics during their linguistics classes whereas most of the upper semester students more focused on their teaching practice PPL and thesis. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 21 They were considered of having good skill in speaking to state their opinion about several issues and to express themselves at the same time. In addition, they have already learnt many issues concerning to English phenomena. The participants were also considered as good samples for Indonesian culture because they were from four different cities of four different provinces of Indonesia, there are: Yogyakarta Special District of Yogyakarta, Lubuklinggau South Sumatera, Kraksaan East Java, and Bekasi West Java.

3.3 Instruments and Data Gathering Technique