Research Problem Research Limitation Research Objectives Research Benefits


1.2 Research Problem

Considering the previous explanation, this study is aimed to answer questions that stated as follows: 1. Do Sanata Dharma English Language Education Study Program students’ speeches reflect the gender language? 2. What kinds of topic trigger the gender language?

1.3 Research Limitation

This research focuses on discovering, finding out, and proving whether the ways of English Language Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University students reflect a set of gender language features based on Deborah Tannen’s 1991 gender language theory in the topic of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender LGBT. In the second part, the research concentrates on the kinds of topic that trigger gender language.

1.4 Research Objectives

Considering the formulation of the problem, there are two objectives to be obtained. They are stated as follows: 1. To find out whether or not the ways of the students speak reflect a set of gender language. 2. To find out to what kind of topic that trigger the existence of gender language. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 6

1.5 Research Benefits

There are some benefits that we can obtain from this study for both readers and scholars who are interested in a linguistic work. First, for the students who study gender language, this study can give the real portray of gender language so that they can understand more about gender language issues in real case of the daily conversation. This study also helps the lecturers and teachers to broader their knowledge when they teach a material about gender language. Sometimes, teachers and lecturers should provide the example of gender language. This study can be one of the examples. Since this research is conducted in our own culture, this study can be a good example of gender language from our culture point of view and social contexts. This study can be one of the references for researchers who are interested in gender issues, especially gender language, and want to work on it. There is not much to find about gender language research in our culture and society. This study might trigger other researchers to conduct and gender language research, especially in our own culture. This study can also give the real portray for the readers about gender language whether women and men speak differently in reality. This study can be used also as one of the references of how communication and interaction between men and women can be very different. This research could add the research list of English Language Education Study Program that is conducted by the students. Every thesis that the students make for their thesis or final paper would add the list of research in English PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 7 Language Education Study Program as the result of the study and the research documentation for study program.

1.6 Definition of Terms